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Wednesday, November 30, 2005


The dinner last night was definitely memorable. Not the most positive memory, but a memory nonetheless. There was no need for me to make a decision about going to the wax museum, because the dinner ran too late. Saved me money. I ended up paying $17.50 for a cup of soup. The soup itself was $6.50, but everyone had to pay $11 to pay for Adina's stuff. No hard feelings. She knew I was there for her even though I didn't enjoy myself, so it was all good.

Amy and I walked back to my dorm in the rain. We stopped and looked at the windows of Macy's. Not as impressive as the ones at Lord and Taylor's, but they were still pretty cool. Speaking of Lord and Taylor's, Tiffany said she is going to take me shopping tomorrow and take me to the person who usually does her makeup. Tiffany and I have a ice skating and pizza date tomorrow. Okay, so the rest of the junior class is going to be around, but it will be fun anyway! I can't wait to hang with her. I MISS MY TIFFANY TIME! She better not ditch me.

I was having dinner with Dena and she asked me what I was doing for Shabbos. I realized that I had no idea, so she suggested that I call my cousin in Queens. I did and she said I can totally come but I would have to sleep at the neighbor's house because her 5-year-old nephew was sleeping over. I said it would be fine, but I don't know if I want to go anymore. I want to ask Devora. We'll see. I can't wait until next weekend. I MISS NCSY!

I have been chilling out in my room for a couple of hours. I hope I don't have anything due tomorrow. I was going to go to the Film Festival thing tonight, but Amy couldn't go and I didn't know of anyone else that was going. I'm glad I didn't go. I like this chilling out thing.

I started my procrastination sweatshirt! I was going to call the club "Procrastination Nation", but I am calling it "Procrastination University" instead. The letters on the front are PU! CLASSIC! I will post pictures when it's done! I am so excited! I want to wear it tomorrow.

Wow, I can't believe it's 8:00 already. I should find something to do. I'll work on my sweatshirt. Hehe.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

All Psyched Out

I just took my psych test. I defintely did better than the last one. Yes, I passed the last one. There was a lot of multiple choice, so that was really good. Then there were two short answers which required memorization of stuff that I didn't do, so I wrote a few of the things and I hope to get partial credit. Then there was an essay which I am pretty sure I did okay on. She posted the grades of the last test online, so she will probably do that again. Suspense.

In other news, the party for Adina last night was nice. Amy and I left right after each other. Tonight, there is a goodbye dinner for her. I was supposed to have lunch with her on Wednesday then take her to the bus that would take her to the airport, but her brother and sister-in-law had a baby boy yesterday (MAZEL TOV!), so she isn't leaving until after the bris on Monday. I asked her if she is having goodbye parties every night until then. Who knows? After dinner tonight, the group is going to the wax museum. I wasn't going to go because it's expensive, but I am having second thoughts. I could get some really good pictures if I go. There's something to think about. I hope to do my Hebrew work after school so I won't have to worry about it later. We'll see how that goes.

I have math in about 40 minutes. The funny thing about that class is that I always look at the clock at the same times every week. 2:00, 2:20, 2:30 then every five minutes after that. Stop's not that funny. Really.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Back Again

I got up at 5am and we left the house at a little bit before 6. We got to New Haven at around 8:10. I got to hold the baby before the bris. His name is Yehoshua after my paternal grandfather. I have three other cousins named Yehoshua, but they are all in Israel, so this is the first American one.

My mother wanted me to come home again this weekend. I told her I would and I invited other people to come with me. Then I realized that I have my first fieldwork this Friday, and you all know what I went through to get that. I am going home next Thursday night for a 9th grade Shabbaton. I am so excited!

I came uptown tonight to chill with Adina and Amy. We went out to eat, then I went to Adina's house to look through some clothes. While I was there, I was talking to Darisa online, and she told me she was at Devora's, so I came up here. When I was talking to Darisa, Devora wasn't home from the airport yet, but she was here when I got here. I missed them! Okay, so it's only been a week, BUT WE ARE GIRLS! You know how it is.

I'll probably head back soon. I'm kind of tired.

That's it.

