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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Another Day...With No Dollars

Last night, me, Adina, Amy, and two other friends went out to Mendy's for dinner. It was really nice. After that, I went uptown with Debra to study. I actually got stuff done. While I was there, Amy and Adina went to see In Her Shoes. We took the 12:30 shuttle back and I was feeling so sick from dinner. I went to sleep right when I got back. Amy slept over again. I felt better this morning though, B"H.

Tonight, all the education majors have to go to a performance at LCI, the Lincoln Center Institute. It's an institute for aesthetic education. We have workshops in class sometimes. A specialist from the institute comes in and does some kind of interactive workshop with us. Yesterday, we spoke about similarities and differences. We're continuing it next week.

I have a biology midterm tomorrow and I barely know the material. Barely meaning almost nothing. Oh, well. My friend lent me her notes from last year, so that should hopefully help me out. I also want to go to Devora's tonight. I think I am going to go. We'll see.

Have a good day.


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