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Friday, December 30, 2005

Shabbos is Coming...

(DJ and I didn't end up going to the concert. Neither of us were in the mood. So, YU has more of my money...what else is new?)

Shabbos is coming and I'm so happy. Every Shabbos I spend at Devora's is one that I look forward to. As I told her last night, I don't know how I would survive school and some parts of life in general if she wasn't here. As you know, I come up her a LOT and it really helps me through a lot.

Enough mushy stuff.

Devora is having 19 people for dinner. I am really excited. I love people. It's going to be great! The only thing I am not looking forward to is studying. I hope to get some done over Shabbos. I have a biology final and an education final (which are both accumalative) on Wednesday.

OH! I didn't get to blog yesterday, but get this. We have math class during reading week. Professor Grosof teaches two classes a day. One at 11:55 and one at 1:45. I usually go to the 1:45 class. In class on Tuesday, the class asked her whether they can go to the 11:55 class on Thursday. She said that whoever wanted to could go. So, on Thursday, I was debating on which class I wanted to go to. My friend Yael made the decision for me. She called me and told me she was coming into the city, so I went to meet her and we hung out. I ended up going to the 1:45 class. I got up there at about 1:43 and no one was there. I saw a girl from my education class (she took the math class last year) and I told her that no one was around and she told me to go ask the teacher. So, I went into her office and she was finishing up her lunch. I asked her if she knew if any other girls were coming to the 1:45 class. She said, "Well, I am prepared and anticipating to teach the material again." Well, she did...with me and me alone. No one else came to the later class. I really enjoyed it. At the end of the class, I said, "Wow, I understood that!" She asked me why I was surprised. Then she told me that I am probably the type to have a question in class, then write it off and think to myself everyone understands it except me. That's pretty much it. I told her that I am sure I am not the first one to do that. That class is intense.

A girl in the class named Yonina and I like to keep a collection of funny things that the teachers say and especially Dr. Grosof. At some point in the class, she started talking about the cafeteria food. She was saying how every night, there is some form of fried or baked chicken. It's all the same, but they come up with different names for it:

Dr. Grosof: Hawaiian chicken. What is that? A chicked went on vacation and came back wearing a shirt with flowers? Or Mexican chicken? It's all the same. It's a well-travelled chicken!

At another point in the class, she asked a question and wanted me to answer it. This is how it went:
Dr. Grosof: So how do we subtract relations from each other? (looks at me) Over to you, red whatever."

Okay, so the chicken quote was better, but I enjoyed this one. Ha!
I wanted to write that yesterday, but I didn't get a chance. I feel better now.

I am waiting for Devora to get back from work. She said she was leaving at noon and I really hope she did. When she gets back, I am going to Key Food and then to Staples to get stuff to make placecards with. I am so excited!

Have a good Shabbos!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Schedule from H-E-Double Hockey Sticks

I took my bio lab final today. I think it was okay. Who knows?

After the final, I went to the computer lab to make my schedule for next semester. After figuring out ways around the literature classes that were closed out, I have ended up with the schedule from h-e-double hockey sticks. I have called it "My 'Somebody Save My Soul' Schedule." I am taking 7 classes, one lab and a gym. The gym is easily droppable. I am going to go insane. As much as I tell myself that I am going to be studious and blah blah blah, going to classes from 10:30-6 (straight) on ANY day will make me crazy. I feel bad for my roomates. When I go home, I am going to ask my father for a laptop. I think it will help me keep my sanity and help me with my work at the same time. I hate thinking about it, but I can't help it.

The one thing that will keep me going is my friends. I am going to need them to be there for me. I hate school so much and I think I am ready to transfer. We'll see what happens. I am going to talk to an advisor sometime and ask her to help me. If I get screwed over...forget this. I can't handle school. I can't even express my frustration about it. I WANT MY MOMMY...

I am off to Devora's soon. Maybe she can help me feel better.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


I just came to my boyfr...I mean Devora's office. I brought her her favorite kind of roses with a balloon and a funny card. When I came in, her head was down on her desk. I'm sure she was deep in thought. *cough, cough*

I decided that I am really nervous about my finals. They are coming very soon and very fast, so I am not too happy at this point. HELP! I resent my e-mail to the rabbi of my seminary in Israel and he wrote back telling me that he understands my situation and wanted to know which credits I am missing. I wrote back, making sure to mention how desperate I am. I WANT OUT OF COLLEGE! We'll see what happens.

