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Monday, July 18, 2005

Fun in the Sun. I mean...humidity

It was wicked humid today. Inside and out. I got out of camp at 2 today, so it was all good.

There is a rally against the Gush Katif evacuation tomorrow from 12-1 and I can't go. I really wanted to. Oh, well.

My friend from Australia is coming for Shabbos and I am really excited.

I heard some devastating news about a very good friend and it is really getting to me.

I am starting to get nervous about the upcoming steps that I plan to take in the near future.

I am having trouble facing the fact that I am 20.

I miss my nephews too much.

I miss my friends that are far away.

I can't stop feeling a lot of anger towards someone who: I used to be friends with, got engaged to a guy I know, never calls, and TEXTED me at 1:40am after my birthday was over. If she didn't have a missed call from me, I don't think she would have texted me. Am I supposed to call her and tell her how I feel? Her text made it seem as if she thought I might be mad at her. "hi hinda, I am not sure if you are upset with me, but I miss you and happy bday". She misses me, huh? Misses me enough that she actually makes an effort to call? Hmmm. I hate these situations. Girls are so stupid. I know I am a girl, but you know what I mean.

Maybe I'll e-mail her and pray that she actually reads it. She is always "too busy".

I need my Tuesday Nights in the Heights back. I need a hug from a special someone. (You know who you are).

Nice to see my thoughts in list form. I am considering going on HMS in November. Anyone who has an opinion on that, please e-mail me.

Have a good night, everyone.

Editor's Note: I am not depressed. I have been thinking a lot, that's all.

Today's Thought

If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?


At 2:12 PM, Blogger Devora:-) said...



At 9:46 PM, Blogger Karban Nesanel said...

the other are here to be helped by us.

"I need my Tuesday Nights in the Heights back. I need a hug from a special someone. (You know who you are)."

Hinda, please, i'm shomer...

At 11:52 AM, Blogger Dani B. said...

don't feel bad about turning 20. it means you're one year closer to 21!

and tonny puhleeeze...

At 5:53 PM, Blogger Hinda said...

Yeah, Tonny. Puhleeze. The person I am talking about is FEMALE, since I am shomer, too. I live in Massachusetts, it can be a female.

At 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tonny shomer? i'll have to ask morah gila on that one...

At 8:49 AM, Blogger Special Ed said...

shiff one day you're gonna have an epiphany and in a big girl voice ur gonna realize ur not a morah


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