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Thursday, November 03, 2005

"A Woman's Guess Is More Accurate Than A Man's Certainty" (Rudyard Kipling)

I just finished taking my bio midterm. I guessed a lot of it (hence the title of this post), but I hope I did okay. We'll see what happens.

Last night, I ended up going to Adina's. When I got there, Adina was watching Guess Who with her roomies, so I watched with them. Amy was on the phone in the other room. We all watched the end of the movie together. I went back on the 1:15am shuttle. I was going to go to LOML's house to see her and her new furniture, but I knew she wanted to go to sleep and I didn't want to commit gezel shaina (stealing of sleep).

Tonight, there is a concert at YU with Ohel Bais Ezra. I'm probably going to go.

My roomate from Shana Alef is coming in from England tonight for 5 days. I think we are going to meet up tomorrow morning. I can't wait!

Now I have about a half hour before my next class and I am in the computer lab, which I consider one of Stern's redeeming qualities. I hope everyone is hacing a great day!


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