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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

One Good and One Not So Good

The education final went really well. I was very happy with it. I am at Devora's office now and she is planning to leave soon. I can't wait to get to her house and do NOTHING. Okay, so I have two finals on Friday. Tomorrow, I will study as much as I can for math i.e. make lots of note cards. Tomorrow night, I will go over psychology with Erica. I am hoping that I did okay on my paper. It should help my grade. I hate waiting for grades!

After Friday is over, I have two finals left. Macroeconomics, which is multiple choice and true/false, is on Sunday. He gave us a take home assignment to do which is part of our final. Fun fun fun. On Monday, I have Hebrew. I'm not too nervous about that one...yet.

I'm tired. I want to watch Napoleon Dynamite. If you are in a I'm-in-the-mood-to-do-nothing-and-watch-a-pointless-movie, then you should watch Napoleon. It's great. GOSH!


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