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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Exhausted and Happy

There are no words to describe my experience this weekend. If anyone would like me to try and put some words together, please e-mail me. I do not have enough energy to put it up right now.

I am leaving tonight. For those of you who would like to keep in touch with me, I will be very available through e-mail. Not to worry. Oh, and you also shouldn't worry because I hope to keep my blog updated.

I know this is a short post, but it goes very well with my (currently) short attention span. There is also no thought of the day for this reason. Feel free to put one of your own in a comment!


Thursday, May 26, 2005

A challenge? I think not...

Tonight, I was e-mailed by the regional director of NER NCSY telling me that one of the female advisors is not able to come to the Shabbaton. He asked me if I would be willing to take her place in the skit and to take over her session. Take over her session meaning that I would give a 30 minute session to 9th graders. Honestly, I am excited to do it. The skit is no problem, but the session is the part that is more challenging and there is no way I am passing this opportunity up. I found some stuff about the topic of discussion and I am really excited to put it all together. I think I can do it. I think I can, I think I can...whoa, childhood memories!

Today's thought is brought to you by the T. No, not the letter T. The T in Boston. You know...the trolley? Never mind. Here it is. It made me think.

Today's Thought:

What teaches a player more...winning or losing?

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Do I have to wirte HOME here? Every other post says it!

I'm home. Again. But this time, I don't have to be worrying about any work.

My plans for the day are to shop. I need to hit Target, Payless and possibly Trader Joe's (GREAT store!). Hopefully, my brother will get up (since his alarm clock has gone off about 1o times since 8am) and drive me over to Watertown. The weather is so nasty here. Rainy, windy and cold, but, I don't care. I am going to enjoy my time at home. AND I am going to enjoy myself at the Shabbaton this weekend! Is it normal that I am so excited? I hope it is. Tonny and Ed, you HAVE to be in my session during menucha. Just reminding you. It will be fun, don't worry. *insert evil laughter here*

I hope everyone has a great day!

Today's Thought:

Why is it that lemon dishsoap is made with real lemons, but lemon juice is artificial flavoring?

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


That's right. I have officially finished my first semester at Stern College. I don't know how, but I am not going to ask. All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go. I am going home this afternoon and not coming back to Stern for THREE MONTHS! Don't worry, I don't hate it that much. Really.

My plans for the next few days are CRAZY! I am going home until Friday morning at 6am. Then I will be going on the Boston bus to the NCSY Shabbaton. I will be arriving back in NY sometime on Monday, going to my friend's lechaim/vort (yes, my friend is someone I KNOW. Weird freak out last night) sometime that night, going back to Devora's and leaving on Tuesday night! WHOA! You know me...not resting for a second. Who am I kidding. OF COURSE I REST!

Speaking of resting...I am a regular away message checker and I love looking at my friend's sister's (she's my friend too) away messages. Yesterday, she had a link on her AIM profile saying, "Having a hard day? Check this out for a laugh." So I did! I trust her. If she thinks something is funny, it probably is. So, Erica and I checked it out. It is a collection of shows on called The Itche Kadoozy Show. We watched Jono's Lemonade Stand video and I heard a GREAT quote that I have put into my collection of away messages:

Jono: "I don't like doing things the hard way. I like doing them the easy way. Or the lazy way. Or the have-somebody-else-do-it-for-me easy lazy way."

That pretty much sums it up, don't you think? So, if you need a laugh, I would recommend that you check out these shows!\

Oh! Good news for all of you "Thought of the Day" fans! My friend sent me a link to a great website with MORE THOUGHTS! Yay! So for today:

Today's Thought:

How do "Do not walk on the grass" signs get there?

Monday, May 23, 2005


I just got back from my 2 and a half hour crash-cram period with Simcha. She spoke and I tried to scribble down as much as I could. We are meeting tomorrow morning to study for an hour before the test. OH FUN!

Tamar picked up my speech papers today. I got a B+/B+/B- on my final speech, a B on my critique essay and a B- as a final grade! Woohoo! I am happy about it. (in case you couldn't tell from the Woohoo!)

Now I am going to attempt to get ready to go to sleep. 2 more finals and I am a JUNIOR. Well, if I PASS my finals, which I plan to do...But you know what they say: "Man plans and G-d laughs." Well, G-d must be having a grand old time up there.

Today's Thought:

If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?

