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Monday, July 31, 2006


The Shabbaton went really well. Thirty kids came for the whole thing, and some extras came on Shabbos day. Yesterday, another advisor and I took 13 kids downtown. We were going to go on a cruise around the Harbor, but there was some confusion about the price and stuff, so we ended up walking around Quincy Market. I am taking people there when they come to visit. It's so much fun! (Pictures coming soon)

I got another kid in camp today and I'm pretty sure she is staying for the rest of the summer. Two of my favorite kids (most of them are my favorites) are leaving. One is leaving camp on Wednesday and one next Tuesday. Boohoo.

In other news, I am OVERLY excited to go to NY this weekend.

The end.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

In Case I Haven't Mentioned This Earlier...


Devora, you have no idea how excited I am to see you.

The end.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Good Weekend

A bunch of friends came over on Shabbos to chill. It was really nice. We went to the park and then walked around the reservoir. After Shabbos, I took Yossi, Shif and Matt to JP Licks. I called one of my NCSYers to see where she was going and she said she was going to JP Licks, too. She was with a bunch of other kids, so I called it a Boston NCSY Event. It was awesome.

There are 30+ people coming to the shabbaton this weekend. I am so excited, but I have so much to do! DJ, I will make sure your regards are sent! XOXO

Today, my parents and I went to Syms for their bash (aka big sale). I bought a new outfit and 2 really soft sweaters. One is green (duh) and the top for my outfit is green, too. I didn't want you to be worried.

We are learning about Community Helpers in camp this week. Morah Shifra's mommy is going to come visit camp and talk to the kids about being a nurse. A real policeman might come at the end of the week! I am so excited! WOOHOO! I love my job.

In other news, I saw my Rochele on Friday. She looks so cute!

The end for now.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Still Here

Thank G-d the weather was a lot better today. It was really stuffy in the school building, so we made sure to go outside a lot.

I sent out the official invitation to the shabbaton. I really hope it goes well.

I decided that I am going to NY in a few weeks to spend some quality Shabbos time with the Shabbos crew. XOXO

Not much else going on. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still around! :)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Another Weekend Over

This weekend was really nice. A bunch of my friends came over on Shabbos day and we had a really nice seuda shelishit. After Shabbos, Dena and DAC took me to the Top of the Hub for my birthday. It's a restaurant/lounge at the top of the Prudential and we ended up at a window table with a really nice view. Thanks, girls!

Today my family went to RI for a surprise anniversary party for my aunt and uncle. They were really surprised! I got to chill with my family and my aunt and uncle who came in from Baltimore. It was a great party. We got back not too long ago.

I am excited for another week in camp. This is the week when we make our Brachos Book! It's one of my favorite projects. I still have mine from last summer. How exciting! Calm down, people.

Good night!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Thank You!

Thank you for the phone calls, texts, messages and comments! I really appreciate it!

Thank you to my sister and BIL and nephoos for the present! How did you know that I love Target? :)

Thank you, DAC for the GREEN BALLOONS!

Have a great Shabbos everyone!

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to me.

I made two awesome newsletters! One for my group and one for Morah Shifra's. My dad's printer made a few funky neon purple lines on them (the kids pictures that are on the border), but it's okay. Who knows which parents actually read it and/or keep it for more than 10 minutes?

I don't have too much to write right now (as you can blatantly see). I will try to blog again tomorrow after my surprise party in camp. :)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Fast Day

Tomorrow is a fast day and I am working until 4 (two people have to stay until 4 everyday and I volunteered to work until 4 on the fast day because I am so nice...and because I need spending money). I love camp. My kids are adorable. I got a new one on Monday when I was in NY and I know him from before, so now I have 14. My boss asked me if it would be okay for a girl to come to camp on days that some of my kids are absent. I said ok. I love Israeli kids. I speak more Hebrew in camp than I did in Israel.

In other news...I went out to dinner with my parents and little bro to the new Taam China (called Taam China 2...who would have thought?). Afterwards, I went to Target with Morah Shifra. We had wanted to go to Gap Outlet (which is in the same mall as Target), but we got there too late. Better luck next time.

