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Thursday, September 28, 2006

At Least I Got To See My Family

Okay, so the meeting I went home for was nothing that I should have gone home for. Enough said. I got to see Malka though. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I finished my psych paper proposal not too long ago. Yippee.

I head back in 5 hours. Man oh man.

It's been quite a night. I'm ready for it to be over. Good night.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Long Day

Today was a long day. Not necessarily a bad one though. I had a backache all day, probably because I shlepped my suitcase all over the place downtown in Boston yesterday. Eh.

ANYWAY, I hung out with Nili today after I did some errands around town. We ended up going uptown to eat, then I stayed up there and worked with Miriam while Nili went to class. We went back on the 11:45 shuttle and I got my papers from someone then I came back to the apartment. I should go to sleep because I have fieldwork tomorrow morning. I am going by myself because Perica went on Monday. It should be fine. I'll go earlier and leave earlier. Should be fun.

Long day tomorrow. Party. I have to write a psychology paper proposal for Thursday. I think I am going to write my paper on identity formation. We shall see.

Okay, night night.

Oh, and all you anonymous posters annoy me. Leave your name.

Monday, September 25, 2006


Nili, you saved my life...again. You rock.

Rosh Hashanah was great. I can't wait to work on stuff. Yeah, stuff.

Going back to NY tomorrow. I left Kaila upstairs watching a movie while I came downstairs to talk to Nili and get my laundry out. I'll check on her in a bit.

I have so much work to do this week. I hope to do that. Eh.

Good night.

Friday, September 22, 2006

A Brand New Year

I want to take this opportunity to wish all of my loyal (and not so loyal) blog readers a Ksiva V'Chasima Tovah (May you be written and sealed for only good things).

For all of you who I have hurt this year whether I knew about it or not, I am sorry. I hope you can forgive me.

There are a lot of things that I am going to work on this year. Even though I plan to take on a lot, I know my friends are there for me to help me grow. You guys are really the best. I have been through a lot of stuff this year, and knowing that you are there for me really helped me through it. I hope our friendships continue to grow and that we grow along with it. Thank you so much!

May we all have a year of many accomplishments and blessings and may our families know only good things!

All the best!


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Like Old Times

Education Paper:

Time Started: 1:35am
Time Finished: 2:45am

Good to be back!

There's an Israel rally tomorrow at noon. The Iranian @%$%^$^* is addressing the UN about his hope to wipe out Israel and we will be rallying out front. Two of my classes were cancelled for it. I am so excited to finally be involved in something!

Good night.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I Woke Up An Hour Earlier Than My Alarm

I don't know why either.

ANYWAY, I wrote some of a story about high school for tonight's class last night. I'm not 100% sure what she wanted, but whatever. I was supposed to write a 1-2 page paper on what I hope to get out of my new psych class, but CLASS IS CANCELLED! In other words, I can do it tomorrow night. Class being cancelled means that I could technically go to dance class, but I think I might just take a nap. I have to write a big paper tonight and I didn't get the books for the reading yet. It's a pretty fluffy class, so I'll be able to swing it.

KAILA is coming home with me for New Years! I am so excited!

Shoot I just sneezed a lot. I guess my lack of sleep cold thing is coming back. Shoot.

Anyhoo, I have class at 12 and nothing to do until then. Well, I could do some stuff, but I don't feel like it.

End of post.

Monday, September 18, 2006

I Should Be Sleeping

You'd think that after I started getting sick from not sleeping well, I would be sleeping at 1:30am...nah.

I have fieldwork in the morning, class until 2:40, then I hope to take a nap, do my work, and go to the gym. We shall see.

Shabbos was nice. Got to sleep a lot. Hillel's bar mitzvah was great. I love that kid. I came back on a 10am bus instead of an 11:30 like I had originally planned. There was another party for Hillel at 10:30, so it just made sense to leave at 10. I came back and went to Circa, CVS and Starbucks with Kaila. She's awesome. Then I chilled around the 34th Street area with some friends. Later, I went to do Music homework with a friend in the class. The teacher said that we can work together as long as we put both names on the paper. We had to choose 5 songs from his selections and determine whether they are in major or minor key. It was fun making it up.