Saturday, May 21, 2005


Uh-Oh is right. I was sitting on my bed this afternoon and decided to check which final I was taking first on Tuesday, since I thought that they were both on Tuesday. Well, it's a good thing that I checked because...ONE OF THEM IS ON MONDAY MORNING! That's right. The final for the class which I could not follow for the life of me, is on Monday morning at 9:30. Well, you know what? I have no reason to stress about it. I have discovered that the less I stress, then better I feel. Deep, right? Don't drown in it. I have 2 friends in the class and one of them told me that she can't study with me, so my other friend is my last hope. I'm hoping for the best. It looks like tomorrow night is going to be a semi-all nighter. Semi because I'll probably crash soon after 1am. Wish me luck...

Tomorrow, Erica is (hopefully) going to pick up my speech papers for me. (Thanks in advance) Meaning, I will get the grade on my final speech, my critique essay (from the at-risk adolescent speech) and my grade for the class.

Shabbos at home was really nice. I am coming home again on Wednesday. I have to figure out how I am going to pack everything. How fun.

I am so excited about next weekend! It's going to be awesome!

Today's Thought:

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Home again. Sigh...

My second final went well. I couldn't use my English Navi, so all I had were the pasukim translated and had to figure out the mefarshim by heart. It wasn't too bad. After that, Allison was in the area, so I brought her to the caf and we had ice cream. Then Erica came and we sat together for a while. Then I went back to the dorm and finished packing. At 5, I started walking to Port Authority. I made it there in about 20 minutes. It is such a pain to get a cab at that time. The cab drivers drive right by you because they figure that you are going to the airport. Yeah, whatever.

Now I am home, after a LONG ride. I love coming home. I am coming home again on Tuesday night or Wednesday. Then I am going on the NER NCSY SPRING REGIONAL SHABBATON! I am SO excited! I was persistent about it and I got it! I hope it goes well.

Okay, I hope everyone has a wonderful Shabbos. I don't need to put a thought up since I already did one for today.

PS Ed and Tonny, LEAVE MY ADINA ALONE! You guys are nuts...OY.

Here We Go

It's my first day of college finals. Oh, there's excitement in the air. Oh, wait, no. That's stress. Yesterday was a fun-filled day for me! I studied Navi with a friend for 6 hours. You read right. SIX HOURS! I was not expecting it to take so long. It will be okay. It's open book anyway. After I studied Navi, I needed to get out of the dorm to do the rest of my work, so who did I call? DJ! I took the first shuttle up there and met Devora as she was walking down the street. Oh, DJ, how I love thee. It is so nice to know that I always have somewhere to go where I have my own bed! Ha! Thanks, DJ.

I got back to the dorm at 11:30pm and typed up my papers. My research paper will not get a good grade because it is not long enough. Oh, well. I just want to put it in his mailbox and get it over with! I also wrote my observation assignment, my fieldwork paper. I went to sleep at 3am, and I have to go get ready for my first final...EDUCATION! WOOHOO!

My second final is from 1-3, then I have to pack and get on the 6pm bus HOME! That's right...HOME!

I hope everyone has a great day!

Today's Thought:

What does the K in K-Mart actually stand for?

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I Can't Think of a Title This Early in the AM

Yesterday I finished fieldwork. When I was ready to leave, one of the teacher said, "No, you can't leave yet. Can you read them a story?" So I read Rumpelstiltskin (GREAT book). Afterwards, one of the kids gave me a thank you card that the whole class signed. One of my friends in the class (one of the Red Sox fans) said to me, "I signed my name in red for the Red Sox." Those kids are adorable and I'll really miss them.

OKAY. I have 2 finals today, then 2 on Tuesday. HERE IS MY TO DO LIST. Hopefully, in my next post, I will have done it all.

  1. Study Navi (someone is supposed to study with me)
  2. Write the final draft of my research paper and put it in the teacher's mailbox
  3. Write my fieldwork paper
  4. Study for the education final (not quite sure how I'll do that, but I'll figure it out

Those are my goals of the day. Please keep me in mind in your prayers and I hope to be done with it all soon! ARGH...

Today's Thought:

Is there anything easier done than said?

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Ooh, fun!

Toon! You are in the spotlight and you love to make
others around you smile.

