Mrs. Rochel Chein
Shabbos was amazing and the wedding was INCREDIBLE! Rochel was the most amazing bride. She is my role model and I hope to one day be as happy as she is. She was incredible. She kept her cool and made everything seem so easy. I had such a great time with her sisters at the wedding. That whole family is bli ayin hara, one of the most amazing families that I know. Before I left I got an emotion-filled (at least on my part) from the beautiful kallah. That was the bracha I was waiting for.
Rochel, I love you so much and I am so happy that you found who you were looking for. May you have a wonderful and healthy life together and share many simchos!
I can't wait for sheva brachos on Thursday night. PARTY!
Ahem...moving on.
I started setting up my camp room today. Tomorrow I am going to finish up. Morah Miriam said she doesn't know what time she is waking up tomorrow, but if it gets to be too late, I am going to finish up myself. The camp is small this summer, so chances are that there won't be a camp next summer. Eh. It's alright. I don't know where I'll be next summer anyway.
I think I have to back out of going to Dallas in August. It's too expensive and I can't miss more work than I already am. Miriam, this doesn't mean I don't love you anymore. I will come for your wedding, okay?
Good night.
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