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Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The rest of the day...

After fieldwork, I went down to Devora's office to say hi. I ended up staying there until about 6:30. There was a huge labeling job to be done, so I sat myself down at my desk on the floor, and labeled. It was fun. Then I went back to Devora's apartment with her to see if she had anything that I could wear to my friend's wedding tonight in Baltimore. She lent me a BEAUTIFUL ballgown skirt and I am really excited! We sat and watched Gilmore Girls and One Tree Hill. I have never had so much fun. It wasn't the actual watching TV part that was fun. It was the way we were trying to predict what was going to happen. Gilmore Girls was definitely more fun!

At around 11, I got a shuttle to YU to get a shuttle back to Stern. I wanted to make shtick for the wedding tonight, but I couldn't. By the time I got back to the dorm, I couldn't function. I wanted to get up this morning at 7:15, but got up at 7:45. My roomate requested that next time, I only hit snooze twice. WHATEVER. It's not like I meant to. Now I am sitting in class waiting for the teacher. I am only going to my first 2 classes because I have to go back and get ready for the wedding! My and my roomate's ride is leaving Brooklyn at 1. I AM SO EXCITED! This girl (the bride) is amazing. Last year, (in seminary) she really proved what it meant to be there for someone. Plus, she gets hyper too! AAAAAAAH! Have a good day, everyone!

PS How are the paragraph breaks? ;)


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