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Friday, July 08, 2005

I finally have something to do!

I started work yesterday. I am a morah for 12 three-year-olds. A lot of them are Israeli, so I won't lose my Hebrew skills (or I can improve on the lack thereof). There is one kid that only listens if you raise your voice. Fun. Overall, I am going to have a great time!

In other news, I have hit 1600 hits! Woohoo! I am sure that some of you are thinking, Why do people post how many hits they got. Isn't it obvious? My answer to you is, yes.

Anyway, I have to mail my Israel rental phone back today. It is supposed to be returned within 48 hours of your arrival. Oh, well. I am going by Jewish time.

Have a good Shabbos everyone!

Today's Thought

Whose cruel idea was it to put an "S" in the word lisp?
(I know it wasn't Ed. Well, at least I hope it wasn't!)


At 4:32 PM, Blogger Special Ed said...

it was tonny's

At 12:25 AM, Blogger Karban Nesanel said...

no, ed's lying--i mean, come on, look at him! you can tell just by looking at his face!

At 2:01 AM, Blogger Special Ed said...

why cause im fat?

At 2:34 AM, Blogger Dani B. said...

Yay Morah Hinda! do you constantly sing the damn songs all day at home like my sister does?

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Hinda said...

Wow, Ed and Tonny, you need day jobs. I am trying to figure out which one of you it is. I am leaning towards blaming Tonny because he has that whole "I am too innocent" thing going on. Ed, do you agree?

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Hinda said...

And, no, Dani. I don't. Good luck with that one. It's annoying!

At 9:08 PM, Blogger Karban Nesanel said...

ok fine, Hinda, ill tell you the was dani.

At 4:44 AM, Blogger Special Ed said...

it wasnt dani it was tonny hey that rhyms! if i did it i'd be proud and admit it. tonny has that innocent thing going it was him.


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