I need to get up soon...

I don't really know why I am awake. I am playing around with the pictures I have saved on the computer. Nothing too productive, don't worry.

I got to go to Target tonight! It was so exciting! If there was a Target in NYC, I would definitely be broke. Well, broker than I am now, anyway. I actually got clothes during tonight's spree. It felt nice to fit into clothes.

On the way back from Target, my mom, little brother and I, went to the pizza shop to pick up dinner. While we were on the way over there, my Deborah called and told me she was coming to the pizza place in about an hour. So, we picked up the pizza, went home, then Yitz and I went back to the pizza shop and hung out with Deborah, Adam and Rivki (the latter two just got engaged to each other). After pizza, we went to JP Licks and Deborah made friends with the guy behind the counter. They became even better friends when she found out that he knows Mitch Hedberg! If you don't know who that is, talk to me later...I'll introduce you.

I should probably head to bed now. I have to get up soon (as mentioned above).

Good night!

Friday, November 25, 2005

Hey, Darisa! I GOT A COAT!!! (well, sort of)

So...I was in the kitchen and my mother asked me when I was going to take off my dark nail polish. Yes, I was wearing dark nail polish. Not crazy dark or anything. It was a really nice maroon.

Anyway, I went upstairs and took it off. When I came back down, my mother was looking towards my hands, so I lifted them up and showed her my nail-colored (though slightly red-tinted) nails. She was so happy. As she was hugging me ("You listened so nicely!"), my father walked into the house and asked what happened. Since my back was turned to him, I held up one polish-free hand and he said, "Oh".

Then, my mother told me that she was going to take me out to buy me a new color. I told her all I wanted was a coat. My father said, "Are you crazy? Do you know what the malls look like today?" So, I told them that I saw the coat I wanted online. Then they both said together, "SO BUY IT!" After talking about where I would get it delivered (I'm getting it delivered at home, since I will be home in 2 weeks) I went online and bought my coat! I am so excited! The only thing is...

This was no accident. She had lent me her coat last Shabbos (she has a Shabbos coat) and I really really liked it. I had called her before I ordered it to ask her if she would mind (and to ask what size it was) and she said no. Thanks, Princess! We already have the same schedules (well, close enough), the same room, and the same of a lot of other stuff. What's one more thing? :)


My new neighbor is so cute, bli ayin hara! I got to hold him last night. He was in his seat on the table and I looked at him for a while, then I told his mother that I couldn't let him sit there anymore, and I got to hold him! He is so tiny. I wanted to teach him how to say my name, but he was sleeping. Maybe tomorrow. Tonight is the shalom zachar (a partaaay the Friday night after a baby boy is born) and I made 2 cake plates. They're nice looking if I can say so myself...and I can.

I haven't gone out to get a coat, yet. I wish I had driving insurance while I was home. I just got my new license in the mail since my other one was in my wallet which is no longer with me. The new one is so much cooler looking than the old one! I am going to have to get another one in the summer. I'll be able to get a horizontal one! I can NOT believe I am going to be 21. Whoa. Bartenura, here I come! :)

Have a great Shabbos! I probably won't be updating again until Sunday night or Monday, unless something noteworthy happens on Shabbos.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving in Boston

I got home at around 12:45pm. My mother had told me yesterday that we are having Thanksgiving lunch at my house with a few relatives. We usually go to Pawtucket every year, but this year my aunt and uncle are in New Haven with my new baby cousin! Our whole family usually gets together because my grandfather's birthday was right around Thanksgiving time.

Last night, I ended up going to my Deborah's dorm. When I got to the subway station, I realized that I forgot my phone (this has become a common occurrence). I didn't want to go back, so I went to the UWS anyway. I got there and tried calling Deborah collect from a payphone, which you can't do. Then, out of sheer desperation, I called my house collect to ask them to call her. During the collect call, there was a beep and I didn't realize that I had to say my name again, so the operator told me that my party did not accept the charges. Oh, well. She was polite, so it was okay. I decided to walk over to the dorms anyway. It was cold and I was getting pretty nervous. I was crossing the street and saw a girl I knew from NCSY, but I am not friends with her. Then, I was just standing on the corner when I saw my friend Allison on the next corner. I couldn't believe it. Thank you, Hashem! When she crossed over, I gave her a huge hug and told her what had happened. She thought it was pretty cool, too. She signed me in and took me up to her floor, which happens to be Deborah's, too. Feb was pretty surprised to see me at her door.

