Sorry for keeping y
ou all out of the loop for three days! Shabbos was awesome! I had so much fun with the kids. The YU Book Sale was insane on Saturday night. After that, we went to the Blue Fringe concert at Mount Sinai and that was even more insane. There were more than 300 JSU kids from all over the country. Whoa!
On Sunday we went into the city. We ate at Circa then went to Times Square. I got some great pictures, but this was my favorite out of all of them.

There was a lot of tension throughout the weekend, but the kids helped us through it. I love them. They were so into everything. They asked a lot of questions and craved the answers. If you heard my voice, you would be able to tell that I had a good time because I sound like a boy hitting puberty.
Today, Shayna came over because she was having a really bad day and we went out onto 34th Street. We went to Old Navy, H&M, Claire's and J2. I got a new skirt, a new bracelet and a set of necklaces, one for me and one for Shayna.
We went uptown at around 6 because I wanted to get stuff from the sale. It's over on Sunday, so if you're in the area, you better go! Shayna and I bought then same CD (Moshav), I got Country Yossi's Greatest Hits (it has the song "Little Kinderlach" which is mine and my nephew's song), and we got Sichos Mussar. We decided that we would learn every week. I can't wait! We went to the library to eat our shwarma and when we were done, we learned. It was awesome. I love that girl! Now I can say that we've known each other for more than a week. Haha.
I have so much work to do soon. Uch. School. It gets in the way.
I dont' have biology class tomorrow, so I don't start until 11:55. Nice! I was supposed to read an article for math class tomorrow. Shoot. Eh.
Good night!