What type of Disney character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

The Day of My Last Fieldwork :(

That's right. Today is my last fieldwork. The only thing that makes this okay, is knowing that I will be having fieldwork for the remainder of my time here, and my spring semester of my senior year will be student teaching. Oh don't worry, after teaching, I'll be taking classes at night, too.

Yes, Tonny, something prompted my last post, but that's not for now. It's okay. Anyway, I am having a good reading week. Not doing much, not accomplishing much, but it's good. G-d willing, tonight, I will get studying done and I will write my fieldwork paper so I can hand it in to the teacher before my education final on Thursday. Wish me luck!

Oh! So, I had to go to my English Comp professor yesterday to get the rough draft of my research paper back. I made Sara go in, because I was so sure that I had done really badly on it. She got it for me and I had gotten a B-! WHOA! Wait, there's more! I asked her to go back in and get my in-class essay back (our final assignment-we had to write an essay about what we learned in his class) and I got an A! Yup, you read right! An A! WHAT?!?!?! I was shocked! I didn't think he gave A's. I guess he likes essays about gorillas. If anyone is interested in reading it, I am selling copies.

Now I am going to go get ready for a great day! Hey, if I tell myself that it will be a great day, I'm less likely to let things bother me. You should try it sometime!

Today's Thought:
Why do people say, "You scared the living daylights out of me" when daylight isn't living?

Monday, May 16, 2005



Does anyone really know how many lives they can affect by starting or spreading rumors?





Think about that.

Another Monday

Shabbos was really nice. After a week of sleeping out of the dorm, it's GREAT to be back...really...great.

Okay. Now I am sitting in Sara's room. I am about to start shopping in her closet. I don't have much to write right now because my brain is fried. I have 2 finals on Thursday and 2 more next Tuesday. Not bad. I can't wait to get them over with.

I'll probably post again later when I have something of substance to write.

Today's Thought:
Why is the name of the phobia for the fear of long words Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Happy Birthday, Israel!

I have just registered for next semester. EW! Well, at least all the classes I wanted were available. I AM TAKING EVERY CLASS (except for one) with ERICA! I am so excited!

Last night I went to the Stern/YU's Israel Club's Yom Hazikaron/Yom Ha'atzmaut program. (That sentence was brought to you by the backslash.)

It was beautiful. There were so many people there showing their support for our homeland. Okay, maybe it's because there were members of the other gender there, but we won't judge. :)

First there was the lowering of the Israeli flag in honor of the soldiers who have
fallen. Then there were some speeches. Members of the Israel club spoke about specific soldiers. Then Dr. Stuart Ditchek spoke about his long time friend, Zachary Baumel, and his tank crew, were captured. Please visit for more information about how you can help .

After the speakers, we said some tefillos then there was a slideshow. It was very powerful. VERY powerful.

Then they raised the flag to commemorate INDEPENDENCE DAY! There was a slideshow with great background music (Come Back by Moshav). The slides were from the YU/Stern trip to Israel this past January.

Then Malcolm Hoenlein spoke. He is the Vice-Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations. Though his speech was the longest one of the program, it was very meaningful. He stirred up our emotions by giving numerous examples of how too many countries of the world are messed up and ignorant. It was a great speech.

After the program, we went over to the gym for the chagiga. Neginah orchestra was playing. I don't know what the whole thing about music during sefira on Yom Ha'atzmaut is, but there were enough people there to make me feel better about it. It really is a Yom Tov! Everyone danced their hearts out (I think I danced my lungs out too.) I danced for a couple of hours, then I left at around 11:45. I took a local to Devora's and hung out with her for a little while.

I was so happy that I went to the program last night. I really needed to hear everything I had heard (if you were there, you know what I am talking about, and even if you weren't, just use your imagination). It was a truly inspirational night.

In other news, I have to e-mail my English teacher and find out when I have to write the final draft of the paper. I handed in the rough draft on Tuesday, and I am pretty sure I will be VERY unhappy with the grade. Oh, well. I hope I can sleep tonight. Well, I had no problem sleeping last night, so I think I'll be okay.
Have a great day everyone!
Today's Thought:
Why is it that when a door is open it is ajar, but when a jar is open it is not adoor?

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

An Inkling

Dani, you're the flying Yankee (excuse my language), aren't you?

Tonny, I am really sorry for accusing you of such heresy. Forgive me!

Rabbi Meir Ba'al Haness is the MAN!

