Oh, Yeah. What I Did Tonight.
Numero Uno, I saw Rochel and she was married. Whoa.
Secondly, I took DAC out on a surprise date. I picked her up (late, I'm sorry), picked up Chinese food and drove to the park. I took out a blanket and a new toy (it attaches to 2 soda bottles and dispenses them one at a time. You know, like the things that bartenders serve with. With the buttons? Get it? No?). It didn't work too well, but it was fun while it lasted. We made toasts and enjoyed our food. I love that woman! She doesn't know how she is going to outdo me for my birthday (which is in about 2 weeks...ahem). That's right. Because the date was that good!
We went back to my house and my mom brought out a cake for DAC. It was fun. She took home the leftovers. Saweet!
Okay, I feel better now that I didn't leave you out of the loop.