I hope everyone has an easy fast!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaack

Today, I went to Devora's office with her and labelled for 3 hours. Then I went to meet Yehudis for lunch. We planned on eating at Cafe K, but it was mobbed, so we went to a falafel stand in Rockafellar Center. It was good. After we finished eating, Yehudis pulled out a piece of cheesecake with a candle in it. It was so sweet. Thanks, Hudis!

I went back to Devora's office and chilled there until I had to go get the bus.

I had a great little vacation. It was so nice to be in NY and not have to go to school. *Sigh*

I can't wait to see my kids tomorrow! A new kid came on Monday. I know who he is, so it should be fun.

Good night everyone!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

ANOTHER One Bites the Dust

I chilled out at Devora's all day. I left for Brooklyn at around 5pm and got to the hall at 7ish. I didn't stay for too long, but I had a great time. I got to see Princess Perica, her sister, her mother and some others. I got back to Devora's at about midnight and she was still awake! It was the first time I saw her in the light! I am going to her office with her tomorrow to help label brochures and Amy is going to be there, too! I love you so much, GA! I have a lunch date with Hudis then possibly a dinner date while I am waiting for my bus.

My mommy said that the kids missed me in camp today. I missed them too! I can't wait to see them again. I kind of want to stay here, but you can't always have what you want. Speaking of which...quote of the night:

Devora the Workaholic: Why don't you stay over tomorrow night?
Me: Because I have to go back to work. The kids miss me.
Devora: But, I miss you!
Me: Well, you can get your butt on a bus to Boston.
Devora: Yeah, because I can take lunch and go to the bathroom.

Had to be there, I guess. Well, I was there and it was funny.

Alright, time to end this. Good night and I'll blog again when I'm home. Unless I have time tomorrow.

Eh, I'm too popular to have time. Haha.

Monday, July 10, 2006

New York

It's so nice to be in New York knowing that I don't have to be in school. DAC and I got up extra early and took a 7am bus. We got to NYC at 11am (half hour earlier than scheduled) and we shopped around. I tried finding something for the wedding, but that didn't happen. I did buy stuff from H&M though, so it wasn't a total waste. Then we sat in a Dunkin Donuts and we went our seperate ways for a few hours. Then we reconvened at Nili's apartment. We ended up going out to eat at Dougie's Express. Not too impressive. Then we walked around Times Square and I looked in the Swatch store for a new watch. I didn't end up getting one. After that, we went to the Apple store so Nili could get an iPod. That store is awesome!

Then we went back to the Upper West Side and went to Starbucks with a friend of DAC and Nili's. I had my second root beer of the day. Then DJ called me back and told me that I could sleep at her place tonight. I was going to come in tomorrow morning, but I had left her a message saying that I was in NY. So, Nili walked back to her apartment with me, I got my stuff and left to Devora's. I have been here for about an hour but I don't want to go into DJ's room because she isn't feeling too well. I can't wait to see her!

I really need to get some sleep. Good night!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Going to NY

I am actually excited to go to New York. Go figure. I'm hoping that DAC will take a bus with me.

Shabbos was really nice. DAC came over and we went to my camper's house for lunch. (We know the parents...duh.) He's so cute! We had a great time. We stayed there until about 5. Then we came back and chilled with Dena. She lent me some cool clothes. Thanks!

That's all for now. If you want to see me when I'm in NY, then you are responsible to call me because I don't want to hear you kvetching if I forget to call you.

The end.


Friday, July 07, 2006

I Love Tiffany

Dear TiffTiff,
I love you, I love reading your blog, and I would love to be your soccer carpool mom. I can't wait to see you.


I need a wedding outfit. Does anyone in the NY area want to come to the city on Monday and give me one? Thanks. *sigh*

Good night!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Still Here

Yes, I am still here. Camp is going really well.

I can't wait to go to NY on Sunday. A little vacation. I can't wait to see my friends. SCORE!

Our fourth of July BBQ was nice. Lots of family. I wasn't in the best mood, but whatever.

Hope you're all doing well.