Devora is leaving her office soon and I have to get back to school. I have my bio lab final tomorrow afternoon. How exciting. I am going to study with my partner and get it over with. Then I need to get back to the gym. It's been too long. I have a wedding to go to in April! I am so excited! AND SARAH "BELGIAN WAFFLE" AKER IS GOING TO BE THERE! I miss her so much. I can't wait to hang with her again.

More later...probably.


Another one of my friends got engaged last night! Mazel tov, Miriam Cohen! She got engaged to Yossi Shai from Ashdod. Miriam is a madricha in Afikei this year. She was in Afikei for a year and a half with me! MAZEL TOV! I'm sure the wedding will be in Israel, but I will be there in spirit.

Speaking of mazel tov, my Belgian waffle is going to come in for Racheli's wedding, which is a week before Pesach. I AM SO EXCITED! It's going to be a major party!

May we share many smachot! WOOHOO!

Go Afikei, go Afikei!

Hyper and my third post of the night...

I AM SO HYPER AND GIGGLY! Devora just saw her post and loved it! teeheeteehee.

I need more sleep. Sleep. Sleep rhymes with sheep. I don't count sheep because they go too fast and I lose count. At this point in my mental state, I don't think I would be able to count snails...even if there was only one of them. Well, maybe I could handle one.

Yup, definitely overtired.

Heehee. Night night. Night rhymes with bite...which reminds me of a great Mitch Hedberg joke. (This can be the Untitled Section of the day):

I went to a doctor the other day and all he did was suck blood from my neck. Don't ever go see Dr. Acula!

(Devora loved that one! Hehe...)

Buh bye now! Stop reading...that's the end. Really! Stop! I'm done. I don't think I could stay awake for another mi... *zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*

I bet you thought I feel asleep right? Well, I didn't! All I did was hold the Z key down for a while. OH! That reminds me of another Mitch joke!

When I move, I want to get a phone number that's easy to remember. Something like 222222222. Then when someone asks, "Mitch, how do I get in touch with you?" I can say, "Just press 2 for a while, and when I pick up, then you have pushed 2 enough."

On that note, Tiff introduced me to Dane Cook tonight. He's pretty funny. A bissel inappropriate sometimes, but really funny. Okay, tired, sleep.

I just read this to Devora and she said that I am so cute. *blushes*

A Special Birthday Wish


Oh, and I am so NOT #4!
I would have been #1 if someone wasn't so pushy about being first! ;)
Don't worry, I know who is really #1 in your eyes.
Hey, no! I was talking about ME! :)




I started it at a little bit before 10, and I FINISHED it about five minutes ago! WOOHOO! Devora "fixed" it up, so it went from being four pages long to seven and a half. I love having a graphic designer as a friend! I have to put it into a plagiarism website to make sure I didn't plagiarize anything. That reminds me of a funny quote which has to do with my paper and plagiarism: If you steal from one author it's plagiarism; if you steal from many it's research. My paper was on studies that were done by many different people, so technically, it's research...not plagiarism. I doubt my teacher will go for that.

I just sent an e-mail to my new friend...heehee.

I am sleeping at Devora's tonight and I am taking the train back in the morning. There is a shuttle that leaves YU at 8:30am, but I would rather walk back than take the shuttle with all the married Stern girls. Thanks, though.

So excited that I am done with this paper. YAY! I just did the whole thing (the anti plagiarism site-a-doodle) and I don't really know what to do now. Maybe it will e-mail it back to me. Maybe that's how it gets handed in. Hmmmm....
Nighty Night!

Monday, December 26, 2005

Procrastinating now and later (and sorry about the weird font sizes)

Yesterday was fun. Went to Estihana with DJ and Chaia. We were going to see a movie, but the theater was mucho crowded. Went back to Devora's and she and Chaia watched Lifetime movies. Those things are SO unpredictable.

Went to a movie and J2 later. Lots of fun.

Made decisions about a few things. Happy about some of them.

Freaking out about school on top of everything else. I'm supposed to register for classes this week and I DON'T KNOW WHAT I AM DOING!

