Informative Night
So I learned/was reminded of some things tonight:
I get most upset about stress/schoolwork when I talk about it.
School is meant to stress you out.
Lit class is (usually) useless.
Friends are awesome.
I am withdrawing from lit class. I'd rather have a W than a D.
I think I am going to end up here for an extra semester.
My heart is still broken.
There are probably other things I have learned tonight, but I can't think of them right now.
I gave over my math lesson plan today. Some things really annoyed me. Like, for example, when I was showing the class what a "line plot" was, the teacher told me that it was incorrect. I told her that that is how it was in the book that she recommended that we buy for the classd, and all she said was, "Well then the book screwed up." Gee, thanks. The class told me I did a good job. I don't even's over.
I am going to a carnival uptown with Tiff tomorrow. I have to go to Brooklyn after that for sheva brachos for my friend. That should be interesting. I'll see girls that I really want to see, so it will be okay.
I am so tired. Stressed. Ready to go home...for good.
I want to see my nephews. I think I am going to follow them to Monsey for Shabbos.
Sleep time.
A Broken Heart, huh? That's no fun and I can totally relate.
Well anyway, tell me who did it and I'll take care of 'em for you. Rather, we can do it together - "You hold 'im and I'll punch..."
I miss you Hinda!!! For now, 'just keep swimming' - there must be a limit for how bad things can get and remember, when you hit the bottom there's only one way to go...
Alright, enough attempted inspiration from this peanut gallery.
Mwah! Smile! I love you and I'm with you (even if only in thought and spirit. Hey, that MUST count for something!)
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