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Thursday, November 30, 2006


Last night, I went to Queens at about 12:30am. My cousin went into the hospital (to have a baby) and I stayed with her 1.5 year old, Yosef. My cousin and I were supposed to leave to take Yosef with us to his cousin's bris at 5:45am, so I set an alarm for 5:15am (confused yet?). My alarm never went off, but B"H, Yosef woke up at 5:45am. I called my cousin to wake him up and we rushed out. We were late for Shacharis, but what can you do?

The baby's name is Tzvi Yehuda. He is adorable, Bli Ayin Hara.

On the way back to NY, we got the call that Sarah had a baby BOY! Two weeks, two brissim!


I am so excited! Okay, Mir, it's your turn! :)

I love my family!

Only simchas! Amen.

Man, I was hoping not to be back for class, but I am way too tired anyway. Hmmmmm...

Monday, November 27, 2006

Did You Know That I Am "Mystifying"?

The lesson was, as Mr. Koreman said afterwards, excellent. I had asked the teacher about a few things before I started. I introduced the lesson, asked the kids to talk to each other about why someone would become a bully, we made a list (my writing was on a curve and not so neat, oops.), then started the chapter. They laughed at how I read. I love using expression! Ha. I kept stopping to talk about what was going on. Some of the kids were really into it. (I found out later, that since some of them have English as their second language, they needed extra time to respond.) After I finished I asked them to go to their notebooks and write an answer to: "What do we learn from chapter 3 about Bradley's home life? Key words: Motivation, communication (animal collection) and family.

They wrote for a couple of minutes, then I asked 2 kids to share what they wrote and then the teacher stopped me because they had to go to computers. *insert sigh of relief here*

Mr. Koreman sat me down afterwards and told me that I gave an excellent lesson. It meant a lot to hear him say that. He told me that I read a little fast and that I didn't wait long enough after asking questions, but those are not new things for me. He told me that the kids were eating out of my hands because I read with great expression. (I loved hearing them was great.)

Then, he went on to say that he thinks I am mystifying. He said that on some days I look like the world is about to end, and then I give a lesson like this. Then he said (the fieldwork teacher was in the room) that last time he came in the room, I was standing on the side looking miserable. He said he sensed that I was unhappy and I should be careful because the kids might sense it, too. Okay, thanks. Ha. I had nothing to do for the first 2 weeks. THEN, the teacher wanted to give me feedback. She loved the lesson. She said the same thing about slowing down because some of the kids don't understand too much English yet, so they need things to be slowed down. She said that when I first came into the room for fieldwork, she didn't know anything about me, and then she saw the lesson and was surprised, in a good way. She said that I have an innate talent for teaching. She has kids in her class that are very out there and she has never seen the whole class engaged for so long. She told me that I am a natural and I can be confident that I will be a great teacher. She wants me to leave her classroom knowing that.

She had left me a message on Saturday night about what lesson I should give and she said I can call her on Sunday, but I didn't get a chance. I couldn't call her on the bus and by the time I got back here it was too late. She said she was surprised that I didn't call, but she was amazed at how I gave the lesson. (Yes, I started tearing...shut up.) She told me that she is always available if I need anything, even if it has nothing to do with her classroom. She's awesome. (I feel bad because Mr. K. talked about how I looked miserable when he came in on the second week, so the teacher talked about how she didn't like her placement, but it ended up being good. I really like the class, it's just not what I see myself doing. You know what I mean?)

She said I should come into a classroom and challenge myself. I should do things that I am not used to. She welcomes any comments I have about her teaching and she offered that I do a read aloud next week, too. That would be AWESOME! Afterwards, Mr. K. and the teacher both told me that they were really impressed about how I knew the names of the students. I'm pretty good at that. I don't know all of them, but I knew the ones who kept raising their hands to discuss things. Good thing.

Okay, that was my lesson. I am so relieved and happy. She really inspired me.

Editor's Note: No, this post is not an ego boost. It's so I can remember this.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

For Miriam/Fro

Dear Fro,

Thank you so much for coming home with me for Yom Tov. I had such a great time with you and I am so happy that my family approves of you and of us. I LOVE YOU!


PS I AM COW, HEAR ME can sing the rest. I know you're still singing it. Now do it in Spanish.

PPS Don't forget the ranch dressing.


I got back about an hour ago and I have so much work to do! I have a music class quiz tomorrow (don't ask) and I still have to prepare my lesson for my fieldwork. I am excited to give the lesson, but I will be so much happier once I have it planned in writing. I read the book I am reading an excerpt from for the lesson and it's a great book. It's called There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom by Louis Sachar. Good book.

ANYWAY, I have to go to the other dorm to study music. Whatever. Uch.

