Back home again! This time, I am here for longer than three days! Woohoo! The rest of Monday was fine. I didn't have education class, so I had a nice break. After school, I walked down 34th Street trying to find a pair of brown shoes. I ended up with a funky pair of earrings. Close enough. I needed brown shoes for a cool new outfit that I got. I am sure you are wondering what I did next...HAHA! Well, I covered a pair black shoes in scotch tape and colored them with brown permanent marker! I know! BRILLIANT! I wore them today and even though they started peeling, they were still so darn cool! The only thing that wasn't so cool was the fact that when I got home, I peeled the tape off, and some of the shoe came off with it. Oh, well. The sacrifices you have to make. Not to worry, I found a pair of shoes that I am not too fond of and did the same thing to them. My mother thinks that I should send this idea to the Family Circle's "Give Us Your Idea and We'll Give You $50" contest. We'll see. When I had called her last night and told her what I was doing, she thought it was really funny. IT WAS! HAHA!
Fieldwork was a lot of fun today, as usual. I love it! I am really happy because I had told the teacher that I am not coming in for the Tuesday after vacation, but I AM! I thought that Tuesday was my last day of vacation, but it's actually my first day back at school. I'm glad that it starts on a Tuesday. One class, then fieldwork. DEVORA! THIS MEANS WE CAN HAVE OUR NIGHT! Woohooooo! By the look
The one thing I really don't like about coming home during the semester, is that every time I come home, I am always worrying about assignments. For example, I have to prepare a speech for the Wednesday after vacation. Since a lot of girls weren't ready to speak when they were supposed to be, she is making us have an extra speech period. GREAT. I also have an English research paper due the Thursday after Pesach. I have to find 5 newspapers that write about a topic then analyze how each paper handles the story. The papers have to include the Jewish Press and the New York Times. Any ideas?
Oh! Great story. My father picked me and Debra up at the bus station at around 10:15. After we dropped Debra off at her house, I asked my father who is coming for Pesach. I asked this question, because my father had called me last night and asked me if I would mind sleeping in the sunroom (den). He told me that I won't have to sleep there. Then he said, "The second days are going to be a bit more crowded." I asked him who was coming. He said he forgot. I asked, "You forgot?" He said, "Ema invited them." Then I had an instinct. I said, "It's not who I think it is, is it?" He said he couldn't read minds as well as he used to and I told him that it's okay because my mind is illiterate. He asked me who I thought it was and I said, "Miriam (my sister)?" He said, "Well, it's not just Miriam. It's Miriam, Meir, Daniel Efraim and Chaim Dov." Yup, you read sister came to America for Pesach! Supposedly, she called my mother and asked her to get some diapers and Kosher for Pesach baby food. My mother said she would but she didn't know how she would get it to her. So Miriam said, "Well, I'm in Monsey." We had no idea she was coming. I AM SO EXCITED TO SQUISH MY NEPHOOS! I am not going to see them until Tuesday, but I am COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS!
Yes, that's right...another Afikei girl bites the dust! That's the second Apartment 8
(my apartment last year) girl in the last 3 weeks!
You can sign their onlysimchas page even if you don't know them. Tell them Hinda sent you!