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Sunday, April 03, 2005

Happy Opening Day!

Shabbos was really nice. I stayed in Windsor with Dena, her apartment mate, her apartment mate's sister and her friend. It was great to be able to relax on Friday afternoon since I didn't have to rush to the train station. Sigh. We ate two meals at Stern. There was a senior Shabbaton this weekend, so there were a lot of people there and rubbed in the fact that they are leaving before me. It's all good, though.
We got back to the apartment on Shabbos day at about 12:30. Dena went to sleep and I read. They we had seuda shlishit together. It was really nice. My Friday morning trip to the caf really paid off. After that, we made Havdala and I went back to Brookdale. Dena called me later and asked if I wanted to see a movie with her. I am usually against going to see movies in theaters, because I feel like it's a complete waste of time. No, it's not because I'm flipped. I like seeing rented movies, because if you get tired of it you can stop it and continue it later. Well, I went to the theater last night. What else was there to do? We saw Melinda and Melinda. You should do your own research to find out what it was about. All I can say is that Will Ferrell is one of the funniest men alive. After the movie, I came back to the dorm and had the room to myself. NICE.
Now, I need to find something to do. I mean I could totally, like, go shopping. We'll see.
Have a great day everyone!


At 2:09 PM, Blogger EN said...

Interesting blog to read. Sounds like you have a lot going on in your life.


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