Went to Shwarma with Tiff and Devora met us there. I came back to Devora's apartment with her.
RACHELI GOT ENGAGED TONIGHT! WOOHOO! Was so excited when she told me it was happening, but it ends up that I can't go to Brooklyn tonight because I have to work on my paper.

Devora is looking at the articles I have to summarize. Fun fun fun. It's going to be a long night...

No, that was NOT a pirate impression...

There will be no untitled section in this post due to lack of memory of the funny line from the shwarma place. Patience...

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Great Time

Shabbos was great. Met some awesome people.
(Right, Devora? wink wink)

I love Devora very muchly (she says that it's a word, so I am using it).

The party was great. Pictures coming tomorrow.

Devora was extra giggly tonight, which made our trip to the shwarma place mucho funny.

Tired, tired and tired.

Have to pretend to work on my psych paper tomorrow and Monday.

My brother "might be" coming to NY for Shabbos next week, so I might stick around. Maybe I'll go home on Sunday and stick around for a day. The parental units definitely wouldn't see that coming. Hmmm. We'll see.

I love Devora. Did I mention that yet?


Alright, that's enough for now. Good night!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Fun Night

Last night, I came uptown withTiff and we went to Devora's. Then we went saw the YU play. The acting was great and the story was crazy intense.

I am really excited about Shabbos. I made chicken (I actually cleaned them, too) and a broccoli quiche.

I love Amy, Devora, Chaia and Darisa. We spent Shabbos together a few weeks ago and it was so much fun. Tonight we are eating with Devora's upstairs neighbors in their apartment. Should be fun.

I have to write a nine page psych paper by Tuesday. Happy last minute to me! I need to find three studies about anything to do with child development, summarize them and somehow make it into nine pages. Hahahahahaha...etc.

Alright, I have to go check on my chickens. No, they don't have large talons. (For those of you who get it, good. For the others, I have one word for you: Napolean.)

Have a great Shabbos!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Untitled Section

INTRO: Dr. Grosof (my math professor) was complaining about how her final is on the last day of finals, which is annoying:

Yo (a girl in the class): This too shall pass.
Dr. Grosof: But you may not.

Getting Into the Bullet Thing

Dinner last night was nice. The teacher gave us books wrapped in Chanukah paper.

Got to talk to a girl in the class who I never got a chance to really talk to.

Went to study with Tiff and started a paper.

Continued the paper until 3:30am, finished the paper in the morning. (Later in the morning)

Slept in, hoping my first class was cancelled like the second one was.

Need to make a mini lesson plan for today's education class since I am reading to the class today.

There's an education speech during club hour. Not too excited about that.

Have a lot to do tonight.

Can't wait to see my DJ tomorrow night. Quality time.

Shabbos at DJ's with Amy and Chaia. Eating out Friday night and in Shabbos day. I'm making Shabbos lunch! I think.

Need to go wake up.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Better Than Yesterday, But Not 100%

Feeling a little better, but still nervous...DJ, HELP ME!

Travelled the cold streets of NYC with Tiff looking for my book.

Finally found it in the second Barnes and Noble that we didn't know we would find.


I bought two other fun books.

Came back to the dorm, then went uptown to study. Got some work done...not enough.

Saw some friends.

I am going to have dinner with my education class tomorrow night. The teacher is treating us. Should be interesting.

Lots of work to do.

Liking this bullet posting thing.

Sleeping in Tiff's room tonight.

I wish I felt better.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

My First Bullet Post

*Saw Lori on Thursday night.

*Had a fun night with a new friend.

*Went to Far Rockaway for Shabbos and had a great time.

*Had a very confusing Saturday night.

*Spent a long time trying to figure out the message that G-d is trying to send to me.

*Called DJ 14 times so I could freak out to her.

*DJ finally called me back and I told her I was going to her apartment.

*Freaked out so much that I actually went to the GYM before I left! (I know!)

*Went up to Devora's and continued my freak-out.

*Made up with a friend that I have not spoken to for quite a while.

*So much to figure out.

*Something is happening to me.


Thursday, December 15, 2005

I'm Going To See LORI!

I can not wait to see Lori tonight! She is coming into America for a few days, and Erica and I are going to crash her family's dinner at Dougie's! Woohoo! I MISS HER!

