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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

An E-mail from the President of YU

To the YU Community:

I am thrilled to announce that our trustee and past chairman, Ronald P. Stanton has announced a donation of $100 million to Yeshiva University. His gift today is an affirmation both magnificent and munificent. It is the largest single gift ever in North America in support of Jewish education and Jewish life. The gift is unprecedented in its generosity, in its foresight and in its implications for our institution, our larger Jewish community and our world.

At its most fundamental level, the Ronald P. Stanton Legacy will supply seed money for the University’s growth initiatives. It will provide the means to expeditiously pursue projects, acquisitions and programs to further enhance the quality of our undergraduate and Jewish education through facilities acquisition and renovation, supporting faculty research, and the recruitment and retention of top-quality faculty across the various disciplines. Ron’s gift ensures that Yeshiva University solidifies its position as one of America’s ‘top-tier’ research universities, while also maintaining its unique identity as a place where excellence in liberal arts and sciences is pursued hand-in-hand with the timeless teachings of Torah, and where wisdom is brought to life through a value-centered education that fosters a heightened sense of advocacy and responsibility to the betterment of humanity

This unique philanthropic revolving fund demonstrates his commitment to Yeshiva University’s distinctive mission, his endorsement of our strategic direction and his unshakable faith that others will follow in his footsteps.

We are humbled. We are honored. We are grateful beyond words. And we are excited by the opportunities ahead. These opportunities might once have remained dreams but now, thanks to Ron, they can become concrete reality.

Richard M. Joel

Editor's Notes

ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS?!?!!?!?!?! Whoa. Now I wonder if this means that they still plan to raise tuition.

ANYWAY, today was uneventful. Tomorrow I join two new classes. DAVIDAH IS IN THE ONE I DIDN'T THINK I KNEW ANYONE IN! I am so excited. She told me that they have to write a 7 page paper, but whatever.

My roomate is hopefully coming home with me for Shabbos. I'm so excited!

Not too much going on really. Other than the fact that I feel SO much better about school stuff. No, that doesn't mean that I love school now, but people have noticed my change of mood.

Have a great day!


At 1:09 PM, Blogger Karban Nesanel said...

"Other than the fact that I feel SO much better about school stuff."

yay! go with the feeling Hinda! let it overflow (revayah!) over to everything else in life!


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