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Friday, June 30, 2006

Oh, Yeah. What I Did Tonight.

Numero Uno, I saw Rochel and she was married. Whoa.

Secondly, I took DAC out on a surprise date. I picked her up (late, I'm sorry), picked up Chinese food and drove to the park. I took out a blanket and a new toy (it attaches to 2 soda bottles and dispenses them one at a time. You know, like the things that bartenders serve with. With the buttons? Get it? No?). It didn't work too well, but it was fun while it lasted. We made toasts and enjoyed our food. I love that woman! She doesn't know how she is going to outdo me for my birthday (which is in about 2 weeks...ahem). That's right. Because the date was that good!

We went back to my house and my mom brought out a cake for DAC. It was fun. She took home the leftovers. Saweet!

Okay, I feel better now that I didn't leave you out of the loop.

A Good Feeling

The first day of camp was awesome! Exhausting, but awesome. I have 12 adorable kids and I am really excited for the rest of the summer. It's a good feeling (hence the title).

Not too much else going on. Camp is my life right now. I'll fill you in when need be. Not to worry, I will still blog. How else would I display my projects that I will make? Mwahaha.

Have a good night and a great weekend!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Happy birthday, DAC!

Camp starts tomorrow. I worked on my room for 5 hours today. It looks cute. I'll try to post pictures. I was supposed to have 8 kids for the first day, but today it became 10 and I think it's going to be 11 because my Rochele's little sister is coming. So I hear, anyway. I am so excited to play!

I have a hot date tomorrow night after sheva brachos. With DAC. I can't wait.

Not too much else going on. I spoke to my DJ this morning and we are going to get to spend some time together in 2 weeks. I am so excited to see her. I miss her a lot.

Good night!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Mrs. Rochel Chein


Shabbos was amazing and the wedding was INCREDIBLE! Rochel was the most amazing bride. She is my role model and I hope to one day be as happy as she is. She was incredible. She kept her cool and made everything seem so easy. I had such a great time with her sisters at the wedding. That whole family is bli ayin hara, one of the most amazing families that I know. Before I left I got an emotion-filled (at least on my part) from the beautiful kallah. That was the bracha I was waiting for.

Rochel, I love you so much and I am so happy that you found who you were looking for. May you have a wonderful and healthy life together and share many simchos!

I can't wait for sheva brachos on Thursday night. PARTY!

Ahem...moving on.

I started setting up my camp room today. Tomorrow I am going to finish up. Morah Miriam said she doesn't know what time she is waking up tomorrow, but if it gets to be too late, I am going to finish up myself. The camp is small this summer, so chances are that there won't be a camp next summer. Eh. It's alright. I don't know where I'll be next summer anyway.

I think I have to back out of going to Dallas in August. It's too expensive and I can't miss more work than I already am. Miriam, this doesn't mean I don't love you anymore. I will come for your wedding, okay?

Good night.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

In honor of my baby Rochele


I am so excited to spend shabbos with her. I am hopefully travelling with my friend Rivki tomorrow. It should be fun.

Today was the last day of school. I made sure to spoil the kids a lot today so I could leave them on a good note. It worked. Ha.

Have I mentioned that my ROCHELE is getting married? Whoa. I don't think I fully realize what is going on.

I did some shopping today. Morah Shifra had a headache when we were downtown. I hope you're feeling better, Morah!

I got a special phone call when I was in the mall tonight. JACOBS, I miss you like no other. Please come in August! Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oy Oy Oy! (I can see the sign on your door in my head!)

Have a good Shabbos everyone!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Tomorrow is the last day of school...:(

I don't want school to be over. I had so much fun!

I am going to Crown Heights for shabbos to be with my Rochele. I am so excited to spend time with her before she gets hitched. I am going downtown with Shifra tomorrow to look for something to wear to the wedding. I am going to dance my tail feather off at this wedding. I am so excited to dance with my Rochele (and her siblings too)! AAAH! ROCHELE!

Nothing much else is going on. My newest passion is the dollar store near my house. LOVING THAT. Idea for an NCSY event: See how long it takes us to get kicked out by asking for price checks on everything. We shall see. Ha.

Planning on making a summer shabbaton in a few weeks. Not sure how to do that. DAC's going to help me. We shall see how that works out.

I hope everyone's enjoying their summer!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I made it to the wedding yesterday afternoon. It was so hot, but we survived. I need to find things that aren't black to wear to weddings. There are so many weddings coming up that it's ridiculous. Seriously. There are three weddings on the same day in August, but I know which one I am going to. Later last night was the reception of the wedding I had gone to in the afternoon. Don't ask, I don't get it. It was lots of fun.

Tonight we had a birthday party for my grandmother. It was fun. Dinner at my house with some family. My little brother and I wrote a funny poem.

