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Monday, July 25, 2005


I called the girl that I am upset with. (Read the Fun in the Sun post)
She asked me how I was and I told her that I was fine. I told her that I thought I should call her since we haven't spoken for a while. She was like, "Yeah, a while." She asked me how Israel was, I told her it was really nice. Then she told me that she would call me back because she didn't have good reception where she was. Did she call me back? Everyone together now...NO! I know it's not worth it since she is getting married in Israel and living there for "a year" and I probably won't see her before then, but I just want to get my feelings out. Even though I have told her before, she may have forgotten. I HATE THIS! I have a feeling that I won't be talking to her anytime soon. SO ANNOYING.

ANYWAY, I DO have what to look forward to:

1. Many nights in the Heights

2. My friend from Belgium who is currently working in England is coming to New York in September, for a few months or more, for school. I am really excited to see her!

3. A trip to Israel in January, IY"H. This trip will be much shorter than my last one. Ten days...if I'm lucky.

4. Many weddings, B"H.

5. Why am I listing this stuff? Oh, yeah, to make me happy! Ha!

Oh, and I get out of work at 2 tomorrow! SWEET! I usually get out at 2 on Mondays, but I switched with Morah Shifra this week due to a special occasion...I hope you had fun, Morah Shifra!

Nighty night!

Oh, and here's a shout out to Ed. You deserve only a tiny shout out because you doubted my relationship with Devora. Come to think of it, you have ALWAYS doubted my relationship with Devora. Oh, the jealousy...


At 12:33 AM, Blogger Karban Nesanel said...

morah shifra, special occasion....hehe

At 12:39 AM, Blogger Special Ed said...

ya i really am jealous i always wanted dj for a girlfried ?!?!?!?!

At 9:36 AM, Blogger Devora:-) said...

Yeah, nights in the Heights!


At 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*ahem* things to look forward to... *cough cough* *wink wink*


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