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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Why is it still Wednesday?

I went to the Hebrew class. I WAS on the attendace list! Whaddaya know? She got to my name and asked if I had been in the class before. I told her I was there two weeks ago, but I think this is the level that I was supposed to sign up for. She started telling me that I have to KNOW what level I am on. It makes a big difference, I missed a lot of work etc. Wow, thank you so much for telling me that. I thought that the work wouldn't start until I joined the class. How enlightening. She told me to go to the Hebrew Department secretary on the fourth floor. I got there at 1:15 and she was out to lunch. Wonderful. Okay, so that was only the beginning of my day. Now I can chill until around 3:30. Then I have speech class. People who have been here for longer than I have tell me that I should either take speech in a summer course, or wait until my senior year and have a chance to have a different teacher. Honestly, I like this teacher. Last week, everyone had to give speeches about an experience they have had in their lives. She gave very constructive criticism and I am learning a lot from the class. I think I am going to be brave and go through with it! Ha! This just in...I WILL SURVIVE!


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