It's another day closer to the end of the semester! Woohoo!
I got up early this morning. Yes,
I got up early. First I walked to Macy's to exchange my pair of cool earrings that broke. I walked into the entryway at 8:59, and there was a small crowd of people gathered there. I figured that it was normal because I had never been to Macy's so early in the morning. But, NO! It was the One Day Sale. Yes, it's today and no, I don't get commission for advertising it.
They opened the doors and everyone rushed inside. It was like the MOVIES! Haha. I went to the jewelry counter and the very nice saleswoman helped me with my exchange. Not only did I get a replacement pair, but I also got MONEY BACK! What a great deal! I shopped around for another 40 minutes and walked out with two 3-packs of stretchy diamond rings for me and Devora (I would rather call them circulation buster rings, but diamond rings sounds less fatal), and another pair of my cool earrings for another friend.
After Macy's, I went to Staples. I love Staples. I bought posterboard, markers and erasers so I could make my posters to be my visual aids for my speech, which I am really excited about! Then I went to my dorm room, dropped off the bags and went to English class. I got there
early. (Now, all I need to do is go to bed early, too, but we all know that that won't happen.) I went to the CAF for a cup of coffee and saw my friend who works there. You have to have friends in high places. Then I went up to class. It wasn't that bad. We continued discussing Shakespeare's sonnets. I really enjoyed it! I actually spoke up and most of what I said made
sense! I know! Crazy stuff! At the end of the class, we had to fill out 2 course critique forms. One was for the school (which, I found out, I have to fill out for every class) and the second one was the teacher's creation "for his eyes only". I made sure to let him know that I did not think that the books he had assigned us to read were books that we could learn good writing from. At the end, he said we could give letter grades to the books. For one of them I gave a D and I gave the second one a C. I don't believe in giving F's. Not even to books.
Fieldwork was awesome today, as always! I don't want it to be over. I want to get stuff for the kids and teachers for my last day. Shoot, something else to think about. Whatever, I'll figure something out.
I am probably going home for the weekend again. Yes, I was just there, but my parents are coming into New York for my cousin's baby's bris (circumcision), so I might as well get a ride back. Besides, my NEPHOOS are here...Hello?!?!?
Now, I am sitting in Devora's office looking busy. People come into the office and see a girl typing on a computer, so they think that I work here. Hey, I am here often enough for people to think that!
Alright, I think that's enough for now. Have a good rest of the day, everyone!
Today's thought:
"Cute as a button" Is that supposed to be a compliment? Since when are buttons cute?