GREAT Weekend
The Shabbaton was great. I had such a good time. I reunited with kids I already knew and met new kids. My older brother and I got awards one after the other at banquet. I presented two girls with an award and couldn't even get the speeches out without choking up. The kumzitz at the end of the night last night was really emotional. I was in hysterical tears when I spoke. I love these kids so much. They are my life.
I am so tired, but I refuse to go to sleep right now. I am taking the day off tomorrow before I start my subbing stint. I don't know which class I'll be in. We shall see.
Oh! And my video was a hit! One thing was messed up (the caption for a picture was on the wrong picture) but the kids LOVED it! They laughed a lot. After I showed it, Rabbi Miller came up to me and said, "Why did we make a video?" (Someone made an official yearbook video that was shown the next night. It was awesome, but mine had a lot more on it.) I told Rabbi Miller that I am making the video from now on.
I played softball on Sunday afternoon. It was an advisors vs. NCSYers game. I was the only girl on the advisor team and one of my girls was the only girl on the NCSYer team. I missed most of the pitches and throws, but I had an awesome time! I even got a bruise at the base of my thumb from catching a ball awkwardly. I was so proud to have a bruise, but now it's pretty much gone. Oh well.
When we FINALLY got back to Boston, I saw MALKA! (Okay, Malka, happy?) :)
That's all I have for now.