I am not going to CT for Simchas Torah. It's okay. I am going to my aunt's house and it's going to be a PARTY! My cousin is bringing 20 friends and Torah Tours is going to be there. INSANE! I'm pretty excited.
There's stuff going on, but it's all reruns. Drama, drama, drama.
I miss my friends. I don't want to go back to school though. I am not ready for midterms. At all. Eh.
Substituting is going really well. I really should have gone for early education. If I end up in Boston to teach, then I want to work in the Yeshiva and work in a preschool class. Maybe I would do elementary in the afternoon...I don't know. I'll have to think about it.
I went to Cambridge with 2 friends after work today. I got a new skirt and a replacement Shabbos shirt. It was fun. Then I went to Rami's with one of the girls (newly engaged!) and she took my Hebrew story to read so she can help me summarize it. THANK YOU!
Tonight, my mother wanted the translation for one of the songs on the Dnepropetrovsk Boys Choir CD, so I called Malka and asked her. Then I asked her for the transliteration of the song and my mother and I sang it in the kitchen. It was really funny. I would sing it on the blog, but then there's the whole issue of Kol Isha, so I will spare all of you Y chromosomes.
That's all the news for now.
Good night!
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