I have been procrastinating about the rest of my work for a while now. I have taken over Kaila's computer. I need to get mine fixed. I really do. I think I might just take it to someone who works near the repair place. I NEED A COMPUTER! Yes, NEED.

Okay, I'm going to think about going to sleep now. Good night!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

New Classes

The new classes went alright. Psych will be a lot of work, but the teacher said that we can meet to make myself a schedule for me to make up the work since I missed some stuff. Tonight, Princess, Daniella, Rachel and I went out on the town. We went to Macy's and I got some cool jewelry and made a new friend. I saved more that twice as much as I spent. It was awesome! Yes, some of the jewelry was green. After that, we walked through Times Square and it started raining. Then we went to Brookdale, I got money someone owed me, then I came back to my apartment. I need to get out. I might go somewhere soon. Not sure yet. I still have to pack to go home. I'll do that later. Maybe I'll go get some caffeine.

Okay, that's all the news for now.

Buh bye.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

An E-mail from the President of YU

To the YU Community:

I am thrilled to announce that our trustee and past chairman, Ronald P. Stanton has announced a donation of $100 million to Yeshiva University. His gift today is an affirmation both magnificent and munificent. It is the largest single gift ever in North America in support of Jewish education and Jewish life. The gift is unprecedented in its generosity, in its foresight and in its implications for our institution, our larger Jewish community and our world.

At its most fundamental level, the Ronald P. Stanton Legacy will supply seed money for the University’s growth initiatives. It will provide the means to expeditiously pursue projects, acquisitions and programs to further enhance the quality of our undergraduate and Jewish education through facilities acquisition and renovation, supporting faculty research, and the recruitment and retention of top-quality faculty across the various disciplines. Ron’s gift ensures that Yeshiva University solidifies its position as one of America’s ‘top-tier’ research universities, while also maintaining its unique identity as a place where excellence in liberal arts and sciences is pursued hand-in-hand with the timeless teachings of Torah, and where wisdom is brought to life through a value-centered education that fosters a heightened sense of advocacy and responsibility to the betterment of humanity

This unique philanthropic revolving fund demonstrates his commitment to Yeshiva University’s distinctive mission, his endorsement of our strategic direction and his unshakable faith that others will follow in his footsteps.

We are humbled. We are honored. We are grateful beyond words. And we are excited by the opportunities ahead. These opportunities might once have remained dreams but now, thanks to Ron, they can become concrete reality.

Richard M. Joel

Editor's Notes

ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS?!?!!?!?!?! Whoa. Now I wonder if this means that they still plan to raise tuition.

ANYWAY, today was uneventful. Tomorrow I join two new classes. DAVIDAH IS IN THE ONE I DIDN'T THINK I KNEW ANYONE IN! I am so excited. She told me that they have to write a 7 page paper, but whatever.

My roomate is hopefully coming home with me for Shabbos. I'm so excited!

Not too much going on really. Other than the fact that I feel SO much better about school stuff. No, that doesn't mean that I love school now, but people have noticed my change of mood.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

No More Dance Class :-(

That's right everyone. I am out of my favorite class. No more Dancing with Dassie. It makes me sad.


I met with the head of the education department today. She saw how overwhelmed I was. I told her my psychology situation and some other things, so she called one of the academic advisors. Eventually, she said into the phone, "Can we come down there?" So, the head of the department took me down to the office. She had to leave so I was left with the advisor. She made it clear cut and it was a big relief for me. I won't go into all the details (because, frankly, I don't remember them), but this is what I have so far:

I am switching around my schedule this semester to fill as many requirements as possible (including the psych I was not allowed to take-with a different teacher)

I have to take a few courses this summer.