Night night.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Giving Thanks

Fro, my cousin and I got to my aunt's house at around midnight. We walked in and my aunt told me that my cousin just had a baby boy! Mazel tov! I have another cousin (this cousin's sister) who is due any day, so B"H, my aunt is going to have a crazy few weeks!

Lunch today was a lot of fun. Fro got to meet my family and they approve of her. Phew.

I can't wait to sleep on Shabbos. I have so much work to do. The teacher whose class I do fieldwork in is supposed to call me tomorrow and let me know what kind of lesson I have to prepare for Monday. I am nervous about it, but I'm hoping it will be fine.

Okay, I am so tired that I'm just typing randomness. Hope you enjoyed.

Dena is taking me and Fro shopping tomorrow at 8am. It's going to be insane.

Night night and good Shabbos.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Long Night

I don't know why I am still awake. Ummm...nope. No idea.

I have to do work for tomorrow's classes. Why? WHY?

I'm taking Miriam home! FINALLY. She has to meet my parents. We're getting pretty serious. I still don't know how we are getting home, but I will figure it all out tomorrow.

Okay, enough.

Night night.

Monday, November 20, 2006


Hey everyone,

Remember when I used to absolutely love going to fieldwork? I miss those days.

Okay, off to fieldwork...I have to give a lesson at some point before this round of fieldwork is over. I don't want to. I just want to sit in the back and be quiet. WHY? The girl I travel with wants to be there early to talk to her teacher about giving a lesson. I'm just hoping that my teacher will know that I need to give one.

Okay, bye.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


I got to hang out with my parents and little brother today. We went to NJ, saw my aunt, had lunch, saw MICHELLE!, went to Monsey, saw EXPENSIVE dresses for rent, shopped in Rockland Kosher Center (whoa), went to Mendy's and now I'm back.

No, I did NOT find a dress PER SE. But, I DID find a dress that I hope to copy at a dressmaker. The bottom and the sleeves were not my style, but I loved the belty thing. I have to find out if I am making it or looking somewhere else. We shall see.

Okay, I am going back to procrastinating now. BYE.


Shabbos was awesome! Really thuper! I love NCSY.

In other news, my parents and little brother are coming in soon. We are going to NJ and possibly Monsey to look for dresses. I hope that my mother and I find something quickly so we can actually do something fun.

I have lots of work to do. So exciting. I can't WAIT to do it all. I hope to accomplish something tonight. We shall see.

Alright, time to find out where the family is.

Have a good day.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


I went to sleep at 11:30 last night. I decided that since I wasn't going to do any work, I might as well go to sleep. I started watching Monsters Inc. on my iPod, then fell asleep. DJ called me at 9:15am (I forgive you) and I didn't go back to sleep right away. I watched more of the movie and it cut off close to the end! I am in the midst of getting a longer version.

In other news, I am going to CT for Shabbos. Mucho excited. On Sunday, my family is coming in and my mom and I are going shopping for dresses. Yippee. I haven't seen my parents for about a month. Crazy.

Alright, back to class I guess.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I just spoke to my sister for 34:15! I really needed that. I knew I was supposed to take a day off for a reason!

I can't wait to see you guys! HURRY UP AND GET HERE ALREADY!

Day Off

I woke up this morning feeling gross. It could be because of the all you can eat at Eden Wok last night. Devora, Ed, Amy, Zehava and I took Rabbi Ari out for his birthday. It was so much fun that feeling like this now is worth it. I just wrote a paper proposal that was due today and e-mailed it to the teacher. I have a lot of work to do this week. PARTY!

Here are some pictures to keep you entertained. Have a good day!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Another Great Shack Shabbaton

Well, it's over.

Lots of driving, that's all I can say. So, as you all remember, last weekend, the Connecticut van didn't make it all the way to Tannersville so we spent Shabbos in Waterbury. This weekend, the tire on my van exploded on Saturday night. We started driving to bowling (my van was last in line) and I knew that the tire was flat. I tried to get the other van's attention, but I couldn't, so I pulled over. I started moving again and couldn't go anymore. I got out of the van and saw that the entire tread part of the tire had fallen off. All the kids got out of the van and waited. The other 2 vans came back because they were going the wrong way and because they realized that I wasn't behind them.

We didn't end up bowling, but no one was upset about that. We had a great time dancing and making smores in front of a bonfire.

Amy and I didn't get into the city until about 11pm (we left Tannersville at 11:30am)...5 hours later that I had originally expected. Eh. So, I didn't really get to study music. I can BS most of it anyway. I should be okay.

I have fieldwork in a couple of hours. I am going to play with my Shack pictures for a while, then I am going to sleep. Collage to come soon, not to worry!

