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Monday, January 29, 2007

La La La

Everything is still fine, B"H. I spent Shabbos with the nephoos and I won't be seeing them again before they leave. It was hard to say goodbye.

Not only that, but when I got back to the city, I was stopped by an Israeli girl in the mall who pretty much said, "I see that you need a miracle to happen to your skin." She sat me down, started putting makeup on me talked to me in Hebrew about how amazing the makeup is and that she will give a special discount. Yes, I bought it. The discount wasn't that special, but whatever. Then I got a haircut. Not because I already had makeup on, but because I had wanted one for a while. I actually like it. I've been on a pretty good liking-my-haircuts streak.

This weekend is Winter Regional. This week better go by real fast. Then the weekend after that, I get to see DJ!!!!!! I can't wait! :)

Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Still Loving It

I am still in love with my student teaching placement. Not to worry! :)

Today we have our weekly 2.5 hour seminar here at Stern. What in the world will the head of the department do with us for so long? It is extra annoying today because the 1st-4th grade at Ramaz has their annual Zimiriah (performance) today. I have been watching rehearsals since I started my placement and I really wanted to see the real thing! Oh, well. Disappointments of life.

I am spending Shabbos with my nephoos at my brother-in-law's parents' house! I AM SO EXCITED!

I hope everyone is doing well.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


So, I am FINALLY happy with something about school. STUDENT TEACHING IS AWESOME! I am the fourth teacher in a first grade classroom. I get to hang out with 2 first grade classes since they switch from English to Hebrew in the middle of the day. Did that make sense? Eh, you know what I mean.

One of my rabbeim from Israel is speaking here tomorrow night. I am so excited! I had to arrange it all today because the girl who is in charge of this kind of stuff is incompetent. Uch.

In other news, I am kind of messed over with Jewish History from last semester. If I fail it...bad news. We shall see what happens. The teacher doesn't seem to be too stable. Seriously.

I am going home for Shabbos. Shabbos Sheva Brachos. Should be insanely amazing. Haha. I can't wait to see my nephoos again!

That's all for now...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tired But Ready

The wedding was amazing. Really beautiful. Today begins student teaching. First grade, here I come! The two girls who were in the same first grade class for fieldwork have said that the class is awesome, so I am kind of excited. I should be getting ready to go. Aaah.

Here are a few pictures. I can't wait to get the professionals!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Busy With My Nephoos!

I am still alive. I have a dress for the has some issues, but what in this world doesn't? My nephoos got here this morning, B"H, so you probably won't be reading anything from me until after the WEDDING! I can't believe it's this Sunday. How insane is that? I hope you're all doing well and you will hear from me soon.

Friday, January 05, 2007


I got back to my apartment not too long ago. I was supposed to get in at 10:30, but anti freeze decided to leak out of the bus. At first, the driver was like, maybe they will send out another bus from Boston. Meanwhile, we had been on the road for about 2 hours. Thank G-d, a mechanic came from Hartford and fixed the bus.

Now I am here. Alone, but it's okay. I am spending Shabbos with Yehudis in her apartment. Then we are going to go to some gmachs on Sunday and I will hopefully have a dress to bring home. That would be nice since the wedding is a week from Sunday. Wow. The wedding is a week from Sunday.

Subbing went really well this week. I made a lot of new friends. Who cares if they're 3 years old? I also learned this week, that Mrs. C. IS making a camp and she asked me to run it. AWESOME! I was so worried...:)

I hope you all have a great Shabbos!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My Three Nephoos



I love not worrying about schoolwork. Sigh. Only problem is...I am so bored. Well, today I went shopping with my parents. I ended up with Rocketdogs from DSW (big New Year's sale today) and 2 skirts from Marshall's.

I am walking around like a constipated penguins from Yarchei Kallah. Nonetheless, I do NOT regret the amount of dancing I did! HAHA.

I am at DAC's right now. Her roomate won't be back until Wednesday, so I am keeping her company. Besides, she has wireless.

I really miss Yarchei Kallah. It was incredible. I really hope to be able to be at the whole thing next year. We shall see.

Okay, enough for now. I can't wait to start subbing tomorrow. I miss my camp alumni!

Good night and happy new year!