If I don't take all the courses I need to in the summer, then I can take one course in the fall while I am teaching.

I need to get exempted from a Jewish History requirement.

I had to sign up for a 2.5 hour class, but it's with a good teacher and it's for education, so I don't care.

ALL IN ALL, I can march in graduation in May. I just won't have a degree yet.

The advisor told me that she is doing things unofficially to help me. I got nervous at plenty of points in the two meetings that we had (she had called me again to change more things and I had to go back to meet with her).

Okay, I have homework then I really need sleep.

Mazel tov on my future graduation.

Monday, September 11, 2006

First Day of Fieldwork

Yesterday, I chilled with my little brother. It was lots of fun. I took him to Times Square and to a YU/Stern event. It was funny. Then we had dinner and he headed home (with my parents of course). Later, I went uptown to get stuff that I forgot at Devora's, then I hung out with Nili. It was cool.

Today, I was up extra early to go to fieldwork. I went to PS 41 and was assigned to a second grade classroom with a male teacher. He is amazing. Really. I got some good notes. I can't wait to go back. The kids are so cute! In the morning, there was a moment of silence. I don't think the kids fully understood, but it was nice to see them all show respect.

Today, there is a blood drive at school. I look forward to them. After I give blood (last time, my iron was too low, so I pray that that doesn't happen again), I am going to a program that school is having for September 11. I don't know what I am doing after that...I should probably do my literature homework. I actually read the book. I know...crazy. Okay, so I skimmed a lot of it, but I did follow class discussion. WOOHOO!

Okay, bye.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

A Post For Nili

This post is in honor of Nili. We are having a girls night at DJ's right now. Chocolate, ice cream (we haven't broken it out yet) and beverages. Nili, you're awesome. REALLY AWESOME. I can't wait to hang at your apartment again...when you're there. ;)

Shabbos was really nice. We chilled. Devora, Darisa and I went to Mike and Laura's for Friday night and stayed in for lunch. Then we all passed out in the living room for a couple of hours. Lots of fun.

I can't wait to hang out with my little brother tomorrow. I am still not sure exactly what we are doing, but I am still excited.

I have to head back soon. I can't wait to get into bed.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Chill, Chill?

Hey anonymous...if you're going to leave me a comment like that, DON'T. I am not interested in hearing you tell me to chill. Walk in my shoes for a day. Uch. If you want to encourage me to chill, leave your name. Coward. Yeah that's right. I went there. And I'm not going back.

After school, I went shoe shopping with Princess Perica. I love hanging out with her. I bought a replacement pair of Naot and the Rocketdogs that Miriam wanted to go with my suit. Ha. I am not going to wear them with the suit, but they're fun to wear with the skirt part. :-D

I went to Best Buy with a buddy today. They pretty much told me (after we were there for an hour) that they couldn't really do anything because I didn't get a service plan with them, so I am going to the repair place in the city tomorrow to see what they can do. I WANT A NEW COMPUTER.

After that, I went bowling as a YU/Stern event. It was fun. I got to hang out with people. Duh. I even bowled for a few minutes.

After that I had 2 cups of coffee when I had nothing in my system. Yeah, that's right. Whatever.

I can't wait for my date with my brother on Sunday. I miss him. My parents are coming in to look at halls with my brother and his fiancee, so I get to play with little one! We're attacking the city. It's going to be awesome.

I have a meeting with the head of the education department. She had wanted me to call her and have a meeting over the phone, but I told her that I would much rather meet in person. I want to show her my transcript and stuff. We shall see how that goes. If it goes well, then I will have one really huge boulder taken off my shoulder.

This blog post proves that I had 2 cups of coffee. ADD, what?

I am going to Devora's for Shabbos to just chill. I am so excited. I LOVE YOU, DJ!

Tomorrow, I need to get food for one of my teachers from seminary's (she was only my teacher for a few weeks) mother. She is staying in a hotel and I told her I would bring her some food for Shabbos. Yeah, mitzvah girl RIGHT HERE. *pat on the back*.