When I was there, she made me another CD and we hung out. Her friend, Flo, came up, too. A little while before I left, we saw the floats for the Thanksgiving Parade being pulled down the street outside of Deborah's window. It was pretty cool.

This morning, after telling myself all night about how paranoid I felt about sleeping through my alarm, I woke up on time. I left my dorm at 7:30am and walked to the bus station. The streets were mostly blocked off for the parade, so I wouldn't have wanted to take a cab anyway. I got there at around 7:50, got my ticket, then went to wait at the gate. When I was talking towards the gate, I saw a huge (and I mean all the way down the corridor huge) line. Thank G-d it wasn't the line to my gate. I ended up getting on the 8:30 instead of the 9. Nice. I sat next to a girl I recognized from school. There were 4 other Stern girls on the bus. The ride went by pretty quickly.

We had Thanksgiving lunch. It was nice. Now, my father, brothers and 2 cousins are playing football in the street. My cousin said I should play since they need 6 people, but I told him that I can't because I just did my nails. (No, I am not serious.)

I am waiting for my neighbor to get home so I can see the new baby! I am so excited! I hope she calls me to come over and unwrap the baby.

We are leaving to New Haven at around 5:30am on Sunday morning. Woohoo! I hope Dunkin Donuts will be open then.

That's all the spewing I have for now. Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Here's another blog post ;)

I had two classes today. First I had Hebrew, which is always a funny class, then we had a 4 hour break and had Language and Literacy. Adina B. came to hang out during the break. We had lunch in Le Bistro (sounds like a cool place, but it's really the SY SYMS caf) then hung out in my room. She is moving to Memphis next week. Crazy. She'll be back to visit a lot, so I am not really saying goodbye to her. I hate doing that.

Erica and I went to Brooklyn last night. We hung out with our friend Rachel. It was great. When we were on the way to the train to get there, I realized that I forgot my phone. Erica assured me that I don't really need it, so we continued on our way. When we were in Brooklyn, I used Erica's phone to check my voicemail, and my 8-year-old neighbor left me a message telling me that her mother had a baby boy! YAY! I had told them to call me and they did! I was so happy! I love my next door neighbors. They are my second family. I was a bit upset to not be able to go to the bris, but my mother reminded me that I will be home to unwrap the baby when he gets home from the hospital. I have done that for the last 3 kids in that family, so I am really excited to be able to do it again! I can't wait to meet my new baby "brother"!

I am going home tomorrow morning. I am excited. We have to go to New Haven for my cousin's bris on Sunday morning (EARLY Sunday morning), and I am excited about that! B"H, there is a LOT to be excited about!

I'll probably end up posting later tonight, since I have no plans. Maybe someone will help me come up with some.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Your Birthdate: July 14

You work well with others. That is, you're good at getting them to do work for you.
It's true that you get by on your charm. But so what? You make people happy!
You're dynamic, clever, and funny. And people like to have you around.
But you're so restless, they better not expect you to stay around for long.

Your strength: Your superstar charisma

Your weakness: Commitment means nothing to you

Your power color: Fuchsia

Your power symbol: Diamond

Your power month: May


In case you couldn't figure it out from the title of this post, I did not get a coat last night. I wanted to get the same one that Erica lent me over the weekend, but they only had one and it wasn't in my size. I am hoping to get one on Friday when I am home. We'll see.

Last night, my Deborah and I went to Dougie's for dinner after Burlington Coat Factory. It was pouring rain, so it was a real adventure. I love going out with Deborah. She makes me feel a lot more comfortable with being myself. We had a great time coloring on the table-paper and making friends with our waiter. There was a couple across from us, and the woman was drawing her date. He asked us if the picture looked like him. Then he told us about his a capella group, six13. We checked out the site. Not so bad.

