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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Rabbi Meir Ba'al Haness is the MAN!

I stayed up until 2am on Monday night (okay, Tuesday morning taking notes on the different articles and trying to figure out what to write. Then I went to sleep, got up at 8:30 and worked on the paper until about 10am. It is supposed to be a rough draft for a 6-12 page paper and my rough draft was just about 3 pages. I do not feel too confident about it. I have to find out how I am going to get it back from him and write the final draft. ARGH!

Today begins the week they call "Reading Week." It is a week meant for studying and contemplation for your studies. *insert stifled laughter here*

OKAY, SO HERE COMES THE STORY OF STORIES! (At least from the ones on my blog)

So, as most of you know, I was freaking out about losing my passports. I called my house at around 6 last night to find out if anyone found them. No one did. I was at Devora's last night and I got a call from my brother at around 10:30. Here is how the conversation went:
Brother: "Hi"

Me: "Hi"

Brother: "Guess what we found? I mean, Ema found?"

Me: "My passports?"

Brother: "No."

Me (getting annoyed) "Then what did Ema find?"

Brother: "Your passports."

Then my mother got on the phone and asked me if I had said the Rabbi Meir Ba'al Haness bracha (prayer for lost objects) and gave tzedaka. I told her that I hadn't but I will definitely give it now! She told me that she had done that and went to look in my room. (Don't worry, she asked me first) Since my sister used to share a room with me, I have 2 dressers in my room. I had looked in both of them (all the drawers) and couldn't find it. My mother told me that she opened the first drawer of my sister's dresser and didn't find them, then she looked in the second drawer and THERE THEY WERE! (This is, I think, the 3rd time this blessing has worked for people I know. It is kind of scary in a way. Whoa.)

Now I don't have to worry about schoolwork because if it gets to be too much for me to handle, I can just flee the country!

Today's Thought:

If a fork were made of gold, would it still be considered silverware?


At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, it is not called silverware, as proven here

At 2:39 PM, Blogger Hinda said...

Okay. That's it. Is this Dani?

At 6:49 PM, Blogger Special Ed said...

why do you have more than one

At 1:08 AM, Blogger Karban Nesanel said...

yay finding passports!!

and as the dude said already up there, no its called goldware, or something (if he said that), thats what ive heard it be called before.

reading week..HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! can anyone say, "midnight madness?"

oh btw i do that all the time what your brother did. "did you do ___?" "no, i did it." something like that.

and yes, r' meir baal haneis IS the man...

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Hinda said...

Well, Ed, I have more than one because according to the Israeli computers, I am Israeli since my mother is. First generation...
So, I have an Israeli one too. It's confusing, but I've gotten the hang of it. I LOVE being Israeli!

At 11:24 PM, Blogger Karban Nesanel said...

woah Hinda, im israeli cuz of my ima also!! woah! maybe we're like, related...! :-)


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