I stayed up until 2am on Monday night (okay, Tuesday morning taking notes on the different articles and trying to figure out what to write. Then I went to sleep, got up at 8:30 and worked on the paper until about 10am. It is supposed to be a rough draft for a 6-12 page paper and my rough draft was just about 3 pages. I do not feel too confident about it. I have to find out how I am going to get it back from him and write the final draft. ARGH!

Today begins the week they call "Reading Week." It is a week meant for studying and contemplation for your studies. *insert stifled laughter here*

OKAY, SO HERE COMES THE STORY OF STORIES! (At least from the ones on my blog)

So, as most of you know, I was freaking out about losing my passports. I called my house at around 6 last night to find out if anyone found them. No one did. I was at Devora's last night and I got a call from my brother at around 10:30. Here is how the conversation went:
Brother: "Hi"

Me: "Hi"

Brother: "Guess what we found? I mean, Ema found?"

Me: "My passports?"

Brother: "No."

Me (getting annoyed) "Then what did Ema find?"

Brother: "Your passports."

Then my mother got on the phone and asked me if I had said the Rabbi Meir Ba'al Haness bracha (prayer for lost objects) and gave tzedaka. I told her that I hadn't but I will definitely give it now! She told me that she had done that and went to look in my room. (Don't worry, she asked me first) Since my sister used to share a room with me, I have 2 dressers in my room. I had looked in both of them (all the drawers) and couldn't find it. My mother told me that she opened the first drawer of my sister's dresser and didn't find them, then she looked in the second drawer and THERE THEY WERE! (This is, I think, the 3rd time this blessing has worked for people I know. It is kind of scary in a way. Whoa.)

Now I don't have to worry about schoolwork because if it gets to be too much for me to handle, I can just flee the country!

Today's Thought:

If a fork were made of gold, would it still be considered silverware?

Monday, May 09, 2005

An Invitation

I would like to invite you all to the ceremony at which I will be crowned:

Queen of Procrastination

That's right. I believe that I deserve this honor. I have worked very hard to get it!

Now I am sure that you can all guess what I did for the majority of my night. I decided that it is better for me to go to sleep and finish procrastinating tomorrow. Maybe I will get something done.

Today's Thought:
(Since, technically, it's today)

If you tell someone they are being judgmental, aren't you being judgmental yourself?

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mother's Day!

Everyone is encouraged to check out It is a great website and I love it!

On to other news...

I did my speech on Wednesday, and I think it went really well! If she gives me a C or lower, I'll know that she hates me.

Shabbos with the family was really nice. My nephoos are just TOO cute!

I don't want to go back to school. ARGH! I have a big paper I have to write. I have finals coming up. What more can someone ask for?

I have to buy a bus ticket now. I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!!

Don't worry, I'll be okay.

Today's Thought:

Why do we recite at a play and play at a recital?

Friday, May 06, 2005

My Philosophical Discussion

On the way home from Monsey, when we were closer to home than not, my little brother asked that common question: "Where are we going for dinner?" To that, my sister replied: H-O-M-E. Then I turned to her and said, "No, it's H-O-A-M. Then my sister said, "Why isn't it spelled like that?"

So, I ask you:

Why isn't home spelled H-O-A-M?

Why isn't laundry spelled L-A-U-N-J-R-E-E?
That's how we say it. The D-R-Y at the end makes it seem as if we should be pronouncing it as "dry."

Why does G-N-O-M-E start with a G?
Why isn't it spelled with a K? They should only allow one silent letter. It's too confusing. They need to choose either K, G, P or M. It's just not right.
That's all of the conversation that I can remember this early in the morning. I guess I can call this post the Thought of the Day.
Not to worry, if I remember any more, I will be sure to let you know!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Up Early

I am waiting to get in touch with my sister, but while I am waiting, I thought I would post (drumroll, please)

Today's Thought:

Why do people turn the volume down on the radio when they are looking for an address?

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Fess Up!


Who's the flying Y****e?

Don't be shy now.

And don't be all "I'm not going to tell you" either.

Even though you had that wretched word in your anonymous name, I was quite impressed with your research.

Going Home...AGAIN!

I should really be packing right now. Oh, well. I just gave my final speech and I think it went really well! YAY! Oh, you want to know why I should be packing? Well, I am supposed to go to Monsey tonight. I am staying over at a friend's house because my cousin's baby's bris will be there tomorrow morning. (Not in my friend's a shul in Monsey). My parents are coming in, so I am going back with them.