After Dougie's, we went to Barnes and Noble. I finally got "The Jester Has Lost His Jingle" by David Saltzman. I wrote about it in my post on September 24th. It is one of the best children's books I have ever read. I recommend it. It is worth the price. I can get you 20% off with my educator's card. :) I also bought "The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Fairy Tales." Deborah said it is one of her favorite books. I looked at it and thought it was really funny, so, naturally, I bought it. It has stories in it called, "The Boy Who Cried Cow Patty", "Little Red Running Shorts", "Cinderumpelstiltskin" and others. I am going to read it on the bus ride home. Our literacy teacher wants us each to read their favorite children's book to the class. I am reading one sometime in December. If anyone has a book they would recommend, I would appreciate hearing about it. Thanks! After Barnes and Noble, we went back to Deborah's dorm. She made me a CD and I headed back to midtown at around midnight. I made sure to put on my "don't-mess-with-me" face.

Today after school, I am going to hang out with Mrs. G. My married friend. Yup, married friend. Erica and I are going to hang out with her while she drives someone around, then we are going to her apartment to look at her wedding pictures. She said that I was in a lot of pictures with my Red Sox shtick. (She is a big Yankees fan.)

We are getting our math midterms back today. I am pretty nervous about it. Okay, REALLY nervous about it. But, I am sure this teacher has seen worse than whatever I did. It's a really tough class and she knows it. I got a B+ on my bio lab test. I was okay with it even though I had thought I did better than that. It will bring up my biology average.

Okay. Bye-bye.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Another weekend...gone.

Devora, Amy G. and I konked out in Devora's living room at around 4:30am. At around 10am, I opened my eyes and no one else was in the room. I was pretty confused, so I lay back on the couch and went back to sleep. I woke up again at 11:10, then finally got up at 12:15. Amy and I lazed around for a while, then Devora finished doing her laundry and she and I went to Key Foods. She wanted macaroni and cheese and lucky for her, it was on sale! I got some food for the dorm and we went back to her apartment. I was going to take the 3:30 shuttle back, but I ended up taking the 4:00 so I could have lunch with my girls. It was fun.

When I got back to school, Erica and I headed to the caf because she hadn't eaten all day. However, there was no real dinner going on. There was an open house during the day so there were a few tables of free food. I wasn't really in the mood for what was on the tables (wraps, salad, cold falafel), but I ate some anyway. Hehe.

After that, we went back to get ready for the engagement party. It was quite an experience. After we finally found out which door to go into, I was ready to leave. I have been to a lot of friend weddings thank G-d, but not too many engagement parties. They are a lot more awkward. ESPECIALLY when they are in Boro Park. Eventually, a lot of my other friends from seminary showed up, so I felt a lot better. I got a ride back with my Adina and Tzivi and Erica went with Esther. Overall, it was a very interesting experience.

My cousin who had a baby called me today before class! I was planning to call her tonight, but it was so nice to hear from her! She called to invite me for Shabbos, but I told her that I am going home. I can't wait to see her! I got my Hebrew midterm back. I got a 90. I was really happy! I think she said that you can add 10% if you did well, but I am not clear on that. Either way, I'm happy. I think I am also getting my bio lab midterm back. I am pretty sure that I did well on that, too.

Today, after school, Deborah and I are going to Burlington Coat Factory so I could get a coat! Finally! Hopefully, Devora will come into the city, too. We'll see.

I hope you're all having a good day!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Happy Sunday

Shabbos was really nice and relaxing. Tonight, we had a girl's night out at the movies. We went to see Harry Potter. It was a good movie, but why did Cedric have to die? Why did he have to break Devora's heart like that? I tried explaining that he didn't really die in real life, but I was crying too much, so it was hard to get the words out. Yes, I cried while watching Harry Potter. Don't mess with me.

After the movie, five of us went to eat at Golan Heights. I got a hot dog laffa that wanted to fall apart, so I helped it out with plasticware. There are some funny videos from that. Now, me, Amy G and Devora are chilling. Yes, I know it's late, but what can I do?

