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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Still Here

Shavuos was beautiful. On Sunday night, the school ate dinner together, we had a few speakers, then we walked to the Kotel. Since it was really mobbed, a bunch of girls and I went to daven outside a shul. After that, we had a kiddush at someone's house, then 5 girls and I walked to a nearby neighborhood for our meal. It ends up that the girl whose house we went to, knows my cousins. It's a ridiculously small world. Whoa. Anyhoo, after the meal, we talked for a while, then we went back to school. It was wicked hot, but we made it. I slept for 5 hours, then two girls and I went to my cousin's house for dinner. My grandmother was there, so they were making second day for her anyway. Oh, speaking of going to my cousin's house...I FOUND OUT WHO THE FLYING YANKEE IS! Why would you call yourself that? Oy.

In the morning, I brought 5 girls to my cousin's house for lunch. BARBECUE! It's great to be around people who only keep one day and can cook for you! My sister was there with my nephews, so it was even more fun! After lunch, we went back to school to hear 2 speakers. One of them was a teacher in seminary. It was a great speech. Then I went back to my cousin's house. My sister had left, so I played with my cousins for a while. Then my cousins from Beit Shemesh came. I am hopefully going to their house for Shabbos. Woohoo!

After hearing havdalla, I went back to school and some first year girls asked me to come to dinner with them at Cafe Rimon. It was really nice. The girls are so cool and a lot of them are coming back for a second year. One of the girls who I became really close to was leaving at 6am so I was attempting to stay up all night. I was in the girl's apartment at 3am, I fell asleep on the living room chair, then woke up at 5:45am. I went outside and a girl asked me if I had slept. When I said yes, she asked me to say the morning brachos for her and a few other girls since they had stayed up all night. (Blogger's Note: If you stay up all night, you can't say morning brachos for yourself) I did, then went down to street level to wait for my friend's shuttle to the airport. A taxi came at 6:30am. It was weird because usually, it's a van-like vehicle, but maybe that's all that was available. Whatever. I can't explain most of the things that happen in this country.

After she left, I went back down to the apartment and went to sleep. Erica woke me up at 9:50 because all the teachers were coming to school for a meeting and we wanted to see them. Now I am sitting in the school building thinking about how much I miss being in seminary. Sigh...

Tonight, I am going out to dinner with my roomate from last year. She is here until tomorrow and I am really excited to spend time with her. I am going to head back to my sister's soon.

Okay, so that was my past few days. I would like to thank everyone (no, I'm not writing another speech) for being very good at commenting. More posts to come!


At 9:52 AM, Blogger Devora:-) said...

Just got off the phone with you and I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

At 2:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you meet rochel kruase? just curious, cuz i know her.


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