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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

LITERATURE- Creative project+Paper

Time Started: 9:50am
Time Completed: 3:00pm

Still so much to do today.

My creative project and paper (the paper was about your inspiration and process for making the project) are about love and marriage as portrayed in the books that we read in comparison to how the media portrays love. I made a display board with cut outs of love, breakups, and what's going ons (relationships no one really understands). I'll try to post a picture of it. I would post the paper up here, but I don't want my blog to get a bad reputation. I'll just post what I wrote about the process of the making of the project.

The process that I went through to make this collage involved just about as much reading that was required this semester. I went through seventeen magazines. These were magazines that loved to publicize everything about Hollywood interactions. I cut out anything and everything that depicted relationships, the love and the heartbreaks. Originally, I was going to create the display board with one side depicting love and the other side depicting heartbreak. Then, in the middle, I was going to put reasons for breakups. After I finished cutting all the material, however, I found that I had way too much love to keep on one side of the board. Instead, I spread the love in the middle of the board; I put the heartbreak material on the right side and the “What’s Going On?” section on the left. The “What’s Going On?” section displays relationships that we do not understand too well. At least, I do not understand them. The abundance of love media that I found in the magazines that I “researched” comes to show that a majority of the advertisements and articles that we come across, tend to, sometimes blatantly, push love in our faces. An advertisement for shoes that I found, for example, contained a picture of a man with his nose on a woman’s neck and both of them are laughing. There were no shoes involved in the making of this advertisement. I can not even begin to explain the logic behind this; probably because there is none.
There's a little taste for you.
Thanks to Tiffany for encouraging me to do this! WOOHOO!


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