I am in psych class. I just had to sit through the teacher going "mmhmm" about 300 times while she was listening to someone. ARGH! There is a paper due for this class in 2 weeks, and Erica told me that it's not so bad. She's good at calming me down. Thank G-d for her! :)

Not so much has happened yet today. Biology class was confusing as usual, but that didn't stop me from taking notes like a madman. Argh.

More later today...maybe.


Since I haven't added anything to this section for a while, I will give you more than one. These are old school...meaning from last semester.

1. INTRO: Erica and I were in an elevator being ourselves (me crazy, her not) and there was another girl in the elevator laughing at us (hopefully because she thought we were funny). So, I felt the need to explain our relationship...

Me: Erica is my sanity.
Erica: Hinda is my insanity.

2. INTRO: Tiffany and I were discussing different majors and we came across entrepeneurship.

Me: Ooooh! Entrepeneurship! That's like being a spy, isn't it?
Tiff: No, you idiot...that's espionage!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Chin and Chin Inc. PRESENTS...



In other news, I went to all my classes today. *pat on my back* I just had dinner at the caf with Dena even though I ordered a deli sandwich from Dougie's. Yes, I made the order, then Dena asked me if I would go to the caf with her. Sacrifices. Don't worry, the sandwich won't go to waste. Maybe the Princess will eat it. I'll ask her later.

I am going to see Lori tomorrow night! I am way too excited! WOOHOO! She's coming in for a few days and she will be in the city tomorrow night with her family because they want Dougie's. Three servings of Dougie's in one week? I know! I don't think I am going to eat there though. I might be going out afterwards...*mystery reigns*.

That's all. Buh-bye.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Fairly good day...

Last night, I took Tiff out to Dougie's for her birthday. We had a great time. I was drawing Boston logos on the tablecloth (I do it every time I am there) and our waiter walked by and asked if we were from Boston and I said I was, so he chanted, "Let's go, Red Sox!" It was great. I wanted the waiter to bring a piece of cake over for Tiff, but I knew that she would know what I was asking him if I had gone over to him. So, when he came past our table, I motioned for him to lean over, and when he did, I said (loud enough for Tiff to hear of course), "Can you bring over a piece of chocolate cake? Don't tell her though. It's going to be a surprise." He informed me that she could probably hear me, but I told him that I don't think that was true. Then I said, "Oh, and this conversation? Never happened." He ended up coming over with a female waitress with a piece of white cake with some chocolate filling. They started singing to her and I whispered "Tiffany" before they got to the *insert name here* part to prevent an awkward silence. After Dougie's, we took the subway uptown and stayed there for a while. Overall, it was a great night.

Today was not so bad. I forgot to put my alarm on, so I woke up with my roomate's alarm at 10:10. Class starts at 10:30. I got there 5 minutes late. I was pretty impressed with myself. After that, I went back to my dorm and ended up chilling with Tiffany. At 3:30, I saw Rivki who is here for a little bit before going back to Israel and who I probably won't see again for a pretty long while since I don't think I will be going to Israel anytime soon *phew*.

Tonight, I got a phone call from someone in Israel and it HAD A POINT! (Not to worry, Yentel Shaindel.) After that, Tiff and I went to get dinner. Now, I am putting some video clips of my chin movie on a website. I will post the link soon.
I just spoke to my mother and she told me that her boss (that I work for when I am home and in the summer) had 2 of my friends call her and ask for jobs in the school because they have a month off. So, she asked my mother if I have a month off because she would take me before then. I told my mother that I wouldn't be able to work until January (and it's not a long vacation), so she should definitely take my friends. I can't wait to go home and work in the school. I love it there.

Tiff and I might go uptown after 10. I am not sure though. I have to do some Hebrew work tonight. School gets in the way of EVERYTHING! Man, oh man. Good night.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Legally Exhausted

What a weekend. It was challenging at the beginning with 3 advisors not coming last minute (stupid van rental place) and kids acting up, but the end was good. The kids warmed up to the fact that the advisors weren't only disciplinarians but were actually normal people. I had a good time, but I am exhausted. As the advisor who drove me to Connecticut after the Shabbaton said, "You definitely win for the most travel time." That is true. From New York to Boston to Canaan (in a storm), to Connecticut then back to New York= 12.5 hours. That's a lot, comparatively speaking. Maybe I should be going to school in Boston. I hate not going back after Shabbatons. The next Shabbaton is in CT, so it will be a bit easier, but the school in Boston thing would be cool. It's a definite possibility at this point.