My cousin, Kayla, had a baby boy this morning! Mazel Tov! Woohoo! My mother called to tell me and asked me what I am doing this weekend. I now have plans. I am going home! Yay!

The fieldwork situation is all figured out. I told the teacher that I can be in town on the 16th, so he e-mailed the woman at PS 41 and told her that I will be coming on December 2nd and 16th. B"H, I am all set with that and I don't have to miss Shaker Mill part 2! Yay!

Tomorrow night is a girl from seminary's engagement party in Boro Park. It should be interesting. I hope to be able to hang out with Erica before we head over there. I love that girl so much.

That's all I have for now. I hope that something worthwhile happens in my life sometime soon so I can spice up my blog. It's been pretty blah apologies.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!'s almost 4am. Ha.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Fieldwork Fretting

I spoke to my education teacher after class yesterday. I told him that I made a commitment and I can't back out of it. Debra thinks I should skip the NCSY stuff, but Perica said I made a commitment and need to stick with it. I like Perica's view more. I told the professor that I really don't know what to do. He asked me why I didn't do fieldwork while I was home and I told him it's because I was substituting for Hebrew subjects. To this he answered, "Well, you didn't have to substitute, did you?" Well, the woman who runs the school has known me since before I was born (ok, so it doesn't make with it) and if she needs me to help her out, I am there in a second. No, I didn't have to substitute, but it a way, I kind of did.

The one thing that drives me crazy is the fact that I always think of things to say after the conversation is over. I was talking to Perica about it and she said that the teacher had told us before vacation that he will be able to place us in a school that is right near Stern, so we could run to class when it's over. I guess that never worked out but I didn't think to say it while I was talking to the teacher. ARGH! He needs us all to have done 12 hours before the end of the semester which is near the end of December. I told him that I could skip class, but he said he wouldn't feel comfortable with that. Well, I wouldn't feel comfortable with an F in my education class which is supposed to be my favorite class! Sigh...I wish I could just do fieldwork in Ramaz again. I loved it there. Oh, well. I sent the teacher an e-mail apologizing for the misunderstanding. What else can I do? I can't do fieldwork during January vacation, because that would be too late. I hope something comes up. I don't know what, but something...anything.

Last night, Debra and I went shopping. It was raining, but other than that, it was so nice out! She was looking for a jean skirt and we found one. If you ever need anything, you shop with me and you'll find it! Last night was not the first time it happened! *pat on the back* After she bought the skirt, she had to go, so I hung around the store. When I was done looking at stuff, I went outside and it was pouring! I didn't have an umbrella, so I had a refreshing shower. It felt great, especially since I haven't showered for a month. (Just wanted to make sure you were still paying attention.) On the way back, I stopped at Walgreen's for a while. I had no real reason to go, but why pass it up? Today after school, Debra and I are going shopping again. After we're done, we're going to head up to Devora's. I can't wait to see her! I also can't wait for Shabbos. I REALLY NEED IT!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

It's OVER and the end was great

MIDTERMS ARE OVER! *insert incessant cheering here*

The math midterm wasn't so hard, but I don't know how I did. I had a study group last night, but nothing sunk into my head. I studied a bit in the morning, then took the test. We'll see what happens.

Tonight, after Erica and I grabbed dinner in the caf, we took the train to Union Square and walked a few blocks to a small theater where we saw Ushpizin. It was, without a doubt, the best movie I have ever seen. I am not kidding. I was floored by the power of the movie. If anyone wants to see it, I will see it again. Over and over and over. It was all in Hebrew, which was awesome. Don't worry, there were subtitles. I laughed and I cried and cried. It was unbelievably powerful. Whoa. Please go and see it. You will not regret it.

I have an education assignment that's due tomorrow. That's right...I'm procrastinating again. The teacher is supposed to assign me to fieldwork in a public school in the Village on Friday mornings. The only problem is, I won't be in town on the 9th and 16th. I told him this and he told me that that is a slight problem because that only leaves him with December 2nd. We only need to go 4 times for 3 hours each, but we have to do it before a certain time because we have to write an assignment about it. Great. I'm discussing it with him tomorrow.

That's all I have for now. The point of this post is...