School is over this Thursday. I'm going to miss it. Today was way too hot, so I didn't teach much after recess. I let them relax. Yes, I am awesome. When I got home, there was an open pipe next to the curb and water was shooting upwards. All my neighbors were getting soaked (on purpose) so, naturally, I joined in. It was refreshing.

I hope it cools off.

Good night!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Hanging In CT

Shabbos was awesome. I left work on Friday at 11, caught a bus to Springfield at 12, switched to a bus to Hartford at 2, then took a train with 5 NCSYers to Stamford. I had so much fun. Friday night after our meals at our respective hosts, we chilled at this mansion that the owners open for Shabbos. We ate lunch at the shul, chilled at the mansion again, then had Seuda Shelishit with the shul. After havdala, we went BOWLING! That was fun. I had to use a disposable camera because I can't find my camera charger.

Now I am in Bex's house and I am leaving in a few hours. I am going on a 7:47am train with 3 NCSYers. They are getting off before me. I need to get to a wedding at about 1pm in Woosta. I told someone I would give them a ride. I should figure that out.

Okay, I'm tired. I'm going to sleep. Night night and Happy Father's Day!

Friday, June 16, 2006


Trying to find a way to get to Stamford tomorrow. AAAAAAAAAH!

So annoying. I just found out that my ride won't leave until pretty late, so I am planning to take a bus to Hartford and take a train to Stamford with a bunch of kids. Only problem is, I need to find a substitute. I am hoping that the girl I left a message for will call me back and say she can do it. It's going to be very last minute. What else is new...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

PLEASE daven for


The graduation last night was awesome. There were so many kids there and they were so happy that we came. It's a great feeling.

I am going to Stamford for Shabbos. I am hoping that Yitz comes too. I think he'll end up coming. Maybe not. His friend is getting married on Sunday, so Yitz might go to Worcester for the Shabbos Chosson. I hope he doesn't. Selfish reasons, but still.

Work is going really well. I LOVE it.

In other news...

We are very happy about that.
I need to get to sleep. I am driving my mother somewhere early in the morning, then driving a car full to school. One Morah and 3 little girls. I am so excited. The real mommy experience. Ha.
Good night.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Long Day

I haven't been home yet today.

The luncheon today was great. Lots of kids, parents and supporters. Afterwards, DAC, Yitz and I went to Rami's with BEN TAP SOUL (well, it was just Ben and Etan, but the other two lost out, so they don't count in this)! They played at the luncheon and they are AWESOME! Then DAC and I went to Walgreen's, CVS, then back to her place to chill. We had dinner at Rubin's, then Yitz came over and took us to the NCSY office which is where I am now. We started watching videos from Spring, but we only got through one because the others weren't working. Great.

I am so tired. Tomorrow night a bunch of us are going to the HHNE graduation with Rabbi Miller. I can't wait to see kids! I MISS THEM!

Have a good night!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

A Week Without Blogging

I'm sorry I have kept you all out of the loop. I'll catch you up...

I am having a GREAT time substituting! Makes me feel better about my career choice. It's lots of fun. I help out in a kindergarten class for a little bit in the afternoon and that's a party, too. That's pretty much my every day.

I bought new glasses this week. I am excited about them. They should be coming in by the end of the week. I wanted to get new contacts since my current pair ripped, but my prescription expired so I have to wear my glasses. They don't really look so great with my new haircut (yes, I cut my hair), but I'll have to deal. I think I'll make it.

Shabbos was nice and relaxing. DAC came. Now I am at her house and I am sleeping over because tomorrow is the JSU (Jewish Student Union) Inaugural Celebration and we are going early to help set up. It's going to be really nice. There are about 110 people coming.

I'm going to go relax in front of the box with DAC and watch the DVD we rented. Box being the TV, of course.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

Monday, June 05, 2006

24 Hours Ago

24 hours ago, Devorah and I decided to go to NY.

I just got back home.

It was fun. We saw a lot of people we knew. We helped Ben sell some of his CDs in Central Park. It was my first time in Central Park. Crazy. We made a stop in Naugatuck on the way home. It was very worth the delay in our trip back.

Tired. Bed. Okay.

Thanks, DAC!

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Rabbi Miller gave permission to use his car at 12:30am this morning. Devorah and I are driving into NY.

Insane? Yeah.

Be back later.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Festival of Cheesecakes

I hope everyone had a good Shabbos and holiday.

Just wanted you all to know that I am still alive and blogging. Yom Tov was good. Lots of food as always.

I worked on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I am hoping that the teacher I am supposed to take over for has her baby before Monday so I don't have to teach in front of her. It's going to be a fun subbing job.

I want to go to the Israel parade in NY tomorrow. Not looking too likely right now. I can't wait for the HHNE (in CT) graduation next Monday so I can see all my kids. There was a lot going on in West Hartford this Yom Tov and I really wish I was there. Oh, well.

Not too much going on other than that.

The end.