HEY! So what if I go home all the time! My NEPHOOS will be there! What more can I ask for? Well, a lot...but you know what I mean!

OH! Before I forget! I did something wonderful today! I actually went to an academic advisor! Here's the short version:

1. I am 3 credits short from Israel. I had signed up for an elective and didn't know that I was supposed to take it. THEY DIDN'T SAY ANYHTING TO ME ABOUT IT!
That means that if I don't get those 3 credits made up, I will have to take another semester of CORE meaning 3 more Judaic courses. That would mess a lot of stuff up.

2. I am going to have to take 7 courses for the next 4 semesters. It might not sound like TOO much, but they are hard courses. Oh, boy...this is going to be fun.

Today's thought:
Why did Yankee Doodle call the feather in his hat Macaroni?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Another day closer...

It's another day closer to the end of the semester! Woohoo!

I got up early this morning. Yes, I got up early. First I walked to Macy's to exchange my pair of cool earrings that broke. I walked into the entryway at 8:59, and there was a small crowd of people gathered there. I figured that it was normal because I had never been to Macy's so early in the morning. But, NO! It was the One Day Sale. Yes, it's today and no, I don't get commission for advertising it.

They opened the doors and everyone rushed inside. It was like the MOVIES! Haha. I went to the jewelry counter and the very nice saleswoman helped me with my exchange. Not only did I get a replacement pair, but I also got MONEY BACK! What a great deal! I shopped around for another 40 minutes and walked out with two 3-packs of stretchy diamond rings for me and Devora (I would rather call them circulation buster rings, but diamond rings sounds less fatal), and another pair of my cool earrings for another friend.

After Macy's, I went to Staples. I love Staples. I bought posterboard, markers and erasers so I could make my posters to be my visual aids for my speech, which I am really excited about! Then I went to my dorm room, dropped off the bags and went to English class. I got there early. (Now, all I need to do is go to bed early, too, but we all know that that won't happen.) I went to the CAF for a cup of coffee and saw my friend who works there. You have to have friends in high places. Then I went up to class. It wasn't that bad. We continued discussing Shakespeare's sonnets. I really enjoyed it! I actually spoke up and most of what I said made sense! I know! Crazy stuff! At the end of the class, we had to fill out 2 course critique forms. One was for the school (which, I found out, I have to fill out for every class) and the second one was the teacher's creation "for his eyes only". I made sure to let him know that I did not think that the books he had assigned us to read were books that we could learn good writing from. At the end, he said we could give letter grades to the books. For one of them I gave a D and I gave the second one a C. I don't believe in giving F's. Not even to books.

Fieldwork was awesome today, as always! I don't want it to be over. I want to get stuff for the kids and teachers for my last day. Shoot, something else to think about. Whatever, I'll figure something out.

I am probably going home for the weekend again. Yes, I was just there, but my parents are coming into New York for my cousin's baby's bris (circumcision), so I might as well get a ride back. Besides, my NEPHOOS are here...Hello?!?!?

Now, I am sitting in Devora's office looking busy. People come into the office and see a girl typing on a computer, so they think that I work here. Hey, I am here often enough for people to think that!

Alright, I think that's enough for now. Have a good rest of the day, everyone!

Today's thought:
"Cute as a button" Is that supposed to be a compliment? Since when are buttons cute?

Monday, May 02, 2005

PassOVER is OVER (I know it's with it)

It's over. Crazy stuff! I told myself that once Pesach was over, it would be MAY! And it is! May is such a great month. Especially in the middle and at the end.

Why, you ask?

Well allow me to satisfy your curiosity. The middle is reading week. It is pretty much a week off. It is meant for "study" time. Riiiiiiiiight. Then the end of the month is great because the semester is OVER! It went by pretty quickly, THANK G-D! Then, vacation begins. I am very much looking forward to summer. I'm taking a very special trip, I'll be able to drive again since I will be back on the insurance and, heck, might as well make some money too! Oh yeah! And I am leaving teenagehood. (July 14, *cough cough*) I am still trying to figure out how I am supposed to take that.

I am starting something new on my blog. Every day, I am going to post a new "Thought of the Day." Don't worry, they're not too serious. Well, I guess it depends on how you want to take it.

Today's thought:

When people say, "I'm so tired it's not even funny," or "my head hurts so much it's not even funny," why would it be funny in the first place?