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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I made it to the wedding yesterday afternoon. It was so hot, but we survived. I need to find things that aren't black to wear to weddings. There are so many weddings coming up that it's ridiculous. Seriously. There are three weddings on the same day in August, but I know which one I am going to. Later last night was the reception of the wedding I had gone to in the afternoon. Don't ask, I don't get it. It was lots of fun.

Tonight we had a birthday party for my grandmother. It was fun. Dinner at my house with some family. My little brother and I wrote a funny poem.

School is over this Thursday. I'm going to miss it. Today was way too hot, so I didn't teach much after recess. I let them relax. Yes, I am awesome. When I got home, there was an open pipe next to the curb and water was shooting upwards. All my neighbors were getting soaked (on purpose) so, naturally, I joined in. It was refreshing.

I hope it cools off.

Good night!


At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should take me as your date to these weddings. miss you! call meeeeeeee me me me me me me. ok, i'll stop practicing for my voice lessons now. -shira


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