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Sunday, February 27, 2005


Thursday was a lot of fun. After handing in my crash-written paper which I had started researching at 9pm and finished at 4am, I had the rest of the day off. I went over to Devora's. We were chilling...I mean WORKING in her office, until my roomate called me. At the beginning of the week, we had decided that as a treat for finishing our papers, we would go to Toys R' Us. We had tried to do it a few weeks ago, but it didn't work out. So, when she called me, I was supposed to get on a train and meet her there. Devora knows me well, so she wrote out directions for me on a little purple post-it. Say THAT five times fast! Did I make you talk to yourself? Ha! Ok, so I got to Toys R' Us. It was snowing pretty hard. My roomie came about 3 minutes after me and we went in. I do not remember the last time I had felt like such a child! (FELT like, not ACTED like, ok?) There were toys EVERYWHERE! I don't think I closed my mouth the whole time I was there. (Oh, stop! I know what you're thinking.) I was so enthralled! Even though my roomate was on the phone almost the whole time we were there, I still blabbered like a little child! OH, I don't want to grow up!
After about an hour and a half, we went back (it was still snowing) We got dinner from the CAF, then we got onto the 7:15 shuttle to YU. We went to get some "books", ok? (insert evil laughter here) I got three books (thanks, Abba!). I got a collection of Reb Shlomo's favorite stories, Wisdom and Wit (hey, it has the word 'wit' in it, and it's supposed to be funny) and Rabbi Frand in Print. I'll write book reviews another time. Yup, that was Thursday...


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