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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Still REALLY Happy

Shabbos was so much fun. Marc and Carla were at Devora's for Shabbos which made it AWESOME! The meals were great and the Shabbos walks were, too. One good line from the weekend (aka the only one I can remember right now):

Me: *blushing*
DG: Hinda, your hair is leaking.

If anyone can think of other lines, please post them in a comment!

Sarah never ended up coming into the city last night. I had other plans, so it was all good. Today, I have work I could do. Could being the key word. I will do it eventually. DAC is coming into New York today, and I can't wait to see her! So much to tell her. Hehe.

I don't really have anything of substance to write. I just wanted to update so I can stay in the top of "You-Update-Your-Blog-More-Than-Anyone-I-Know" list.

Have a great day!


At 12:31 PM, Blogger Carla said...

Person A: I love the Red Sox.
Person B: I love the White Sox.
AG: You two will have pink socks together!

At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha i was going to add that one too! heres another:
Chaia: to all the females, raise your hand iff you would date a black Jewish guy?
me: yea, i know that im not so smart so ill atleast give my kid a chance at a basketball scholarship

me: if i married a black guy my kids would be gray

At 5:23 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


I think I'm at the top of the 'I'm so pathetic I blog every day' list.

Sorry. :P



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