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Friday, September 02, 2005

Regret is SO annoying

I was making NCSY phone calls yesterday when I got a call from my friend that she found us a ride to Detroit that is leaving at 5:45am (Friday morning). I was having severe conscious pulling moments not knowing what to do. On one hand, I wanted to go to this wedding. On the other hand, I didn't want to go for Shabbos. Keep in mind that this phone call happened at 7pm, so it didn't leave me too much time to think about it. I called DJ crying about how I didn't want to leave her for Shabbos, and she calmed me down.

I went back to my dorm at around 8:15pm. I started packing. I honestly can not repeat the whole story because I don't remember every detail, but I'll say this: I was supposed to meet my friend from Far Rockaway at YU, then my friend from NJ was going to pick us up and bring us to her house. Our ride was leaving from Teaneck and she was going to drive us there. I took the 11pm shuttle to YU. On the way, I found out that my friend from Far Rockaway didn't take the A all the way to YU. She was only allowed to take the railroad to Penn Station. My friend from NJ said she couldn't go into the city to pick her up. Meanwhile, I got to YU and was going to go to Penn Station on the train, pick my Far Rockaway friend up, then go back to YU with her. Crazy, I know.

There was a whole lot of confusion. In the end, I was sitting outside the A not knowing what to do. I called Amy while I was freaking out and I went to her apartment. I stayed there for a while and made her take my phone calls from my friends who were calling a LOT. Then I went to Adina's. She wasn't home, but her roomate let me in. Ends up that Erica met my Far Rockaway friend in Penn Station. Erica told me that she decided to go to the wedding. I told her to take the A to Adina's, and the NJ friend could pick them up from there. I was happy Erica was going because Far Rockaway was upset that she had told the person giving us a ride that there would be three girls. I think she was happy when Erica said she would go. Everything is cool between all of us.

END RESULT: Erica and Far Rockaway came to the Heights at around 2am. They took a local shuttle to YU where NJ friend picked them up. That's the last I heard.

NOW: I am at Adina's apartment. She left to work and I am going to go into the city soon. I have all my Shabbos stuff with me, but I need to bring some stuff back that I don't need. I know I will regret not going to the wedding. I was really looking forward to going. Right now, I don't really know what is going on in my head. I am sure that my friend getting married will be upset that I didn't go. I really thought I would. If the ride was on Saturday night, I would not have hesitated. Oy.

Have a good Shabbos!


At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 2:55 PM, Blogger Karban Nesanel said...

Hinda dont worry about it. if you think about it too much, you'll go crazy. just have an awesome shabbos with Devora, and tell her i miss her, and to call me before monday 2pm. thanks Hinda.


At 3:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

have a good shabbos!

At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want more joke of the days.

At 10:41 AM, Blogger Sarah Smile said...

I totally did not follow that story line! Sorry you missed your friend's time!


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