I have recently joined a facebook group called "YU Makes Me Miserable". The description is perfect. When you come back on Sunday and you just can't wait untill Thursday night; but for whatever reason, you won't switch out. How true it is. I wonder if I will actually switch. Probably not, but who knows? Not me.

This is too wishy-washy and negative. I will start being more positive soon. Probably this summer. Yeah...summer. Wait. Not summer. I'll be in summer school. Maybe. Man, I wish I knew what I was doing. I am going to stop now.

(I am disappointed with your suggestions of a title. Mostly because you haven't suggested anything!)

A Laffy Taffy joke from the weekend:

Q: Why don't lobsters share?

A: Because they're shellfish.

There was another line I was thinking of, but it had to do with me and my brother and talking about lavatorial functions... If you really want to know what it was, let me know.

Friday, December 09, 2005


It's snowing! A lot. I hope the travelling won't be too bad. Oh boy.
Have a good Shabbos everyone!

Thursday, December 08, 2005


I passed the bio test. This test score was a 20 point increase from the midterm. He wrote "good improvement" on my answer sheet. Not bad.
I came back to the room to nap, but I realized that a nap would make me more tired than I am now. Sigh...
I'm heading home after school today. Just a few more hours. I can get through this...

Thank you, Devora!

Last night (or shall I say this morning), I was up until 4am packing. I don't know why it took so long, but it only goes to show that I really do procrastinate about everything. I set my alarm to get up a bit earlier that usual so I could take a shower, but I forgot to turn it on. Devora called me at around 9:15 and if not for her, I would not have been up for class (and I wouldn't have been able to take a shower, so I guess a lot of people should be thankful to her). Some of you may be thinking, why wouldn't Erica have woken her up? Well, because she has class at 9 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I am on my own.

Anyway, last night I went to the West Side to get marshmallows, then Deborah and I did our Dougie's thing. After that I came back here and got Tiffany's card ready and went up to her room to give it to her. I put a certificate for a dinner for two inside it. It will be fun. I ended up staying in her room until after 1am. I came back up here, bummed arounnd, then started packing. I don't know why it took so long, but it did. Wow, I'm tired.

I am hoping that we will get our bio tests back today. That's another reason to be grateful to the LOML. I am trying not to be too confident, so I am hoping for a 65ish. We'll see. Must go get ready for school.

Untitled Section (where are the suggestions, people?)

I was at this casino, minding my own business, and this guy came up to me and said, "You're gonna have to move. You're blocking a fire exit." As though if there was a fire, I wasn't gonna run. If you're flammable and have legs , you are never blocking a fire exit.
(Mitch Hedberg)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My Wall

Here's the picture you've all been waiting for! Okay, so maybe not all of you, and maybe you weren't all waiting, but here it is anyway.

2 Class Day

We don't have macroeconomics this week, so we only have 2 classes today. Sweet. I woke up 15 minutes before class. I had set my alarm, then told myself that I'll get up in 10 more minutes, but those 10 minutes turned into a half hour. If not for Erica calling my name, I would have slept until around tomorrow afternoon. Thanks, Princess!

After class, me, Erica, Elana, my partner Miriam (LAB partner), her sister Sarah, Rachel and Debra (I just met them today) had lunch together. Miriam and I made plans to watch Passions today. At dinner last night, we were talking about what a bad show it is and how slow it goes. I can't wait to watch it with her. Haha.

Last night, I went uptown to get marshmallows, but they didn't have any. I am planning to go to Key Foods tonight with hopes that they might have some. I need them for the Shabbaton. There's a fireplace in the main room and last time we roasted marshmallows over it. Wish me luck on my search!
I know that some of you were not too thrilled when I stopped posting the Joke/Quote of the Day, so I am starting something new. (You need to come up with suggestions for a name of this.) During the day, I hear funny things from people either electronically or personally. I will share them with you as often as I can.

Intro: Last night, Amy G and I were talking online talking about YU and stuff...

ME: Don't worry, we'll find you someone.
AMY: Is that a threat?

Here's a bonus one since it's the first day:

Intro: Last night, my lab partner and I were sitting in Le Bistro (fancy name for the SY SYMS caf) and she was talking about the "Mavs" (she's from Dallas).

