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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Wednesday...oh, how I love thee

I am sitting in room 416 waiting for the Rabbi to arrive. He comes 20 minutes late, and the classroom is a computer lab, so there is always time to check mail, check onlysimchas, and write in the blog. Aren't you lucky. I do not look forward to Mondays and Wednesdays. Why not? Well, because on Monday I have five classes and on Wednesday I have four. Oh, not so bad right? Well, it's tough to sit through since I only have ONE class on Tuesday and Thursday! So there! I guess I will just have to deal with it. I am supposed to have Hebrew class next. I took a placement test when I got here, and tried finding out which level I should sign up for. Do you think they got back to me? Well, allow me to tell you that they DID NOT! Fantastic. So, two weeks ago, I sat in a Hebrew class that my friend told me I should sign up for. The tiny classroom was packed, and I was coming in the middle of a piece of literature, so, of course, I was lost. I didn't go last week because I thought I would switch, but I didn't end up switching. My friend who wants to sign up for the class but can't since it's overpacked, told me that I am not on her attendance list. WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO BE SO CONFUSING! I just keep thinking "Tomorrow is Thurday, tomorrow is Thursday..." That's one thought that can keep me going through the day. I am counting down the hours until 7:00 when I can go see DJ again...


At 2:03 PM, Blogger Devora:-) said...

I am counting the hours too! xoxo


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