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Sunday, April 30, 2006


I am way too stressed. I need out of college.

Friday, April 28, 2006


Yes, I am home again. This weekend is an advisor Shabbaton here. Should be lots of fun. I went to Maimo today to give dvar Torah stickers and chocolate to kids. I saw a lot of "my kids", but there were some that I didn't get to see. That's life.

Now I am in the NCSY office, but I am leaving soon. DAC and I went grocery shopping after Maimo and bought lots of soda, etc.

I have a lot of work to do this weekend and week. I am so tired of it. The woman I had spoken to a few months back had e-mailed me to "check in". I wrote back telling her that I am having a hard time and have lost my motivation. She said we'll meet this week and she'll help me and she wants to know about why I am upset about credits. Um...because I'm SCREWED? Oh, that. She thinks she'll help me study bio. Let me tell and I have not been communicating too well over the past long time. Whatever.

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Educational Psychology Paper = DONE!

Time Started: 11:00pm

Time Completed: 3:28am

Another last minute mission accomplished! Thank you, thank you.

I have to wake up a little earlier to look over the Hebrew story I am being tested on tomorrow. Then I have to worry about the next batch of work.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Longest Two Hours

I just got back from a 3pm meeting with the math teacher. I can't say that I feel better about anything because that would be a complete LIE. She told me to keep looking for a summer course and she helped me with some stuff, but I am still really frustrated. Mostly because she kept getting off on tangents. Feh.

I have a lot of work to do. I really want to see Devora. I need to decide what I am doing on Thursday. I hate decisions. And feeling stupid.

That's it. I'm going to procrastinate some more.

Monday, April 24, 2006


Back in NY. Oh joy.

That's all I have to say for now.


Back in NY. Oh joy.

That's all I have to say.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Shabbos is Coming!

Shabbos is coming and I'm so happy, but I know that after Shabbos I have to go back to school. AW MAN!

My nephews came back from Monsey today. I am so happy they came back! Now I have something to distract me from thinking of the stuff I've been thinking of.

The rest of Pesach was good. Really filling, but good. I made it all the way through without getting sick B"H. I can't say the same about my brothers though. Wusses.

I really don't want to go back to school. I want to stay here and be the Boston advisor. The only reason I like NY is because I have my friends there. I can't wait for school to be over so I can be free of this stuff. I am supposed to find a math course for the summer, but I don't know where to find it. I e-mailed my teacher, so maybe she can help me. We shall see.

I might make a dress for my Rochele's wedding. My aunt's going to help me out. I'm going to bawl my eyes out at that wedding. Oh man. I love that girl!

Okay, enough for now. I hope everyone has a great Shabbos!

PS Thanks for having breakfast with me this morning, Morah Shifra!

Monday, April 17, 2006



My cousins from NY who are in RI for Pesach came over in the morning and we all had lunch. After lunch, me, my mother, my big nephew and my father's cousins went to the Butcherie (mob scene) to get some food. After we got back to the house, I took my nephew to the park. Dena met us there. After I dropped my nephoo off at home, Dena and I drove to the mall that we thought would be open, but it wasn't. We drove around for a while and ended up back home. Stupid Easter.

Went to see The Benchwarmers with Dena this afternoon. I recommend it. It's funny and sweet. Descriptive, right? We were afraid we'd be stuck at the theater because today is Patriot's day, aka MARATHON day, so a lot of streets were blocked off. We made it home, though. Not to worry. When we got back, Dena and I went to the mall with my little brother. Dena and I didn't get anything, but Yossi got shirts and arcade tickets.

My nephews went to Monsey for the second days. I AM GOING TO HAVE NOTHING TO DO! Thanks G-d Dena's home, though. She also has nothing to do, so maybe together we can find something to do. Something other than thinking about the work we have to do. UCH! I am not ready to go back. I have to remember to read my Hebrew story over Shabbos.

Today, Morah Miriam called me! I miss her like crazy. I can't wait for her to come to Stern. HURRY UP!

That's all I have for now. Dena and I are trying to figure out what we can do tonight.

Uch, my glasses keep falling down my nose because one side is loose. So annoying!

Okay, that's really all for now.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

3 Down, 5 To Go

The first days were good. Lots of eating. Lots of nephew bonding time. First seder, I was home. Second seder, I was at Rabbi Miller's house with about 10 public school kids. It was alright.

My arm has a weird feeling in it. It's kind of like a headache...but in my arm.

I have school work to do. I hate work.

All my stuff is in a pile in front of me. Mess, mess. I am not in my own room because my sis and BIL have taken it over. Oh, well. I get to share a room with my youngest nephoo. My nephoos really like me. YAY! I try not to think about them leaving, but I can't help it.

I just got an e-mail from the girl that Rabbi Miller hired to plan the next Shabbaton. She wants advisors to come to Boston in 2 weekends for an "advisor shabbaton". Great. We'll see if I can fit it into my busy schedule...aka if my nephews will be here for Shabbos. Hehe.

That's all I have the brainpower for for now.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Well, That's a Big Weight Off My Shoulders

I finished my math at about 2:15am this morning. I am not confident about it at all, but I am glad that it's over with.
Yesterday, I took my nephews out for a few hours. We went to the park, CVS to get ikeam (ice cream) and the NCSY office to see Devorah and Rabbi M. Party!

Last night, I went out for ice cream (we shared a banana split) with my mother. We talked. Some of it was really aggravating, but yeah. Fun.

My nephews are so ridiculously cute, bli ayin hara. They went with my sister to pick up my little brother, so I have time to blog. Aren't you lucky? I am going to a JSU (Jewish Student Union-public school) club meeting in Framingham with my brother. I hope the kids I know show up! They don't know I'm coming. Yes, a few of them would care. Ha.

