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Monday, October 31, 2005


I started working on my paper an hour and a half ago and I just FINISHED! All I have left to do is the timeline which I can do tomorrow. Woohoo!

Now, onto the worse news.

I went down to the bus station today. Amy G. was on 34th Street and she came with me. I went to the Lost and Found and what do you know? My lost wasn't found. I cancelled all my cards. I was not a happy camper. I am so glad Amy was with me because she cheered me up like you wouldn't believe. I love her so much. I have to get back to my room because she has been there waiting for me since I wasn't allowed to bring her up to the computer lab.

After we went to the bus station, I wanted to eat, so Amy treated us to KD. It was goooooood. Nothing like a mediocre deli sandwich and fries after being really upset. I am still upset about it, but on the walk back to the dorm, Amy and I were making up things that would make the situation worse. For example, if there was a lot more cash than there was etc.


I gotta get back to her. Have a good night!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

All is OK in the LOML sitch

Devora called me about 10 minutes after I published my last post.

ALL IS FORGIVEN MY LOVE! I apologize for thinking you were ignoring me. I didn't really believe that, but I don't want everyone to think that I, in all my perfectness, am at all haughty.



I hate NY. That was my whole thought process on the way here. THEN, I get off the bus, get into a cab with Debra, and realize that I left my coat and wallet on the bus. Great start to my school time in NY. GREAT START. I was so upset, but Debra saved my life. She called Greyhound and talked to them. They are going to call me tomorrow after they have the Lost and Found items collected. I am going to daven extra hard tomorrow. I told my father and I am going to have to cancel my credit cards and stuff if they don't get it. Oh, man.

So after this fabulous start to my NY life, Debra and I took a shuttle uptown. I never like staying in the dorm when I get back, so I wanted to see my LOML. I must have called her about 20 times and she didn't answer her phone. Debra and I got food, then came into the library to do some "work". I looked at my LOML's blog and it said, "WHERE IS MY LOML?"


So, in case you couldn't tell, I am miserable right now. If you have any sympathy gifts you would like to send, leave a comment and I'll give you the address.



Okay, that's it.

PS I still haven't written my paper. Oops. I was going to ask LOML for help, BUT I CAN'T GET THROUGH TO HER! WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE?!?!? I still love you lots, but you need to let me know the reason behind this little ISH of ours!


Good night.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Back in Procrastination Mode

I am back to my procrastinating self again. Over Shabbos, I wanted to read the material about the dude I am writing a paper on, but I didn't. I did, however, go to Target tonight like I wanted to. Everyone knows that I pretty much always want to go to Target.
I really have to write my paper.
My uncle from CT is coming with his family. We barely see them, so it's pretty exciting. He has twin sons who are about 17 now, which is crazy since I barely know them. My grandfather's friend is also coming. I will probably leave in the middle of the festivities, because I am taking a 2 or 3 o'clock bus back with Dena and possibly Debra, too. Yes, Dena was going to drive, but it didn't work out. Oh, well.
I really have to write my paper.
I finished teaching on Friday. I am going to miss it a LOT! The girls were so sad that I was leaving. At the end of the day, they wrote "DON'T GO! DON'T LEAVE! WE'LL MISS YOU!" all over the blackboard. I don't know how they are going to do work all day with their teacher. I did teach them a lot though. It was great. Good experience for me and a good time for them. That's how it should be!
I really have to write my paper.
I am looking forward to going back to NY. Once my midterms are over, I will be even happier. There's an NCSY Shabbaton in a few weeks, and Rabbi M informed me this afternoon that he wants me to come up with an icebreaker for the weekend. He is supposed to drop off a book for me to work out of. We'll see how that goes.
I am hoping to buy a laptop. I was sitting at the table today and was thinking about the paycheck I got on Friday and told my mother that I want to buy an iPod. She said, "Why don't you buy a laptop?" Hmmm... I thought. Why don't I buy a laptop? My father, of course, wondered if it was because I wanted to be online all night. Well, what's wrong with that? I am going to try to find an inexpensive one. Hey, it's my money. Soon, I hope to get an iPod. I haven't been able to listen to music too much recently because my friend in Far Rockaway has my CD player since I left it in the car we took to Detroit. I hope to get it back soon.
Okay, I am going to go continue procrastinating about my paper. I hope everyone had a good weekend!
PS DW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Original Post Has Been Erased

Due to family reasons (aka family members who read this blog, and the family members who know that other family members have read the post) I had to erase this post. Let's just put it this way, people got drunk, things were said and done and people got mad.