Good night.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Still In A Bad Mood

I am still upset, but someone just told me that I have the right to be. Good to know. Doesn't make me feel any better, but what can you do?

I am going to Best Buy on Thursday. I don't know what to do for Shabbos. I would stay in, but I'm not 100% sure that I want to do that. I need out.

I just joined the gym in my building for a month. After the holidays, I am going to join for the rest of the semester.

I have so much work to do. I am going out with a friend for a little bit, working out, doing my homework, then helping a friend write a paper.

I need sleep amoung a few other things.

Sorry this is one of those bad mood posts.


I'm back in NY. My night was going just fine until someone told me something. I know it's annoying that I am being all mysterious, but it's just not important. Everything is starting to annoy me. I hate school a lot, it's getting pretty bad. No one is helping me even though it is their job to. People suck. It's nice to have people to talk to that understand, but it doesn't help me. There is one thing I need to make me feel better and I just don't have it.

WHATEVER. That's all I have to say.

I think I am going to skip my 9am class. I can't do this anymore.

Sorry to be all dramatic, but UCH.

Monday, September 04, 2006


The cruise was great! Fifty one kids from Boston, Providence and Connecticut came in the rain. The weather didn't damper our mood! The kids had a great time.

After the cruise, DAC and I went to Target for the second time today and I finished up my gift card. WOOHOO! I bought a suit. I bought the skirt in the morning and the jacket during the second trip. It's brown. I'll need to spice it up.

I started packing and my excuse for being up so late was that I was waiting for my laundry, but it is definitely done by now. I should go to sleep. I was going to take a 3pm bus, but I think Zehava and I are taking the 12pm. I have some work to do when I get back. I think I am going to join the gym in my building. Most of my apartment joined, so it should be fun.

Good night!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Cruising in the Rain?

So, it's drizzling now. I am hoping that it won't be raining for the cruise tomorrow. I checked and it said that it's supposed to stop raining in the morning and be 74 degrees. I hope they're right!

Shabbos was really nice. I slept through most of it, but the parts that I didn't sleep through were really nice. After Shabbos, DAC and I got take out from Taam China and ate it in her apartment. It was fun! Tomorrow morning we are going out for breakfast, then she's going to take me to the train station later so I could pick up the kids coming from Rhode Island.

I hope tomorrow is a success. I still haven't given Rabbi Miller a calendar of events I want to run. He e-mailed me asking me if I wanted to run a Sukkos BBQ at Young Israel, and I told him that I would if someone else did it with me. He didn't really help too much with the Shabbaton until last minute, so I need to make sure. I need a job this year, but not if it's going to be too stressful.

I hope everyone had a great Shabbos.

Friday, September 01, 2006

As Is Hinda's Blog Tradition...Collages!

Sigh...What a great night.

I hope everyone has a restful and RECOVERY-FUL (ahem, DJ) Shabbos.


So after a day of feeling blah, I went to Makor for Girl's Night Out. It was SO MUCH FUN! (Pictures will come soon)

We ate at Makor and the waitress was awesome. Her name is Kennedy and she is the best. Don't tell the other waitresses that I said that. DJ, Nili, Georgia, Lanners, Amara, Tiff, Brooke, Eli and I had a great time. I wasn't planning on going to the movie that the others were going to after dinner, but they didn't end up going anyway. We went to Barnes and Noble instead and got some books. I bought a book called "You Are Special" by Max Lucado. It is such a beautiful book. Thank you, Devora and Shimmy! After B&N, Tiff, Brooke and I headed back to midtown. Then I started backing up my computer files. I emailed myself the pictures that I didn't think were on the computer at my house and a few documents. I wanted to save my music, but I got too frustrated, so I didn't. Big thank you to Erica for lending me her computer charger! It saved me!

Okay, so I need to finish packing because I am leaving in 4 hours. HAHAHA!

Good night and good Shabbos!