More Drama
So, the apartment drama has gone to a new level.
Yesterday, two girls from apartment 8F came up to look at our apartment set up. They saw mine and Kaila's room and said that it was the only thing that was different because they have a wall going across the living room making a nice sized room where our study space is. They suggested that we switch apartments with them because they have five girls in a space meant for six, and we have it the other way around. Kaila and I got really excited about it, but the other girl in the apartment said, "I saw the other apartment and I like this one better." Yeah, right. Davidah is on our side, B"H. We heart Davidah...a lot.
So, since Kaila is the braver one in the relationship, she was the one who approached the others. One of them is away on vacation until next week. The other two are the ones who took over the room I had originally moved into. Now, here's the fun part. When Kaila asked the "grandmother girl (GG)" about it today, she said that she had looked at the apartment and would only agree to move if she could get the big room off the living room. Kaila (so proud) was not happy to hear this. When (If?) I start talking to her, I will tell her that she is being so selfish that I am getting sick. She said that she wants that room because of the sunlight. Okay, so every room has sunlight. Kaila stood strong and said, "So, you're saying that you want to shaft us again?" GG's roomate doesn't want to move because she doesn't want to move her stuff. Kaila told her that they could hire people to do it. Seriously. They are being so annoying about it. At least we are thinking of doing this now before we get too settled. We don't even have any furniture in the living room because the girl who bought it last year took it back.
I am getting really frustrated. If they don't move, then there's going to be even more tension in our apartment than there is now. Kaila and I are living in a closet. Seriously. We aren't living like we're in an apartment. I just want to know why GG wants the living room room so badly. Well, I guess I can always move her stuff out if I don't want her to be there. Wait. Is that revenge? Oh, well.
Okay, Hinda, change the subject.
I went shopping with Devora and Ed today. We got Devora a beautiful gown (I saw it somewhere and really wanted it) and found a top for it. It's BEAUTIFUL! Pictures coming soon.
Speaking of pictures...The wedding was beautiful. Really beautiful. Here's a collection (as always):

I am at Devora's now. I should get to sleep. She's actually letting me cook! :)
Have a great Shabbos! I might have something to blog tomorrow...
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