To Mr. Anonymous

To the anonymous jerk who commented on my last post asking who would be interested in my dull life, here's your answer:


I don't care what you think of my blog, and I hope you feel better for expressing yourself and letting everyone who reads my blog know that you have no life. But, hey, according to you, neither do I. Look at that.

To all of you who read my blog because you care, I hope you agree with me.

If anyone wants to leave a comment like that, you should at least let me know who you are and where you live.


Monday, October 24, 2005

Another Yom Tov

I can't believe it's Yom Tov again tonight. It feels like there have been 5 Shabbosim in the last 2 weeks. I also can't believe that it's just about time to go back to school. *Shudder* I am excited to go back to NY though.

Six Flags was a lot of fun. I saw a lot of my favorite kids and met new ones. At the beginning, I took the Miller's five year old son around on some kids rides. Then Adina took him and I went on some rides with the two Miller girls and their friend. They took me on a two roller coasters (Mr. Six's Pandemonium was my favorite one) and the sky ride. We walked around a lot and saw some shows too. I had a great time. I hope to go again when it isn't FREEZING COLD! But, thank G-d it wasn't raining.

We are leaving to Worcester soon. I wish I could have gone to Springfield with Devora, but that's life. I have to spend time with my family. I don't think I will be coming home for Shabbos for a while. I have midterms when I get back, then I have plans for the weeks after that. We'll see.

I hope everyone enjoys the last days of Yom Tov!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

UMass and Other Stuff

Yom Tov at UMass was awesome! Our Mapquest directions got us a bit lost right before Yom Tov started, but we made it on time. I had such a great time. I met a lot of cool people and got to bond with those I already knew. On the way to Amherst, we stopped at Target and bought Apples to Apples. It is such an addictive game. We played it a lot over Yom Tov.

After Yom Tov, Ben invited us to watch his band rehearse. It was so much fun. Afterwards, me, Adina and Amy went to Stop and Shop with our new friend Dan and his bird, Tuki. Tuki really liked me. He sat on my shoulder and didn't want to go to anyone else (and yes, that made me feel happy). It kind of made me feel like a pirate. Ha!

I did my teaching thing on Thursday and Friday. It was AWESOME! (Yes, I realize that I have been using the word "awesome" a lot in this post) I am really glad that I am able to substitute for an elementary school because that's what I want to do when I grow up (if I grow up). I can't wait! We had a lot of fun. When I first got into the room, I let them know how excited I was to be their substitute. Two of the girls in the class were in the same school as me (in Sharon), so we had a lot to talk about. It was funny being their teacher, because three years ago, I was the cool high school girls who would cut class and visit their classroom! The girls asked me what I wanted them to call me, and I told them to call me Miss Kashnow. They thought it was weird, but I told them that it makes me happy, and if they call me Miss Kashnow, I'll give them prizes on my last day. Yes, it also gave me a power trip. Just kidding. Actually, maybe I'm not.

When I was teaching, one of the girls said to me, "You should wear high heel shoes so you can feel like a real teacher." So I told them all to bring fancy shoes on Friday and we'll have a Shabbos party. One of the girls in the class who I have known since she was born told me that her birthday was on Friday, so we had a Shabbos/birthday party. I had more fun than them. I taught them some cool stuff that I learned in Israel. I love teaching!

Amy came to my house for Shabbos. Adina ate here on Friday night. I hadn't eaten in my family's sukkah for two years. It was great. Today, we had Malinka Devitchka and her family over for lunch. It started drizzling right when we finished our meal. It was nice.

After Shabbos,Yitz, Amy, Adina and I went to Target and Cafe Eilat. We (minus Amy who is going home in the morning) are going to Six Flags tomorrow with NCSY. I really hope it doesn't rain too much. I also have to figure out when I am writing my paper for math class. Oh, boy.

