I love Adina
This is a message for Adina: Your last comments made me laugh real hard! I miss you so much and I can't wait to see you! And, yes, I still have people calling taxis for me, but this case was different because they REALLY don't speak English. I called 2 taxis by myself when I was rushing around with the bride's little sister getting our hair and makeup done. I'll grow up eventually. E-mail me when you know what I can bring back for you!
FOR EVERYONE ELSE: I thought I should capitalize, boldify (it's MY WORD, ok?) and enlarge it so you wouldn't feel too bad.
My friend's little sister called a taxi back to Yerushalayim this morning and reserved a spot for me for 10am. Then her cousin who came in from America with her parents and sister called and said that they are going to be in Yerushalayim, so maybe they can meet up with the family. My friend's little sister then cancelled my reservation since there was an 100% chance that her mom was driving in. There was a whole back-and-forth discussion of whether to go or not. I was an innocent bystander. I didn't want to sound biased. Haha. At around 1pm, we left. It was a fun ride. They drove to the Old City and I went back to Har Nof from there.
I got to my sister's and my little nephew (the older one) came running to me! He's only 19 months old, but he knows who spoils him! He even says my name! Either I say "Hin" and he says "da", or he says "Didda". Whoa, it is going to be so hard to leave. I really want something to happen between now and Tuesday to make me feel like I accomplished something, other than making Devora miss me a lot. (I love you, Chase commercial loving girl! I still have that message saved on my voicemail by the way.)
One of my NCSYers came to Israel yesterday for vacation. I am hopefully going to get lunch with her tomorrow. She is so excited about the fact that I am going to meet her redheaded friend Hinda. No, not me.
I called my American cell phone from my sister's line to check my messages (yes, I do that so feel free to leave me messages) and I had a message that I couldn't understand for the life of me. All I heard was "Yael" and "Kallah" and "give me a call." I have no idea who it was. I have to keep listening to it.
Now I am babysitting and on my brother-in-law's laptop because the computer needs a new motherboard. I need to get my pictures off the computer, so my BIL said he'll take care of it.
That's about all the excitement going on in my life right now. Well, it's all the excitement I can remember, anyway.