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Friday, November 25, 2005


My new neighbor is so cute, bli ayin hara! I got to hold him last night. He was in his seat on the table and I looked at him for a while, then I told his mother that I couldn't let him sit there anymore, and I got to hold him! He is so tiny. I wanted to teach him how to say my name, but he was sleeping. Maybe tomorrow. Tonight is the shalom zachar (a partaaay the Friday night after a baby boy is born) and I made 2 cake plates. They're nice looking if I can say so myself...and I can.

I haven't gone out to get a coat, yet. I wish I had driving insurance while I was home. I just got my new license in the mail since my other one was in my wallet which is no longer with me. The new one is so much cooler looking than the old one! I am going to have to get another one in the summer. I'll be able to get a horizontal one! I can NOT believe I am going to be 21. Whoa. Bartenura, here I come! :)

Have a great Shabbos! I probably won't be updating again until Sunday night or Monday, unless something noteworthy happens on Shabbos.


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