That's the update for now.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Building the Sukkah

I helped build the sukkah this morning. No, I am not asking for a medal. Unless you happen to have one handy. During my "break", my sister IMed me and told me that my older nephew says my name. Then she called and he said "Ada". That's usually what the wee ones call me. Of course, I was crying during this naming ceremony. Then my sister asked him what the shofar says, and he said, "TOOOOT!" It was really cute! I told my sister that I hope she comes soon because I am not coming to Israel anytime soon now that the whole summer school at YU thing is probably going to happen. Well, maybe I can swing a trip in August. ARGH, I don't know! I want to work in camp. Whatever.
The head of the school here (the same school that has the camp that I work in) called this morning and told me that she needs me this Thursday and Friday and next Thursday and Friday. In the morning, I will be an assistant in the preschool, and in the afternoon, (get this) I'll be a fourth grade teacher! Ha! It's what I'm learning to be (second grade, not fourth, but close enough!), so why not practice? I hope the seven fourth grade girls that I will be teaching won't mind being my guinea pigs! I substituted for first grade and second grade there before, so I am not totally new at the game. I can't wait!
Last night, I went to see In Her Shoes with Dena. I loved it! I called Devora before I went to tell her that I was going, since I didn't want to tell her afterwards. (No guilt trip included here) She told me to call her right after it was over. I did, and she didn't pick up her phone. It's okay because we spoke online after I got home. I was disappointed that they left out some things, but it was good.
I'm going to UMass tomorrow and my brother is coming with me. I'm really glad he's coming. I am not sure what it's going to be like, but I'm sure it will be lots of fun! It's my first sukkos in America in two years and I am not spending it at home. I feel kind of bad about that, but I am sure my parents understand that I like to spend time with friends. My friend Amy G. is coming and I am really happy about that.
Alright, my father just came inside which means it's time to make him a special lunch for building the sukkah so nicely.
Have a good day!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Post Yom Kippur Post

The fast was not so bad. I stayed in shul the whole time and said the words! It was good to be home because I got to hang with my Malinka Devitchka and my mommy on the women's side. We had fun. I know that's probably not the right word for Yom Kippur, but we couldn't just sit around kvetching.
Before the fast, I mentioned a way for me to get more on-site credits to my father. Summer school at YU. I would have to take summer school anyway, so why not take it and fulfill a lot my on-site credit requirement at the same time? My father said, "Where would you live?" I told him I would stay at Devora's. My parents probably think that I am overstaying my welcome, but they also don't know Devora! I LOVE MY LOML! I have to run it by her again to make sure she didn't change her mind! Nothing is definite yet, but I hope it will be!
Tomorrow is erev Shabbos. I feel like there have been so many Shabbosim in the last few days! I recently found out that my brother might come with me and Adina to UMass. That would be SO cool! He and I spoke for a while last night after my parents and my little brother went to bed. He was talking about coming on the NCSY Shabbaton in a few weeks. I really hope he comes. He had such a great time on the white water rafting trip. He's awesome.
After the fast, I cleaned the kitchen (sort of), made brocolli quiche and challah dough. My mommy was so happy. I told her that it is post-Yom Kippur syndrome. Ha! I do help around the house, don't get me wrong!
That's all for now. I hope everyone had a meaningful fast! Good night!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It's okay, LOML

Devora and I didn't end up going to the movie last night, in case anyone was wondering. I'm waiting until November. Did you read that LOML? I AM WAITING TO SEE IT WITH YOU EVEN THOUGH THE ACTION WASN'T MUTUAL! So what if that sentence didn't make sense! Just kidding of course.

We left the office at around 9 and I went to Devora's with her. We watched the Yankee-Angels game. It was so beautiful! Hideki "Strander" Matsui. Haha! The Yanks are OUTTA THEY-AH! (Translation: Out of there) Sigh... No stress during this World Series!

About the meeting...

So I'm sure you've all been so curious as to how the meeting went. Here it is in short:

Let me start by saying that the advisor was very nice. I really like her. Okay, so she went through all my classes and credits and lack thereof. It ends up that I figured that I would need an extra semester. When I discussed it with my father, it was a whole long discussion (not too pleasant at the beginning) but thank G-d, we figured stuff out. She (hopefully) made a few mistakes counting up some credits. I think I am going to have to take a full semester of summer school. Man, oh, man. It's better than an extra semester, and cheaper than $20,000. But, a whole semester of summer school? Groan...

