My Latest Plan
So, lately, I have been really stressed out about school and making up credits that I am missing. The other day, Erica mentioned summer school here. I thought about it (for a whole couple of seconds) and realized that it would be great! Here's why:
1. It's not so expensive (so I've heard)
2. I could take classes to get credits and lighten my load so I could possibly graduate when I am supposed to.
3. I wouldn't have to go through the office getting outside summer courses approved.
4. It's only for a month, which means that I will probably get back to Boston in time for camp!
5. DEVORA SAID I COULD LIVE WITH HER! The classes are in YU and I really don't want to live in the city (in Schottenstein, which is not that great in itself) and have to catch a shuttle.
6. I could get a part-time job. I think.
The more I think about it, the better it sounds. We'll see.
That's my plan. I hope G-d isn't laughing too hard.
i think hes laughing harder at my new plan:
get rich
buy apartment on re' ohr hachayim in the old city
You better come back in time for camp or else I'm not going back!!!!
I miss you my love!!!!
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