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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I Don't Post So Often Anymore?

Anonymous doesn't think that I post so often anymore. Honey, you know I do. Okay, so I didn't get to post yesterday, but that's life. I post as often as I can...not to worry.

Yesterday, Devora and I slept in, then went into the city. We went to Claire's and I got two new pairs of earrings, one of them being the pair that I lost one of. Then, we went to Lord and Taylor's and Devora got some stuff. After that, we went to have lunch at the pizza place next to my dorm. It was really good. Then we headed back to Devora's. We finished watching Pirates of the Carribean (we had started it again the night before) and then we watched The Notebook. I had never seen it before, but someone had given away the ending. It was a good movie. Very girly, but good. Then we hung out in Devora's room. She was working on the computer and I was searching the TV. Yes, I do have finals coming up, but why study? Just kidding. I am planning to study today. I saw Munich last night. It was pretty confusing. Whatever. I have no opinion on it since I didn't really follow it. The point at the end was that getting rid of the terrorists won't help because they will be replaced by someone worse. Very confusing movie. I also got there a couple of minutes late, so that might have helped my confusion.

ANYWAY, today I am staying at Devora's and studying. I have a bio final at 9:30am tomorrow and education is at 1pm. I hope to do well. I am going to sleep in my dorm tonight. I figure I should say hi to my former roomates. I am coming back here tomorrow night to introduce Devora to Napoleon Dynamite. It will be fun!

I finally got to speak to Morah Miriam today! She called me at 10 this morning. I was so excited! We spoke for about a half hour. She might come to Stern! We'll see.

That's all the exciting stuff going on in my life right now. Woohoo.

Have a good day.


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