Monday, November 14, 2005

Another Day of Midterms

The Shabbaton was amazing. I love the NCSYers. There were 32 of them and we were in a small place, so we all got to know each other. I didn't end up doing my icebreaker, but I'm okay with that. My brother had a great time too. On Saturday night we went bowling. I went in the "party van." At least that's what the driver dubbed it. The bowling alley was pretty far from Yehupitzville. We went to the wrong one at first. The one we needed to go to was a block back. We had a great time. We got a bit lost on the way back, but it was still crazy fun. The end of Shabbatons still have their depressing effect on me. Especially knowing that I had 2 midterms the next day. I got a ride back to NY with the Schwartz family. We got back pretty quickly.

Princess Perica called me when I was still in the car and told me that she didn't feel like studying. She wanted to procrastinate. She definitely called the right person. Ha!

I got back to the dorm and we procrastinated together. Our friend, Adi, called us amidst our procrastination and told us that she was in the city with her sister. We walked over to Kosher Delight and it was really crowded, so we took them to Mendy's. It was great to hang out with her.

Our Rabbi from seminary is in New York for a few days and Adi told us that she is planning a get together in the Five Towns tonight at 6:30. The Princess and I can't go because we have an insane math midterm tomorrow. I am so nervous. There is a review session tonight and I really hope it helps me out. I just keep thinking... After tomorrow, it's over. It helps to some degree. Perica and I want to have a party after the test tomorrow. We want to see Ushpizin. Everyone I know who has seen it said that it is amazing. It would be awesome to see it! That should get me through the day!

I took my Hebrew midterm and I think I did really well on it. I was hoping that I would do well on ONE test. This one might be the one. I got a message from DAC in the middle of the test wishing me luck. helped! I have macro in 20 minutes. He'll probably give our tests back. *insert nail-biting here* After macro, I have my bio lab midterm. She is going to set up different things around the lab that we worked with during our experiments, and we'll have to answer questions about them. It should be interesting. I did not do well on bio, but he said that the grade on the final counts for more, so I still have a chance.

I can't wait until this is all over, then my blog won't have to be full of all this.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Karduner, Krash-Studying, and Kerplopping

Last night, I went to the Karduner concert with Arona. It was so amazing! He is such a holy person. After that, I took the local back to YU and met Debra in the library. I am not sure exactly why, it could have been an overload of stress, but I had a very hard time studying. I wanted to study for macroeconomics which is one of the few classes that I take mad notes in, but when I started reading over my notes, it was not sticking in my head. A few minutes after I got there, Debra wanted to go into the YU caf store to get something to drink, but I hate going in there without male company (which was once), so we went to Golan instead and I ate dinner at 12am. Great.

After we were done, we went back to the library for a while, and left to wait for the 1:15am shuttle. A 10 passenger YU van ended up taking us because something happened with the regular shuttle. I was so miserable that I didn't get anything done.

I took my two midterms and I have no idea how I did. I studied some education, but the "some" that I studied was not really what he focused on. I was pretty confident with some of it. I don't know. Macro was all multiple choice/true or false, so I think I did okay.

Now I am ready to crash in bed. I am so tired. I am extremely ready to go home tomorrow night. I have to pack and get my parents to buy me a ticket, but I need a hug from my mommy. Sigh... I think Devora is coming down here after work to go shopping a little bit, so I will be able to get a hug from her too. I need ice cream. cream.

I am so excited for the Shabbaton this weekend. NCSY has the same effect on me now that it had on me when I was an NCSYer. I still see Shabbatons as my outlet. I did not like high school and I looked forward to Shabbatons to see my friends and forget about all the stuff that's going on.

I e-mailed the Rabbi and told him that it would be really hard for me to come back to Boston on Sunday, then take a bus back to NY because I have 2 midterms on Monday and I know that I won't study over Shabbos, unless a miracle happens. He told me that someone is driving to NY after the Shabbaton so I should get in touch with them. I did and I am waiting to hear back. I hope it works out!