Dena got us home in 3 and a half hours today. It was a fun ride.

I don't really have to much to say. It's been a long day.

Good night!

Monday, October 10, 2005


I slept at Devora's last night. I came to her office with her at 8am and helped her stuff folders for Yom Kippur services. In the middle of our work, the fire alarm went off. After Devora's shouts of "NO! I AM NOT MOVING!", we moved out onto the street and did come shopping. EXPRESS shopping. I left back to school at about 10:45.

School was okay. Went by pretty quickly. Bio lab was pretty fun. We learned about starches and carbs and got to play with test tubes and mix stuff to make pretty colors. Language and Literacy class was awesome as always. We learned about rules of phonics (and their exceptions) that we can teach our class. The class was supposed to start at 3:10, but the teacher didn't come in until 3:35 because he thought it was Wednesday. Before he came in, we were trying to figure out what to do. I said I would go upstairs and see if he was in his office. Then I said, "Watch. I bet that when I get into the elevator, he'll walk into the room." I was about to stand up to go find him when he came down the hallway and into the classroom. Good thing, because I would have HATED to get up. :)

After school, I went to the registrar's office to change my meeting from tomorrow afternoon to tomorrow morning. The morning wasn't open because the advisors were going to be having a meeting, so I took the 1pm slot. My psych class doesn't end until 1:15, but sometimes she lets us out early. If she doesn't let us out early tomorrow, then I guess I will have to leave early. Well, I definitely won't have to be taken out kicking and screaming.

I am in Devora's office. Yes, again. I was just about to blog about how she wants to take me out for a surprise. (She had texted me during my last class saying, "Come and play after school and maybe after I finish I will take you out for a special surprise!). I was going to post about how I don't know what the surprise is and blah blah blah. THEN, as I was signing on to blogger, I asked Devora, "You're taking me to see In Her Shoes, aren't you?" She said, "How did you know?" I replied, "I just...did." She wrote on her blog, that she went to see In Her Shoes, but she is willing to see it again. I commented saying that it was okay and I forgive her. But, I had no idea until after I got here. She said, "You know me so well!" Yes, I do.

On the way into Devora's office, I finally met Drew. I officially think he's really cool. Yes, Drew, you're really cool. (Just in case you didn't believe me when I told you.)

Well, since we are going to a 10:15 show, I guess I am sleeping at Devora's. I brought my pajamas! Haha!

Well, that's it for now. Good night everyone!

Oh, and Lorelai, I AM SO TAKING YOU UP ON THE INVITE! Maybe I'll actually be able to see you on my next trip! I still can't believe what happened in June. ARGH! Love you, babe!

Sunday, October 09, 2005


I'm back in NY...just not in my dorm. We arrived in the Heights at about 6:10pm. The ride was a lot of fun. We got lost in Harlem for a little bit, but we found our way out. Debra and I got on the 6:15 shuttle back to school. I dropped off my stuff and went to Devora's office. We chilled for a while, then me, her and Darisa went to Cafe K. DJ started feeling sick, I couldn't do anything to help. I HATE when that happens! We took a cab back to her apartment and that's where I am now. I am just not in the mood to be in the dorm.
I decided that I am going home for Yom Kippur. I'm going to try to change my advisor meeting to Tuesday morning instead of after school, so I could get a ride back with Dena. I might have to skip math. (Sorry, Perica! I don't understand what goes on, anyway!)
In other news, I'm tired. I have a pain in my back that isn't going away. I'm kvetchy, in case you couldn't tell.
Good night!

Waiting for my laundry...still waiting...

Shabbos was really nice. I write that a lot. Hmmm. I brought my older brother along with me and he really enjoyed it. I was glad he was there. He is going white water rafting with NCSY tomorrow. I'm not. I'm going back with Dena at 2pm. It's going to be fun! On Shabbos after lunch, we did Improv. Some of it was really funny! A guy named Noah (was an advisor for NER for like 2 minutes) was showing us how we can make it fun for NCSYers. I didn't do it. None of the games what we did were the fun ones! Play "props" and I'm all there!

After Shabbos, we had Melave Malka at the Miller's house. I was in a really blah mood. Blah meaning bad. Well number one, I am now PMSing (which reminds me of one of my favorite jokes: Why is it called PMS? Because Mad Cow Disease was already taken! Ba doom boom chhhh) which most probably was the root of my mood. Sometimes I really hate being a girl. But, hey, as long as it gives me an excuse to have my moods.

