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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Not Worried

I took my bio final this morning. I finished it at 10:10 and had to wait until 10:15 until I could leave. My bio lab teacher (I love her!) was one of the proctors and she handed back my bio lab final and said, "Here's something you can look at while you're waiting." I got an 88! My friend, Miriam told me that I will probably have an A average in the class because we (my lab partner and I) got 2's (2 is the highest) on our in class worksheets. Woohoo! That is why I am not too worried about my bio final. Anything above a D will work for me, thanks.

I have my Language and Literacy for Education final at 1. I am excited about it, not in the brown noser way, I mean in a confident way because I know the stuff. I wish everything in this school made me feel confident. Uch.

I hope to do something fun tonight. Looking at my final schedule (that someone made on post-its on my wall because they love me...and they think I'll forget to go to a final) I see that the next finals are nothing to worry about. I am so happy that bio is over.

More later...


At 12:44 PM, Blogger Düdie said...

Woohoo, glad it went well. Did you end up going bowling last night?


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