I finally have something to do!
I started work yesterday. I am a morah for 12 three-year-olds. A lot of them are Israeli, so I won't lose my Hebrew skills (or I can improve on the lack thereof). There is one kid that only listens if you raise your voice. Fun. Overall, I am going to have a great time!
In other news, I have hit 1600 hits! Woohoo! I am sure that some of you are thinking, Why do people post how many hits they got. Isn't it obvious? My answer to you is, yes.
Anyway, I have to mail my Israel rental phone back today. It is supposed to be returned within 48 hours of your arrival. Oh, well. I am going by Jewish time.
Have a good Shabbos everyone!
Whose cruel idea was it to put an "S" in the word lisp?
it was tonny's
no, ed's lying--i mean, come on, look at him! you can tell just by looking at his face!
why cause im fat?
Yay Morah Hinda! do you constantly sing the damn songs all day at home like my sister does?
Wow, Ed and Tonny, you need day jobs. I am trying to figure out which one of you it is. I am leaning towards blaming Tonny because he has that whole "I am too innocent" thing going on. Ed, do you agree?
And, no, Dani. I don't. Good luck with that one. It's annoying!
ok fine, Hinda, ill tell you the truth....it was dani.
it wasnt dani it was tonny hey that rhyms! if i did it i'd be proud and admit it. tonny has that innocent thing going it was him.
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