Night night!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I'm Supposed To Be Studying, So I Made A Collage

I can't wait for this weekend! We are going to have the coolest van! Other than my Stranded Shackers van from last week, of course! I need this week to be over now.

Side note: I passed my Jewish History test! THANK G-D!

I was supposed to go see Spam-A-Lot tomorrow night since I won a ticket through a lottery at school, but I can't. I have a Shabbaton conference call and I have to get music from Amy! WOOHOO!

Alright, I am going back to studying now...or so I say.

Good night!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


The psych midterm was pretty tricky. I just hope to pass.

I saw my math teacher in the hallway and she said that one of her students was googling her and found her mentioned in my blog. Thank G-d it was nothing bad. I got really nervous. Ah.

Tonight I have class until 7 and a paper to write and a midterm to study for. I don't know how I am going to do it. I need more caffeine.

Okay, back to my break.

For Old Time's Sake

Midterm Paper

Time Started: 1am
Time Finished: 3:05am

Good times, good times.

Night night. Crash studying tomorrow morning!

The Computer Is Back

I got my computer back! YAY! So, of course, I worked with pictures.

Mazel Tov, Daniel Efraim! Now, stop growing up. I can't take it. Man, I miss you guys.

Anyway, I should get started on my paper that is due tomorrow. I plan to study for psych tomorrow morning. I need sleep so bad. I am going to have to crash all of next week. Amen.

I need it to be Thursday after 4:30pm. Thanks.

Okay, I'm going to pretend to start my paper now.

Night night.

Monday, November 06, 2006


PS My mother called me today and told me that they cut my nephew's hair today. It was his third birthday on Shabbos. I can't believe he's three. My mother told me that his ganenet let my youngest nephew, Dovi, go to Gan with Daniel for his little birthday party. Daniel held Dovi's hand the whole way there. When they got there, Daniel went inside and yelled, "Okay! DOVI'S HERE!" Then he went on to take Dovi and show him all the toys.

My mother also told me that at Daniel's upsherin, Dovi was watching, then he said, "Okay, Dovi's turn!"

I MISS MY BABIES! I can't wait until they come IY"H!

Okay, good night.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Unexpected Detour=AMAZING Weekend!

To make a long story short...

So, Amy and I picked up the van at 8am on Friday morning and did our pickups. Then we ended up going 2 hours the wrong way and made a huge circle. One of the advisors in our region hooked us up with accommodations in Waterbury, CT and we had a mini Shabbaton there. It was me, Amy, a new male advisor, 4 boys and 1 girl. We had an AMAZING time! We were disappointed at first, but we made the best of a bad situation as one of the NCSYers put it. After Shabbos, we got right back into the van, made a stop at 7-11 and got up to the mountains just in time for the Saturday night activity. We went back to the shack where everyone had been for Shabbos and crashed (after some marshmallow roasting). The girl NCSYer and I slept in the ceiling over someone's room (there was a bed in the ceiling, don't ask.)

The rides were awesome. Song of the trip..."Life Is A Highway" by the Rascall Flatts. It was an AWESOME WEEKEND!

I love NCSY. Why am I in school?

Uch that reminds me that this week is going to be torture...aka work. I need it to be Friday NOW.


Alright. No more kvetching. This weekend was awesome!

This weekend...Trip to the Catskills. Take 2. Tenth and eleventh grade...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

How Could I Forget?

The adventure of the night: My glasses broke. One side came off. I think it's because someone who has a bigger head than me, tried them on (not to point fingers). I went all around and found krazy glue, but it didn't really help. I put tape on them when I got back. Looks like I'll have to start with the contacts. I used to wear them all the time, but now that I had glasses that I actually liked...

Eh. Maybe I can send my broken glasses back with my little brother this weekend and have my mommy take them in to get fixed. We shall see. I might just wait until Thanksgiving. They better fix them. For free.

I Need The Weekend

My Day:

Jewish History

Teaching Science


Education Elective

At 7:15, I went uptown with Miriam. I saw Amy and Nili when I got there, then Miriam and I went to the library. Miriam studied while I called the NCSYers I had to call. Then Amy came to the library and we called into the staff conference call for the Shabbaton this weekend. I told Rabbi Miller that I would do a lot of stuff. I don't really have time to do it, but it would be nice to try. I didn't bring my books back to school with me, so maybe I'll ask my little brother to bring them for me. I am really excited.

I had a great time with Miriam. Thanks! :-D

After I got back downtown, my buddy Kayla came over to play and Tiffany stopped by dressed as the devil. It was cool. Good thing I had chocolate to give her!

I have another midterm on Thursday. I should be okay. It's pretty much a test asking questions about creating lesson plans for science. Ew. Next week, I really need to buckle down. I have 3 papers and 2 midterms. Then I can breathe again.

Party on. Don't be jealous.

Good night.