MIRIAM: Do you even know what the "Mavs" are?
ME: Yeah, they're a basketball team. I'm not stupid.
MIRIAM: Debatable.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

So, last night, we never finished studying. I made the coolest wall decoration thanks to Erica's advice (picture coming soon) until around 2:30am, then I went to sleep at around 3am. I woke up a half hour early than usual to look over my bio notes. I think I did a lot better than I did on the midterm. We shall see.

I can't wait for this week to be over. I miss my parents.

That's the extent of my brain power right now.


Monday, December 05, 2005

Procrastinating is my best skill.

So...Esther and I started studying for bio at around 9. We were supposed to start at 8, but Amy G called me and informed me that there was an NCSY conference call at 8. Rabbi had sent out an e-mail, but I didn't get to it yet. Thanks, Ames! The call was over at around 9, then I met up with Esther. We went over the two practice tests, then we decided to take a break. I went to the computers and she went to work out. I know, I know. I should have gone, too. Oh well. When she's done, we are going to look over all the material one more time. It should be fun.

I am going to see Zehava tomorrow! I can't wait! My phone was on vibrate while I was studying, so I missed both her calls. Oh, well.

I can't wait to go home. I spoke to my mother on the phone last night about how the rabbi of my seminary has not gotten back to me about my credits. My mother said she is going to get his number and call him. We then had a discussion about whether or not it would be wise for me to switch schools. It might make sense in some areas, but I don't think I can be in a co-ed environment. It is something to think about, but I don't think it will happen. I can't stand what YU does to savings accounts. They tell me that I need 40 more credits to graduate, but 50 more on campus. In order to fix that, I would need to take a lot of summer school. How much is summer school, you ask? $600 A CREDIT! As my mother said last night, "That's robbery!"
That's pretty much what it is. I really don't know what to do...

Time to go surfing through other types of procrastination (ie other websites).

Good night!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Another weekend...gone

Last night, we ended up staying in my room. It was really cold out and we didn't want to eat or spend money, so that didn't leave us much to do in this city. So, the girls made a poster for my room and we made funny videos on my digital camera. Really funny videos! I had such a great time with them and I can't wait to hang out with them again soon!

Today, Perica and I went shopping with Allison. Perica got clothes! Congrats, Princess! Tonight, I am going to start studying for bio. There is a test on Tuesday and nothing is stuck in my head. It's a multiple choice test, so that should help me a little bit. We'll see.

I totally forgot to write about my fieldwork on Friday morning! Erica and I went to PS41 and got there about a half hour early. To make a long story short, I had a great time in the 3rd grade classroom I was assigned to. They call the teacher by her first name, which is a little strange, but whatever floats their boat. I think they do that in every class. I took crazy notes the whole time and had a chance to read some of the books they had in the room, and I think I may have found one to read in my Language and Literacy class. There was a freshman from NYU observing, too. The only thing that I didn't like too much was that I didn't really do anything with the kids. It is, however, completely understandable because she was told that I was there to observe, not help out. One of the kids had come over to me early in the day and said, "Who are you?" I said, "I'm Hinda." She said, "Oh, cool." I asked her what her name was and she told me that it's Sammy. Then I heard her go over to a few kids and say, "Her name is Hinda." It was really cute. Even though I had a good time (even though I was really nervous about it), I still miss fieldwork at Ramaz! I am going back to PS41 on December 16. Then I am done.

I have to go get my laundry out of the dryer unless someone already took it out and threw it somewhere.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


I ended up going to Brooklyn for Shabbos. My friends, Hasadya and Dina live in a basement apartment and I went there. It was a really nice Shabbos. On Friday night, we ate at our friend's house. When we were shana alef, she was shana bet and when I was shana bet, she was a madricha. Her family is awesome. They have an open house. It's really amazing to see. On Shabbos day, we went to Rachel's parents house. Rachel is our friend from seminary who got married and she came for lunch with her husband. It was really nice. Then we went back to the apartment and had seuda shelishit together. It was a really nice Shabbos. After hearing havdala, we got on a train back to the city. I wanted to take them to Ushpizin, but the next showing is at 10 and that would get them back to Brooklyn too late. Oh, well.
I'm going to go continue to think of things to do. I have a feeling we are going to be staying here. Ha.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I had to stay up until 3am, but it was semi-worth it. I need to add a few more details, but you get the idea!