Stay in school?
It's three weeks into the semester and I'm already going crazy. I am being so negative about school and I don't want to be. I love my roomates and I hope they know that, even when I don't sleep in the dorm, which has been almost every night.
I really want to be done with school in 2 years. I don't want to stay here for longer than I have to. My parents are paying so much for me to be here and I feel like I am wasting their money. I want them to be proud of me. I don't know if screwing myself over makes them feel proud. I miss them so much and I wish I could know that they support me on the decisions I have been making. But, how can I expect their support if I don't have my own?
I really miss Morah Miriam. She e-mails me from Israel and when I read them, it makes me miss her more. I missed a call from her a few days ago, but I hope that she calls again soon. I am so happy that we worked together and bonded in the summer. I really wish I was there with her. WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE TO BE SO FAR AWAY?!? Call me selfish, but I really wish they were here. MIRIAM! COME BACK!
I hope that tonight will cheer me up. Jennifer Weiner (chick book author and DJ's idol) is coming to a bookstore in the city for a reading and book signing. Afterwards, DJ is making a party at Estihana. I want to get my mind off all of this school stuff so I can really enjoy myself.
Am I making a big deal out of nothing? And if it is nothing, then why is it bothering me so much?
i think instead of all of us being coming back to you, you should come back home to us...
i miss you too Hinda.
Hey, I'll be in the bookstore in November. Mark your calendars, everybody!!! (as the throngs of people rush out to line up outside to wait for me...) I wish I knew how to sign my name .....
so you miss morah miriam but not me... I see how this is.
Morah Shifra
Hindu- Don't give up so easily. You gotta look at the big picture~ Don't drop the ball now. Do the best you can so you can get through! You are a very smart and talented young lady. Surround yourself with positive people, motivated people! This is part of the process of life. The process of getting ahead, and making more of yourself! I'm proud of you! Don't disappoint yourself! We miss you here, but NY is where you have o be right now - Just DO IT! Love!!!!
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