That's all I have for now. I'm ready to, as reads the title, "kerplop." It starts with a "k", so that's the word I used. Stop asking questions! :)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Another Graduation

I went to the HMS graduation tonight. I can't wait to do UYO. Arona rented a minivan and me, her and Adina began our trek to New Haven a little after 6. We got there at five minutes to 8. It was so inspiring to see how the program inspired people who were younger than me. I knew 2 of the students from NCSY, and I recognized one of them. She caught up with me at the end of the program and asked if I went to Afikei Torah. I said yes and she told me that we were in Rav Orlowek's class together. There was one class in shana bet that we had with Darchei Binah shana bet and she was in the class. She said to me, "Didn't you have the baseball thing?" Allow me to explain. After we won the World Series (I say "we" because I had so much to do with it), Rav Orlowek was taking attendance and he got to my name and yelled, "MAZEL TOV!" I had no idea what Rav Orlowek was talking about until my friend who was sitting next to me leaned over and said, "Baseball." To which I responded, "OH! Thank you!" It was really funny. Rav Orlowek is a mashgiach in a yeshiva, so he has to know this stuff.

Tonight I was informed that I should go home on Thursday night to leave for the Shabbaton from there. My brother is coming. Rabbi Miller wanted him to drive into Stamford, sleep over, then drive the CT kids on Friday morning. Someone else is doing that instead. My brother will be driving one of the three vans leaving from Boston, being the head of the kitchen and being an advisor. I want to go in his van! I'll tell Rabbi Miller. I have to think of an icebreaker for the Shabbaton. I'm going to ask for help with it.

I can't wait for the Yosef Karduner concert tomorrow night. The last time I went to one of his concerts was about 2 years ago. He is such a holy man! I'll probably pull a semi-all nighter to study for my midterms the next day. much to do.

Now I am at Devora's. I love it here. She has couches now! I can't wait for another Shabbos here in 2 weeks! Yay!

Good night!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

A Great Weekend!

I had such a great weekend. I wasn't so worried about anything. My cousins are so awesome. Their baby is adorable Bli Ayin Hara. My brother came in for the weekend. On Saturday night, me, my cousin and my brother went out for pizza. My cousin's roomate was there with a bunch of people that ate over at their house from the Hillel. After we ate, we stood outside for what seemed like forever, trying to figure out what to do. The other people decided to rent movies and watch them in one of the girl's apartment. I was very much not in the mood to sit and watch movies, so me, my brother, my cousin and my new friend Dorit drove into the city and had lots of fun. I LOVE MY FAMILY!

Today, I got up early-ish and cleaned my room. I's so not like me! Don't worry, it's a mess again anyway. I started doing some work, then decided to come to the computer lab. I really want a laptop. Sigh...

I have two midterms on Wednesday, one on Monday and one on Tuesday. I want to go to a Yosef Karduner concert in the Heights on Tuesday night. I might just do that. Devora told me to go to the HMS graduation on Monday night. Arona is renting a car and I should go with her. I might just do that, too. I'll find time to study. My roomate from seminary who is in NY for a few days called me this morning because she is doing something at the marathon for her work (I am not exactly sure what it is). I am not sure exactly what it is. She tried telling me where she was going to be, but knowing myself, I knew I would get lost. She told me that she is coming back to the city on Wednesday night to have dinner, then she is free, so we decided to meet up on Wednesday night.

That's all the rambling I have for now. Well, it's probably not all the rambling I could think of, but I think it's enough to last you a while.

Have a great day!

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Amy, once again, has made my day. On my way back to school, I called her to see where she was, since I knew that we get out at the same time on Thursdays. She didn't answer the phone. Then, Erica and I saw our friend's sister outside of the dorm so we were talking to her, then I saw that I had a voicemail from Amy. I called her back and she told me that she left me a message yelling at me because she saw me on the street. The she said that she could see me. I found her walking down the street. She was hungry, so we went into the pizza place next door.

WARNING! Here comes another absent-minded story:

When we went into the pizza place and I told Amy that I was treating, since I owe her money. (Of course, the money that I had with me was borrowed from someone else) So, I pulled the money out of my bag and was looking at the pizza slices that they had available. Next thing I know, I have no idea where the money is. I looked on the floor, in my pockets and in my bag. No idea where it is. INSANITY I TELL YOU!