Going back to NY tomorrow. Whoopeedoo. It's going to be a full car so adventure is sure to reign. I am still not sure what I am doing for Yom Kippur. Devora is going to be at her shul, but I am not sure if I would enjoy it, even though I would be in great company! We'll see. Dena is driving straight to the Heights, so I will probably catch a shuttle back to school , then go to Devora's office since she's pretty much camping out there until November. Adina is going to call my cousin in Queens to see if we could go to her for Shabbos. I hope my parents aren't going to be insulted about how it seems like I never want to be home. I DO want to be home, but I also need to be somewhere where I have a slight chance to have a social life. I am going to UMass for the first days of sukkos. I think it's definite. Did tha sentence make sense? Eh, probably not. Must be the PMS. (See? It's an excuse for almost EVERYTHING!)

The next time I post, I will probably be in NY. What a wonderful thought...

One more thing. My friend always sends me forwards. I skim them sometimes. Some of them are those e-mails that go around saying that a company will donate 10 cents to someone for every person you send the e-mail to. Some of them are jokes, which I ALWAYS appreciate. And some of them are quizzes. When I am in the mood, I take them. I took one last week that was a multiple choice quiz about yourself. At the end, you get different amounts of points for different answers. Then at the end, it tells you what you are according to your total score. This is what mine was:

Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful & practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but equally that it takes you a long time to get over if that trust is ever broken.

The last part (which I bolded for you) is what really struck me. It is so true. I really hate it, but it's true. Funny how a little quiz can make you think.

If you want me to forward the quiz to you, let me know.

Have a good day/afternoon/night!

(Wow, that was really corny. I apologize)

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Fast Day

Today is a fast day. If you thought you were bored when you could eat, imagine how bored you can be if you CAN'T! My mother is home today so hopefully we can hang out. Maybe we can, like, hit the, like, mall. I need to get my watch battery replaced. I feel so out of it when I don't know what time it is!

This Shabbos is an advisor Shabbos at the Miller's house. I have to decide what I am making for the meal. Hmmmm...

I am heading back to New York on Sunday. I am still not thrilled about the fact that we have two days of school when we should be having vacation, but there's nothing I can do about it, so I have to suck it up. Erica won't be there, so I will actually have to pay attention. WHY? Ha.

Rosh Hashana was nice. I got sick the morning before, so I sniffled my way through. Is it a bad sign to be sick on the first day of the year? I hope not. Other than that, everything is GREAT. I can't wait to go back to New York. Wow, I almost believed myself! Just kidding. I'll see some friends and it will be nice. Besides, I am getting a ride there and back with Dena, so it's all good!

Have an easy fast!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Still here...

The event today was great. There were 17 kids including my little brother. We went to a bowling alley in Needham. There were 8 lanes with cool lights. It was candlepin, so it was hard for a lot of the kids to get pins down, but they had a lot of fun. We got to watch the Red Sox/Yankee game at the bowling alley. WE WON!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!

After the event, we helped out with the mailing, then I went with DAC to return the van. After that, I picked up my brother and dropped him off at home. Then DAC and I did a Target run. It was fun.

Now I'm home and on the phone with my friend from Australia. Woohoo, multitasking! Her little sister just sang "You Are My Sunshine" to me in her little Aussie accent! So cute!

That's all for now.

Good night.

Wow, these posts are getting boring... I'll fix that soon. I hope.

The Last Few Days

Dena, Debra and I had a fun trip home. After we got her car from next to Dena's sister's house, we had dinner at Central Perk. It was really nice. We got home close to midnight.

Shabbos was really nice. always.

Tonight, I went to Filene's with Dena to exchange something she bought, then we rented Fever Pitch. It was a good movie. Don't worry, LOML, I'll watch it again with you!

Tomorrow, I am going to help out at a Junior NCSY event. Cosmic bowling! WOOHOO! After that, DAC said she would take me to Target! I LOVE Target!

Well that's the last few days in a nutshell. Hmmm...I wonder where that phrase came from. Any ideas? No? Okay, then I should probably go to bed. Whoa, it's later than I thought. Night, night!