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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

OKAY! I'm back!

Here we go: So, Thursday was great! I went over to Devora's office at around 4:30. After she finished up, we took the bus to the grocery store near her apartment to shop for Shabbos. She filled out the form for delivery, then we went to her apartment. It was fun. I love having her close by, because she gives me a place to chill! I got back to my dorm at around 2am. On Friday, I left for Brooklyn at around noon. My friend, Rachel, who I lived with last year in Israel, was making a reunion Shabbaton for all the Afikei girls who were around. It was such a beautiful Shabbos. I am so happy that so many girls were able to come. Rachel's family is awesome! Her mother and I became instant friends since we both share a love for sarcasm. Her sister and I were able to bond on Shabbos afternoon because all the girls walked a million miles to someone's Shabbos Kalla, and I stayed behind to visit someone who didn't even answer the door. So I went back to Rachel's and her sister and I went through a bunch of old albums. It was fun. On Saturday night, I was helping the girls make shtick for a wedding I didn't think I was going to. After that, my cousin and brother came to pick me and a friend up to hang out. We went to Pathmark, then we got pizza. After my brother played some Playstation, we went back to Rachel's to sleep.


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