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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Another Graduation

I went to the HMS graduation tonight. I can't wait to do UYO. Arona rented a minivan and me, her and Adina began our trek to New Haven a little after 6. We got there at five minutes to 8. It was so inspiring to see how the program inspired people who were younger than me. I knew 2 of the students from NCSY, and I recognized one of them. She caught up with me at the end of the program and asked if I went to Afikei Torah. I said yes and she told me that we were in Rav Orlowek's class together. There was one class in shana bet that we had with Darchei Binah shana bet and she was in the class. She said to me, "Didn't you have the baseball thing?" Allow me to explain. After we won the World Series (I say "we" because I had so much to do with it), Rav Orlowek was taking attendance and he got to my name and yelled, "MAZEL TOV!" I had no idea what Rav Orlowek was talking about until my friend who was sitting next to me leaned over and said, "Baseball." To which I responded, "OH! Thank you!" It was really funny. Rav Orlowek is a mashgiach in a yeshiva, so he has to know this stuff.

Tonight I was informed that I should go home on Thursday night to leave for the Shabbaton from there. My brother is coming. Rabbi Miller wanted him to drive into Stamford, sleep over, then drive the CT kids on Friday morning. Someone else is doing that instead. My brother will be driving one of the three vans leaving from Boston, being the head of the kitchen and being an advisor. I want to go in his van! I'll tell Rabbi Miller. I have to think of an icebreaker for the Shabbaton. I'm going to ask for help with it.

I can't wait for the Yosef Karduner concert tomorrow night. The last time I went to one of his concerts was about 2 years ago. He is such a holy man! I'll probably pull a semi-all nighter to study for my midterms the next day. much to do.

Now I am at Devora's. I love it here. She has couches now! I can't wait for another Shabbos here in 2 weeks! Yay!

Good night!


At 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha now i get to comment in ur blog weee! 2x4! im glad you had a good time at graduation! when ur ready to do it (timing included) you'll do it. and itll be freakin awesome!

in other news i need to email Rabbi Miller! if Yeetz is heading tech staff i want to be on it

At 3:27 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hinda Hinda Hinda...

Let's just all do the 'Rabbi Lauffer' - (no, not the one where you close your eyes and snore. You know, the one where you make the funny, trance'ified' face and smile and nod.)

We'll be ok.

I hope.


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