Nothing too exciting going on other than that. My back hurts. Probably because I've been lifting kids for many consecutive hours and my back forgot what it felt like.

Have a great day!

Monday, April 10, 2006

All Nighter...

I am in the beginning of my all nighter, even though there isn't much time left to it. So what if I don't make sense?

Today was a busy day. No, I didn't do school work, silly! I woke up at about 7am and took the New York State Teacher Certification Exam. It was really draining. It's one of three tests that I have to take to get teacher certified (in case you didn't get that from the title). It was a lot of reading comprehension and an essay. Really annoying. I got back to the dorm and chilled. Then I got a message from the Solomonts that they were going to be in the city today, so I got to go see them! I love those people! I really miss them. I can't wait to go to Israel in January!

After I got back, I went shopping with two really funny friends. I got a skirt. Then we went to get pizza. I ordered more than I could handle. Then I came back to the dorm and procrastinated for a little while before getting down to work. I finished 1/4 lesson plans. Well technically 1.5/4, but you get the point. I hope to finish them at home. I need to have them done by tomorrow. My bus leaves in 5.5 hours. I should probably start packing. I want to walk to the bus station tomorrow. I'll try to pack lightly. Haha...yeah right.

I can't wait to go home and play with my nephews! I miss those little handsome studs!

The end. Time to pack. No more homework right now. Maybe I'll have time for a nap.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Shabbos was great. Yes, a Shabbos in Brooklyn was actually great. I got to spend quality time with my Belgian Waffle, who is going back home tomorrow after being here for two months. The woman of the house she stayed at is amazing. She is one of the most caring and generous women I have ever met.

I have to leave at 7am tomorrow to the NY State Education test. Supposedly, it's reading comprehension and essays. GREAT. After that, I have to pack and do my homework. My mother wants me to go shopping, too. I told my mother that I can't come home tomorrow because I won't get any work done with my yummy nephews in my sight. Hehe. So, I am leaving on Monday morning.

Yes, I am still upset about the situation. You know...the "situation." I just got off the phone with someone who had almost the same situation with the same person. Comforting. It was good to hear, but I'm still really upset about it. Eh.

That's all for now. I should probably get some sleep. Night night.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Not So Happy Anymore

I had a really bad night last night. Well, it was more like this morning. Feelings were played with, and people (aka me) got hurt. Badly. I am not such a fan of this hurt thing. I hate letting it affect me, but it does. I feel very used and hurt. I am hoping to clarify it today after school. On a good note, I have amazing friends. Really amazing. They're there for me when I need them. This situation bites.

In other happy news, I got my bio test back with a "see me" on it. Yay. I have so much work to do it is ridiculous. This is going to be a heck of a "vacation". I need this to be over. I have also been having trouble (beginning last night) with my living situation for next year. I was supposed to go into an apartment with 4 other girls. One of them called me to tell me that she might have found me a roomate. I told her that I need someone I know. Then we spoke online and she made me really upset. She pretty much said that I can't back out now, but if I am going to, then I need to tell her. I want to live near Erica. I need her. I think I will live with them. If worse comes to worse, I'll move to a single room near Erica.

I am so stressed out and upset. I wish I wasn't, but I am. I don't know what to do.

At least I have time with my nephews to look forward to.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Bio...who needs it, anyway?

I just BSed my way through a bio test. I don't think I am going to pass it. No, I am not being humble. I really think I failed.

I saw my babies on Sunday. It made me so happy! They are, bli ayin hara, such gorgeous kids and they love me! They really love me! Meiriam drove me back to the city on their way back to Boston, then I went to Showcase. Stern does it every year. They make a performance. A lot of my friends were in it, so I went for moral support. I really enjoyed it.

Last night, my friend Racheli got married! It was such a beautiful wedding. My friend Esther picked me and 2 other girls up from YU to take us to the hall. We thought we got off at the wrong exit, so we drove around trying to figure out a reverse route and we ended up on the street of the hall! It was crazy. I guess you had to be there. I had so much fun dancing. I saw a lot of people that I haven't seen for a while, and I got to dance with my WAFFLE! She better come back after Pesach. She told me of her possible plans if she comes back which got me really excited...we'll see what happens.

In other news, I am going home on Sunday. My parents said that they don't want me to stay for Monday and Tuesday. Who am I to argue?
I have to write math lesson plans before I leave. I don't know what I am going to do. Whatever...I'll figure it out.

I am waiting for Erica to be done with her test so I can get food with her. I am very much not in the mood for this school thing anymore. I can't do it anymore. I am becoming academically exhausted.

Have a good day.


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Change of plans

I am off to Monsey to see my babies.


Shabbos was good. Short, but good. We had a JSU dinner at Rabbi Miller's on Friday night. Twelve kids came. It was great! Jaz and Zehava came for lunch. That was a lot of fun. My parents said I should come home next Sunday and not go to school on Monday and Tuesday. I am pretty sure all my classes are cancelled on Monday (I am 100% sure about 4/5 of the classes). I am not sure about Tuesday's, but who cares? I have to listen to my parents!

I went to the circus this morning. It was fun. I got back to the dorm last night at about 1. The bus had to stop in Connecticut because some guy had to get arrested. I am just as confused as you are.

I AM SEEING MY NEPHEWS TODAY! My sister and BIL are coming into the city and I suggested that we go to Toys R Us. I told my sister that she and Meir should leave me with the kids. I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE THEM! I spoke to Daniel on the phone and he wants to see me. Hehe. It has been 9 months since I've seen them. I could have had a baby by now! :)

More later after my Oprah reunion with my kids!