Amy kept telling me that I was really out of it. I think I am really stressed out. I don't know. I think I need out of school. She wanted to cheer me up, so she told me that she would treat me to a manicure. I told her that she could treat me, but I would pay her back. So, Amy treated me to my first dark-colored nail polish manicure. I feel so powerful now. Ha!

I wanted to go to the concert with Ohel at YU tonight, but no one wanted to go with me. Eh, it's okay. Now I am in the computer lab AGAIN doing nothing in particular.

My mother called me a few minutes ago and told me that my brother is coming to NY for Shabbos! He didn't tell my cousin (the brother of the one I am going to for Shabbos) he's coming because he wants to surprise him. Awww. My mom asked me if she could send anything with him and I said, "Money, please." I feel so helpless without it. I hate the feeling. I also hate money, but you need what you need, you know?
I am so glad that Thursday is over. Another week that I can say "I SURVIVED!"

Good night!

"A Woman's Guess Is More Accurate Than A Man's Certainty" (Rudyard Kipling)

I just finished taking my bio midterm. I guessed a lot of it (hence the title of this post), but I hope I did okay. We'll see what happens.

Last night, I ended up going to Adina's. When I got there, Adina was watching Guess Who with her roomies, so I watched with them. Amy was on the phone in the other room. We all watched the end of the movie together. I went back on the 1:15am shuttle. I was going to go to LOML's house to see her and her new furniture, but I knew she wanted to go to sleep and I didn't want to commit gezel shaina (stealing of sleep).

Tonight, there is a concert at YU with Ohel Bais Ezra. I'm probably going to go.

My roomate from Shana Alef is coming in from England tonight for 5 days. I think we are going to meet up tomorrow morning. I can't wait!

Now I have about a half hour before my next class and I am in the computer lab, which I consider one of Stern's redeeming qualities. I hope everyone is hacing a great day!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Another Day...With No Dollars

Last night, me, Adina, Amy, and two other friends went out to Mendy's for dinner. It was really nice. After that, I went uptown with Debra to study. I actually got stuff done. While I was there, Amy and Adina went to see In Her Shoes. We took the 12:30 shuttle back and I was feeling so sick from dinner. I went to sleep right when I got back. Amy slept over again. I felt better this morning though, B"H.

Tonight, all the education majors have to go to a performance at LCI, the Lincoln Center Institute. It's an institute for aesthetic education. We have workshops in class sometimes. A specialist from the institute comes in and does some kind of interactive workshop with us. Yesterday, we spoke about similarities and differences. We're continuing it next week.

I have a biology midterm tomorrow and I barely know the material. Barely meaning almost nothing. Oh, well. My friend lent me her notes from last year, so that should hopefully help me out. I also want to go to Devora's tonight. I think I am going to go. We'll see.

Have a good day.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I Don't Wanna Go To School, I Don't Wanna Go To School, EEEEEEEEVERYYYYYYYYYYDAY

I just finished bio class. We're having a test on Thursday. It's all multiple choice, so I should be okay-ish. I am going to start Psych class in a minute. I was supposed to hand in articles to write a paper on, but I didn't. I totally forgot. I think there is something wrong with me. I am being so absent-minded. This morning, Amy and I went to the CAF to get breakfast and brought it back to my room. I wanted to make cocoa in my dorm for both of us. So I warmed up water and made it. I left it on the floor to cool off.
At around 10:20, I was ready to leave for class. I was about to walk out the door, when Amy said to me, "Hinda, you forgot your cocoa." Then I realized that I also forgot my jacket. When Amy handed me my jacket, I felt my phone ringing. It was Erica. She asked me to bring her chapstick. I picked it up and when I got to school, I took the elevator to the 7th floor and Erica was in the hallway. I told her that I thought I brought her chapstick, but I guess I put it down somewhere. Then I reached into my jacket pocket and realized that I forgot my phone too.
Now, the psych teacher is asking for our articles. She said, "Unless you have spoken to me, I want to see your three articles." Oh, boy. I really miss preschool.