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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Back to School

Today is the first day of classes. I just had Hebrew and Intro to Macroeconomics. Not too bad. Originally, I was supposed to be in every class except for Hebrew with Erica, but guess what? Last night, I printed out my schedule and asked Erica where her Hebrew class is. She told me that hers is in room 919. I thought that was weird because mine was too, and she didn't think we were in the same class. Well, what do you know? We ARE in the same class. That's right...ERICA AND I ARE IN EVERY CLASS TOGETHER! Woohoo!

I don't think it will be as bad as I thought. That's what I was hoping for.

I am really excited about Shabbos. REALLY excited! I can't wait to hang out with my DJ! WOOHOO!

Tonight I am going to Long Island with a friend to the engagement party of 2 NY NCSY advisors. I don't really know them too well, but, hey. It's food! When you start thinking of going places for free food (minus the cost of transportation), that's when you know that you are back in school!

There will be no joke of the day today. Sorry. I'll make a list of them and start again soon.


At 3:07 PM, Blogger Special Ed said...

back to skewl ohhh back to skewl to prove to your dad that you're not a fool. You got your books your shoes tied tight hope you don't get in a fight oh back to skeeeeeewl back to skeewl.

Dont worry Hinday we know how foolis you already are no need to worry about proving you arent

At 1:25 AM, Blogger Karban Nesanel said...

hehe...oh ed.

(i havent done this in a while....)
yeah free food!!


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