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Friday, April 28, 2006


Yes, I am home again. This weekend is an advisor Shabbaton here. Should be lots of fun. I went to Maimo today to give dvar Torah stickers and chocolate to kids. I saw a lot of "my kids", but there were some that I didn't get to see. That's life.

Now I am in the NCSY office, but I am leaving soon. DAC and I went grocery shopping after Maimo and bought lots of soda, etc.

I have a lot of work to do this weekend and week. I am so tired of it. The woman I had spoken to a few months back had e-mailed me to "check in". I wrote back telling her that I am having a hard time and have lost my motivation. She said we'll meet this week and she'll help me and she wants to know about why I am upset about credits. Um...because I'm SCREWED? Oh, that. She thinks she'll help me study bio. Let me tell and I have not been communicating too well over the past long time. Whatever.

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend.


At 8:27 AM, Blogger Karban Nesanel said...

"bio was horrific. emphasis on the horr..."

-ari roth

exactly. dont worry Hinda, you'll be fine.

word verification of the day is:

At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we didn't go out for lunch yesterday. why you no call me? :-(
- shira


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