Fun in the Sun. I mean...humidity
There is a rally against the Gush Katif evacuation tomorrow from 12-1 and I can't go. I really wanted to. Oh, well.
My friend from Australia is coming for Shabbos and I am really excited.
I heard some devastating news about a very good friend and it is really getting to me.
I am starting to get nervous about the upcoming steps that I plan to take in the near future.
I am having trouble facing the fact that I am 20.
I miss my nephews too much.
I miss my friends that are far away.
I can't stop feeling a lot of anger towards someone who: I used to be friends with, got engaged to a guy I know, never calls, and TEXTED me at 1:40am after my birthday was over. If she didn't have a missed call from me, I don't think she would have texted me. Am I supposed to call her and tell her how I feel? Her text made it seem as if she thought I might be mad at her. "hi hinda, I am not sure if you are upset with me, but I miss you and happy bday". She misses me, huh? Misses me enough that she actually makes an effort to call? Hmmm. I hate these situations. Girls are so stupid. I know I am a girl, but you know what I mean.
Maybe I'll e-mail her and pray that she actually reads it. She is always "too busy".
I need my Tuesday Nights in the Heights back. I need a hug from a special someone. (You know who you are).
Nice to see my thoughts in list form. I am considering going on HMS in November. Anyone who has an opinion on that, please e-mail me.
Have a good night, everyone.
Editor's Note: I am not depressed. I have been thinking a lot, that's all.
the other are here to be helped by us.
"I need my Tuesday Nights in the Heights back. I need a hug from a special someone. (You know who you are)."
Hinda, please, i'm shomer...
don't feel bad about turning 20. it means you're one year closer to 21!
and tonny puhleeeze...
Yeah, Tonny. Puhleeze. The person I am talking about is FEMALE, since I am shomer, too. I live in Massachusetts, it can be a female.
Tonny shomer? i'll have to ask morah gila on that one...
shiff one day you're gonna have an epiphany and in a big girl voice ur gonna realize ur not a morah
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